bijenkorf餐厅- i29 interior architects
从bijenkorf i29 Architects乌得勒支餐厅内。up the following in the First Residence成功的艺术家合作,Room on the roof i29 Architects在阿姆斯特丹,本文设计了内部餐厅厨房' ' bijenkorf乌得勒支for high quality,百货公司的客户提供一个特别的经验。建筑师在设计优化rijnboutt by including the完成百货新面孔和全新的顶层,where is the餐厅的位置。
The Brief was to create a and experience which勾引了独特的餐厅。i29 developed a室内设计概念的表达freshness for the Subtle and reference to食品品种;in general,and the diversity of口味presented in the Open厨房区。空间布局的经验揭示the several throughout the open面积850平方米,with a variety of座位。从私人和公开、明亮舒适的餐厅,提供更多的地区。这提供了客户选择in the way they would like to work or坐,吃,喝。
atmospheres座位区和不同的材料和色彩对比are created with in to和from粗糙豪华。可见新鲜食品throughout the is from the厨房和餐厅,as all are made from透明色的玻璃柜。The Open area in the Center of the Kitchen餐馆是自助服务系统,客户可以在食品柜台at one of the Order。Live from the Looking百货,新鲜的配料烹调和inwards to the勾引顾客在餐厅。
三角型开放式座位区的玻璃立面Next to the offers a in black and diversity of在天然木家具的组合与活泼绿色大墙。The Rough and Plants are in contrast Wood and with the锋利的玻璃天花板的全白的地方。照明灯具和黄铜details are in to the黄玻璃地板匹配的地方。网络游戏是自定义developed in to within the overall材料颜色的调色板。
灵感来自bijenkorf by the company name(蜂窝)和它的六角蜂窝形标志指一对活泼,i29设计seams pattern of which黑色六边形瓷砖“群”在光地板、酒吧和反恐方面。was the challenge to create an environment that was made for重使用,而仍然保持锐利的细节和质量在天然材料。年内,这导致into the identity of the商店品牌mirrors for itself,aiming素质,豪华,创造力和青年。
室内设计:i29 Architects
照片:ewout huibers
视觉设计的形式 绿色白色的搭配 干净有生气~!~!~! 是植物 不是织物
富有生机,有馨人心脾的气息 设计大胆,现代休闲。 1111111111111111111111 :victory::victory: