文华东方设计 发表于 2016-3-8 15:20


本帖最后由 文华东方设计 于 2022-10-15 12:28 编辑

音乐的魔力,足以使一个人对未能感觉的事有所感觉,对理解不了的事有所理解,使不可能的事变为可能。——-列夫·托尔斯泰 本案位于珠海愚园,开发商沿着百年的愚园古建院落外部建成美食街,交通方便,环境优美并赋以历史韵味。业主租下一二楼两层的空间,因一层面积小,设计师只结合户外庭院设置了小部分的卡座,而把大部分的空间用于接待和引导客人到二楼上去,因此设计师把门口后退建成斜面的入口迎合客人进入形成一个过渡空间。 并将一二层的部分楼板拆除形成挑空的大堂,在挑空大堂中设置楼梯,客人一进入一楼能看到部分二楼的就餐环境。吸引客人的视线上去探索,挑空部分的吧台作为衔接一二层之间的纽带,也是本案画龙点睛之笔。客人沿着钢结构楼梯顺着吧台拾级而上,感受到工业复古的文艺风扑面而来......二层主要设置卡座,并将部分地面抬高,使空间更有层次。正对面的是大屏幕的液晶电视和舞台,在这里就餐不仅能够品尝到美味佳肴,还能欣赏美妙的音乐和表演,使人流连忘返!
The magic of music is enough to make a person feel something that he does not feel, understand something that he cannot understand, and make the impossible incident possible.——-Leo Tolstoy Located in Yuyuan Garden, Zhuhai. The developer has built a food street along the outside of the century-old ancient Yuyuan courtyard, with convenient transportation, beautiful environment and historical charm.The owner rents the space of the first floor and two floors. Because of the small area, the designer only sets up a small part of the outdoor courtyard, and uses most of the space for reception and guide guests to the entrance of the second floor, so the designer builds the door back into an inclined entrance to cater to the guests to form a transitional space.And part of the floor of the first and second floors will be removed to form an empty lobby, and stairs will be set up in the empty lobby. Guests can see part of the dining environment on the second floor once they enter the first floor.Attract the attention of the guests to explore, pick up the empty part of the bar as a link between the first and second floors, is also the finishing touch of the case.Guests along the steel structure stairs along the bar and step up, feel the industrial retro literary wind blowing on the face...... The second floor is mainly set with seats, and part of the ground is raised to make the space more hierarchical.Directly opposite is the large-screen LCD TV and stage, where you can not only taste the delicious food, but also enjoy the wonderful music and performances, which make people linger!

高雪原 发表于 2016-3-9 18:55

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