挽风 发表于 2017-12-14 11:17

银河桥(Melkweg bridge)- by NEXT建筑事务所

银河桥(Melkweg大桥),皮尔默伦德,荷兰 连接新旧两个中心城区之间的纽带 Melkweg大桥(荷兰),俗称“银河桥”,横跨Noordhollandsch运河,连接皮尔默伦德市(Purmerend)历史中心区与西南地区不断发展的Weidevenne区。银河桥的建造是运河及其周边地区总体发展规划的第一阶段。 “设计团队旨在打造一个具有特定标志的新区,以作为新旧两个中心城区之间的连系纽带。” 银河桥,由NEXT建筑事务所设计建造。最引人注目的部分是一个巨大的拱形桥,水平面之上高达12米,与Melkweg路连绵延伸为一体,提供一种独特的城市视野。登高望远,让银河桥之上的行人从日常生活中的琐碎平凡抽身出来,以一个新的视角,去领略Purmerend新城与历史古城之间千丝万缕的联系。 拱形桥下方是自行车道,长达100米,恰似一个钟摆横跨水面。自行车道长度的确定出于对自行车和轮椅通行的最小坡度的考量。 骑车者与行人分道而行,可经桥梁直线通达Melkweg (Melkroad)古城。步行桥重达85吨,由130级台阶构成,并采用钢拱支撑。设计为运河及周边地区预留了足够的开阔空间。拱门高达12米,足以保证下方船只安全通行。当船只靠近时,下甲板可旋转打开并一分为二,让船只顺利通行。 桥梁两个组成部分衔接舒缓,自然融为一个整体。材料及色彩运用的延续性也为这个组合体增色不少。LED灯排列分布于桥梁两侧,不仅勾勒出桥梁轮廓;而且可让人们在黄昏时分,置身桥上去领略城市的曼妙风光。The Melkweg Bridge , Purmerend, the NetherlandsAconnector between the old and the new center The Melkweg Bridge(the Netherlands) crosses the Noordhollandsch Kanaal and connects the historiccenter of Purmerend with the growing Weidevenne district in the south-west. Thebridge is the first stage in a master plan for the canal and its periphery. “The aim of the design teamwas to create a new area with a specific identity, which could work as aconnector between the old and the new center.” The most striking part of the bridge, designed by NEXT architects, is amassive arch which reaches a height of 12m above water level and stands in acontinuous line with the Melkweg-road, thus offering an incredible view overthe city. The high lookout gives pedestrians the opportunity to take a stepback from their daily environment and, on a new level, experience the relationbetween the new and historic city of Purmerend. The lower bicycle deck is madeout of a 100m long bicycle deck that crosses the water like a pendulum. Thelength of this deck was necessary due to the minimum slope conditions for bicycles and wheelchairs. Separating cyclists from pedestrians, gave the opportunity to maintain thedirect line of the historics Melkweg (Melkroad) within the bridge. The pedestrian bridge weighs 85 tons, consists of 130 steps and issupported by a steel arch. The design makes it able to retain the spatialopenness of the channel and its surroundings. At 12 meters,this arch is high enough to allow boats to pass beneath; the lower deck splitsinto two parts that revolve open when boats are approaching. Both bridge sections flow smoothly into each other and form one whole.This unity is enhanced by the continuity of materials and colors. In the edgesof the bridge LED lines are applied that follow the contour of the bridge andguarantees a spectacular view on the bridge even after sunset. The Melkweg Bridge , Purmerend, the NetherlandsAconnector between the old and the new center The Melkweg Bridge(the Netherlands) crosses the Noordhollandsch Kanaal and connects the historiccenter of Purmerend with the growing Weidevenne district in the south-west. Thebridge is the first stage in a master plan for the canal and its periphery. “The aim of the design teamwas to create a new area with a specific identity, which could work as aconnector between the old and the new center.” The most striking part of the bridge, designed by NEXT architects, is amassive arch which reaches a height of 12m above water level and stands in acontinuous line with the Melkweg-road, thus offering an incredible view overthe city. The high lookout gives pedestrians the opportunity to take a stepback from their daily environment and, on a new level, experience the relationbetween the new and historic city of Purmerend. The lower bicycle deck is madeout of a 100m long bicycle deck that crosses the water like a pendulum. Thelength of this deck was necessary due to the minimum slope conditions for bicycles and wheelchairs. Separating cyclists from pedestrians, gave the opportunity to maintain thedirect line of the historics Melkweg (Melkroad) within the bridge. The pedestrian bridge weighs 85 tons, consists of 130 steps and issupported by a steel arch. The design makes it able to retain the spatialopenness of the channel and its surroundings. At 12 meters,this arch is high enough to allow boats to pass beneath; the lower deck splitsinto two parts that revolve open when boats are approaching. Both bridge sections flow smoothly into each other and form one whole.This unity is enhanced by the continuity of materials and colors. In the edgesof the bridge LED lines are applied that follow the contour of the bridge andguarantees a spectacular view on the bridge even after sunset.
项目名称: Melkwegbridge计划 :桥位置:皮尔默伦德,荷兰跨度:66mtr状态: 完成初期设计:2007年9月最终设计: 2009年11月开始施工: 2011年11月完成:2012年10月业主:皮尔默伦德市政府设计师:NEXT建筑事务所联系人:Marijn Schenk地址:Paul van Vlissingenstraat 2a1096 BK Amsterdam | TheNetherlandsE:info@nextarchitects.comW: www.nextarchitects.com合作方:Ronald Rietveld Landschaparchitectuur联系人:Ronald Rietveld顾问:                           结构顾问:Ingenieurs Bureau Amsterdam (IBA), ABT adviesbureau voor Bouwtechniek合作方 : Van Hattum enBlankevoort 主要合作方:VSF装置: Istemawa
Project name: Melkweg bridgeProgram:BridgeLocation: Purmerend, theNetherlandsSpan:66 mtrStatus: CompletedPreliminary design:Sep 2007Final design: Nov 2009Start building:       May 2011Completion: Oct 2012Client:Municipality of PurmerendArchitect / designer:NEXT architectse:info@nextarchitects.comw:www.nextarchitects.comCollaborator:Ronald RietveldLandschaparchitectuurContact person:Ronald Rietveldw:http://www.ronaldrietveld.nl/Advisor(s):    Advisor construction:Ingenieurs Bureau Amsterdam (IBA), ABTadviesbureau voor BouwtechniekContractor(s):       Van Hattum enBlankevoort Main contractor: VSFInstallations: Istemawa




