全城热恋 发表于 2017-12-14 09:58

漫步桥 (Bridges Glanerbeek) - by NEXT建筑事务所

漫步桥 (Bridges Glanerbeek), Glanerburg,荷兰交通生态化
为了协调Glanerbeek生态区与机动车交通运输之间的矛盾,以可持续发展作为设计的出发点,打造生态交通。漫步桥位于小河之上,依照视觉与生态的需求进行转换。 漫步桥划分为三个独立通道:公交车道、人行道、自行车道。每一条干道对其距离水平面的高度、最大高度、及坡度都进行了严格设计,保证透光性,可为桥下的动植物提供日光供给;行人亦可观赏Glanerbeek美丽景致。在人行道最佳观景处放置了一条长凳,使漫步桥不仅具有传统衔接功能,同时还是相约会面的好地方。 桥梁结构是基于一层薄薄的现浇混凝土桥板至于桥墩之上,桥墩是由金属网架做围挡造型并向内填满未打磨的石头。这有利于植物及野生动植物的栖息生长,实现桥与自然融为一体。 项目名称:漫步桥(Bridges Glanerbeek)开始建造:2007年10月31日地址:Glanerbeek, 荷兰跨度:20 M状态:完成初步设计:2003年2月开始施工:2006年5月结束施工:2007年5月业主:Municipality Enschede设计:NEXT建筑事务所联系人:Michel Schreinemachers地址:Paulvan Vlissingenstraat 2A邮箱:info@nextarchitects.com网址:www.nextarchitects.com设计团队:NEXT architects合作方:H+N+SLandscape architects, Utrecht结构顾问:ABTVelp, Rob Nijsse and Jans Askes建筑顾问:DHVHengelo, lvo Mollink         主要合作方:Spijkerbouw摄影师:NEXT建筑事务所

Toreconcile the rather contradictory aim of transporting motor-vehicle trafficthrough the ecological zone of the Glanerbeek, the continuity of both is takenas a starting point. Above the brook the bridge transforms according to visualand ecological demands. The bridgesplits into three separate lanes-one each for bus, pedestrians and bicycles –and each assigned its individual artery the maximum available height, clearanceand incline. This emphasizes its transparency, providing daylight underneaththe bridge for flora and fauna, as well as a view of the Glanerbeek forpassersby. A bench placed at the most advantageous overlook on the footpathcombines the traditional function of the bridge as a point of transition withthat of a meeting place. Theconstruction is based on a thin in-situ concrete desk, strategically positionedatop a repetition of gabions filled with rough stones. The use of gabionsallows plants and wildlife to inhabit the structure, further integrating thebridge into its natural surroundings. Project:Bridges GlanerbeekStart building:31/10/2007Address:Glanerbeek, The NetherlandsSize/Span:20mStatus:CompletedPreliminarydesign: 02/2003Startbuilding:05/2006Completion: 05/2007Client: Municipality EnschedeArchitect/designer: NEXT architectsContact person: Michel SchreinemachersAddress: Paul van Vlissingenstraat 2AEmail: info@nextarchitects.comWebsite: www.nextarchitects.comTeam: NEXT architectsCollaborator: H+N+S Landscape architects, UtrechtAdvisor construction: ABT Velp, Rob Nijsse and Jans AskesAdvisor building technic: DHV Hengelo, lvo MollinkMain contractor: Spijkerbouw
Photographer(s): NEXT architects





NEXT 建筑事务所 | 在中国“和”而不同NEXT 建筑事务所于 2004落地中国,其团队由荷兰建筑师John van de Water 和国内知名建筑师蒋晓飞主持。NEXT 中国团队凭借得天独厚的中西合璧的文化优势和独具匠心的设计风格,以国际化视野平衡文化、社会、功能、生态、经济的多方需求,在城市规划、商业综合体、办公建筑、酒店、文化建筑、住宅、室内设计、桥梁设计等多方领域打造可持续性建筑。由此,NEXT在中国享有很高的声誉,是在中国发展的外国建筑公司中最具代表性之一。2017年,约翰• 范德沃特和蒋晓飞同被《安邸AD》杂志评选为“中国最具影响力的100位设计师”之一。NEXT的作品曾入选“2016全球最具影响力十大博物馆”以及“2016年世界十大与自然完美结合建筑”

NEXT DESIGN OFFICENEXT architects set up their China office in 2004 with Dutcharchitect John van de Water and Chinese architect Jiang Xiaofei as it’s partners. Together they bring complimentary culturalbackgrounds to the projects they work on. Over the years, they have establisheda strong reputation for creating design that is both innovative and imbued withcultural resonance. In 2017, they were awarded the prestigious ‘Two of the 100most influential designers in China’ by AD Magazine. NEXT’s approach is holistic and described by both partners as‘Cross Cultural Design’. In each assignment, a range of specific conditions -cultural, social, functional, ecological, economical - are from aninternational perspective incorporated in the design process,in order to create site specific and sustainable architecture. NEXT has cultivated a strong name of being one of the more experiencedforeign architectural firms with in-depth China knowledge. NEXT is proud of itsvery diverse portfolio of realized projects, that include urban designs, mixeduse buildings, offices and hotels, cultural buildings, residential complexes,interiors and bridges. Among others, NEXT projects have been awarded among the‘Top Ten Museums that most influential in the World in 2016’ and the ‘Top Ten ArchitectureProjects that best integrated Nature in the World in 2016’ by Designboom”

hyxnote 发表于 2018-9-7 13:56

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