清欢 – 汤面店,北京墨匠国际设计
一爿小店,一间门面,就这样安静地坐落于京城民居小路边上,隐藏于路旁转角茂密花草树木后面的,是简洁硬朗的线条构造而成的钢框玻璃门脸,外表如材料一样简约现代,且富工业时代感,细看却能感受到隐隐含蓄古典意味,门窗的结构比例带有中式建筑特色,却同时富含西方黄金分割演变而出的美感。 一仗麵擀, 一袭红袍,一段缅怀,开启了一段有趣的碰撞。秉著传承与创新,将传统用轻巧手法表达又不失层次感和深度;一个小空间,包含了时空穿越概念,中西融合风格,与亦古亦今韵律,更是有趣。从通透的门脸外看进小店,随著人的活动,不同时间不同季节,有著不一样的表情,活泼生动;夜幕下搭配窗边古铜吊灯,暖光轻启,在闹市中,透过简洁的线条让人眼前一亮,点上一碗米粉,人间有味是“清欢”。通透且立体的外立面,让整个店的宽度和深度达到最大化,仿佛把室内氛围延申至室外前院;店内设计素雅简洁,透出一丝古典,场景尤如从古代酒楼膳房穿越而来的大厨掌勺,对现代用餐设计重新解读。
Hidden behind the busy scene of CBD Beijing, at the street corner of a local residential area is this small noodle soup restaurant called Qing Huan. Through its two-story-high glass and steel facade, the beauty of its simplicity reveals. The proportion of the divisions on its facade mimic those from traditional Chinese architecture, though it also looks as if it follows the golden ratio praised by the West. With its small scale, this humble noodle shop unveil a timeless architectural beauty.
Under the evening sky in the neighborhood, the street is lit up by the inadvertently placed copper pendent lamps above the bar counter. Inside the kitchen, the shopkeeper watches city dwellers coming and going, passing by the shop throughout all seasons. Time passes in a blink, and life is as simple and beautiful as a bowl of noodle soup. The transparency of the facade maximise the visibility of the restaurant, lighting up the neighbourhood at night with a warm ambient. The glass and iron facade has a classical, almost nostalgic look, with the top and bottom transom panels made with concrete fibre board and overhanging windows in the middle.
▼通透且立体的外立面让整个店的宽度和深度达到最大化,the transparency of the facade maximise the visibility of the restaurant
Inside the restaurant behind the huge glass entrance door, the grey terracotta floor tiles set against the lightweight concrete tiles under the bar counter. Together with the solid pinewood countertop and matte white tiles behind the open kitchen, it effortlessly creates a contemporary minimalistic interpretation of modern Chinese cuisine. For many Beijingers of the younger generations, a quick bowl of warm beef or chicken noodle soup may be all that it takes to comfort the stressful city lives in the capital.
▼清水混凝土砖在灯光的配合下散发出温暖气息,together with the lightings, the concrete walls create a warm and peaceful atmosphere
▼沿清灰花砖两侧布置长桌,the tables are placed alongside the central grey terracotta floor tiles
吧台上方是二楼的小包间,包间外的后退玻璃墙既能使一楼二楼同时拥有最大限度的室外景观,亦为一楼提供了一个超高的挑空空间。从通透的钢木结构楼梯往上走,仿如穿越时空,自成一格的二楼如亭台楼阁,凌空驾驭在现代繁华都市里,阶梯底下白色鹅卵石和大理石板造景,以成岭成峰的远山意境,道法自然 。
Tucked in the corner next to the bar counter is the steel staircase that lead the special guests up to the dining room on the upper floor. Away from the busy open kitchen, it offers a precious tranquil dining experience. The recessed glass front of the upper floor yields a dramatic height for the ground floor, and provides the desired openness and privacy for the upper floor. Walking up the staircase, one can caught a glimpse of the second floor as if it is a floating timber box above the ground floor. The moon window on the side reveals the zen ambience of the dining room, at the same time a picture frame from the inside capturing everyone passing by.
▼穿越通透的楼梯到达上层,one can arrive at the second floor by the stairs at the end of the space
Unlike the vast openness of the ground floor, the upper floor is an intimate minimalistic secret zen garden. Inspired by the design of an ancient teahouse, the cozy space is surrounded by abstract elements of nature. The falling leaves are frozen in time captured by the copper inlays on the concrete wall. The vertical timber strips mimic the intertwining tree trucks in a forest. Behind the timber bench in the middle, a special handcrafted calligraphy paper with green tea leaves is used as wall covering. The translucent paper creates an illusion that the green leaves is dancing in a spring breeze beyond.
▼往上走到二楼侧身经过庭院感十足的月洞门,along with the stairs to the upper floor, one will pass a moon gate which gives a feeling of a courtyard
All of these detail are made possible to hide the guest washroom and store room behind the timber strips and the exhaust conduits from the kitchen below. Both functionality and aesthetic are combined and translated into poetry. Simplicity is the key factor for the success of the design of this little noodle shop, to maximize its versatility and comfort within such a small space, yet creating a unique character that speaks of contemporary Chinese cuisine. All materials are used at their most original state to emphasize the beauty from within. Inside the upper dining room for example, the wall and floor is covered by woven rattan mat. The mat provides a soft warm tactile finish to the space, and at the same time a relaxing atmosphere that can only be achieved with the material itself.
▼轻体结构层次重叠交错,the walls reveal in layers
▼洗手间隐藏在木条造型的门后,the restroom is hidden behind the wood batten door
▼充满禅意的空间,a zen style space
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan▼二层平面图,the second floor plan
项目造价: US$120,000
Project Name: Qing Huan Noodle Soup Restaurant
Location: Beijing ChaoYang District
Completion Date: 2017 August 7
Project Size: 147 sqm
Project Cost: US$120,000
Design Company: Inkmason International Architectural Design Co. Ltd.
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