骑车者与行人分道而行,可经桥梁直线通达Melkweg (Melkroad)古城。步行桥重达85吨,由130级台阶构成,并采用钢拱支撑。设计为运河及周边地区预留了足够的开阔空间。拱门高达12米,足以保证下方船只安全通行。当船只靠近时,下甲板可旋转打开并一分为二,让船只通过。



NEXT 建筑事务所 | 在中国“和”而不同
NEXT 建筑事务所于 2004落地中国,其团队由荷兰建筑师John van de Water 和国内知名建筑师蒋晓飞主持。NEXT 中国团队凭借得天独厚的中西合璧的文化优势和独具匠心的设计风格,以国际化视野平衡文化、社会、功能、生态、经济的多方需求,在城市规划、商业综合体、办公建筑、酒店、文化建筑、住宅、室内设计、桥梁设计等多方领域打造可持续性建筑。由此,NEXT在中国享有很高的声誉,是在中国发展的外国建筑公司中最具代表性之一。2017年,约翰 • 范德沃特和蒋晓飞同被《安邸AD》杂志评选为“中国最具影响力的100位设计师”之一。NEXT的作品曾入选“2016全球最具影响力十大博物馆”以及“2016年世界十大与自然完美结合建筑”。


丁建康 发表于 2017-12-15 09:59


Konly88 发表于 2017-12-20 17:10


♂千年熊 发表于 2018-1-18 10:05

有个自行车道在桥下面 桥下怎么过船的哦?

lsn_8008 发表于 2018-5-11 14:37


L1995 发表于 2018-6-17 16:10


木子木子木 发表于 2018-6-23 11:30

♂千年熊 发表于 2018-1-18 10:05
有个自行车道在桥下面 桥下怎么过船的哦?


aegean 发表于 2018-8-20 11:46

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