各自安天涯 发表于 2018-7-4 11:05

TMB 混茶 x 一尚门广州 K11 艺术中心店 | DPD

设计背景 - Background -
TMB 混茶是 DPD 递加设计旗下的轻奢跨界茶饮品牌,亦是 DPD 在研究创意设计与商业经营两者关系上的实践产物。TMB Tea Mixture Bar is a casualluxury tea brand under DPD Design Plus Design, as well as an experimentalproduct of design and commerce.该项目与潮流先锋买手店合作,位于一个将艺术、人文、自然以及购物消费相互融合的商业中心内。主案设计师林镇身兼 TMB 混茶联合创始人,试图借助这个有限的空间,埋藏无穷的艺术想象,引领年轻的时髦人士,以一杯个性茶饮开启时尚之门,掀起一场具有艺术感染力的新式茶饮浪潮。Cooperating with a fashion select shop, TMB is located in a new business center which embodies art,humanism, nature and shopping. Michael Lin, the project director and co-founderof TMB, tried to show his unlimited art imagination in this limited space. Hisidea is to use this unique style tea product to open the gate of fashion, lead the young generation to the passionate new wave of art and tea.

概念引入 - Concept -
信息碎片化的当下,人容易迷失在快速变化之中。设计师希望通过视觉语言物化世间变幻的种种,鼓励来客在这个空间中,通过观察、触摸、感受造物者情绪的波动,体味变化中的规律,重拾生活的质感。Living in the society filledwith information fragmentation, people are easily lost in the rapid changes.The designer wants to encourage the visitors by visualizing the ever-changingworld to see, to touch, to feel the emotional waves of the creator, to tastethe rules of changes and enrich the color of their lives.将抽象的艺术表达,转化为可感知的空间语言,并为商业经营增加效益,是本项目设计思考的核心。设计师通过倒置的方式,在天花安置无数错落有致的管阵,解放地面空间,使整个空间变得通透,令人的视觉得以延伸,人的行为得以自由伸展,最终营造一片高低起伏,时髦而独特的「律动之林」。Transforming the abstract artto appreciable languages of space and bringing profits at the same time is thekey concept of this design. The designer broke the traditional concept andstarted from above. He has created waves of countless tubes on the ceiling tofree the ground. Thus successfully created the Rhythm of Tubes.
概念落地及空间表现 - Spatial Expression - 天花管阵的设计,不仅是简单的艺术表达,也是对原有空间局限性的消解。项目处于商场转角位置,可用面积十分有限。设计师把店铺的功能区分为外摆区、餐饮区、吧台区、艺术区以及商品展示区,而这些功能分区都被有机地包裹在管阵之中。The concept of tube waves is not only a simple artexpressions, but a method to breakdown the original space limit. The project islocated at a corner in the mall with very limited usable area. The designerdivided the shop into different functions: outside display, dining, bar, artand product presentation. All of these areas are surrounded by the tubesharmoniously.弧形门面采取全开放式设计,与商场中来往的客人最大限度接触:此起彼伏的管阵,富有层次,犹如一片律动着的森林,别致的店面吸引客人进店体验混茶乐趣。空间倒置的设计手法,使得餐饮区可以释放更多的空间让顾客自由体验:天花管柱下沉至离地三种高度,构成用餐桌面,便于不同的消费者灵活选择坐姿或站姿。收敛节制的餐桌设计,让整个空间变得更加简洁轻盈。内侧墙体以大面积镜面覆盖,管阵在镜子的对称映射下,在狭小的空间里创造出戏剧化的空间延展感。The shop is open in an arc shape to welcome all the guests.The wavy tubes of many layers are like a mysterious forest which attractsguests to explore and enjoy. The design of space inversion has freed more areain the dining section for customers. Tables of three different heights hangingfrom the ceiling have offered options for customers to sit or stand with, alsomake the whole space simple and light. The designer chose to cover most of thewalls with mirrors. With the reflections of the tubes, the limited space isfilled with dramatic diversity.
设计师颠覆以往封闭式茶吧的设计方式,将烹调吧台设置在店铺的中心位置。顾客可以直接目睹茶饮制作全过程,感受调茶师制茶之用心,茶香之馥郁。Abandoning the traditional layout of a tea house, thedesigner put the bar counter in the center of the shop. Customers can witnessthe whole process of tea making, feel the spirits of the tea masters, and tastethe richness of tea.
艺术延展 - Art Extension -
「每位艺术家都是从业余爱好者开始的」。DPD 在本项目尝试将艺术作品融入商业空间之中,把艺术馆里的作品普惠至大众:通过混茶这种新兴的茶饮方式作为介质,向来往者传递艺术的感染力。“Artist startedalways amateur.” DPD wants to introduce art pieces to the audience and mix artinto commercial space, so they used TMB as a media to express their passion ofart.设计师在艺术展示区中,放置了土耳其艺术家希吉肯· 皮伦 (Seckin Pirim) 2018 年新作 —— 灯光装置「SeckinPirim Glitch 2018,心灵感应」。在这个作品中,艺术家的情绪波动的轨迹由内而外逐渐扩散,轨迹的主体从未出现,我们看到的只有它留下的痕迹,宛如一场虚幻的游戏。这和设计师心构想的「律动之林」如出一撤:在造物之中留下隽永的烙印,它所焕发的荣光,展现了生命的鲜活,激励人们重新审视多彩的生活方式,在虚幻变化之间寻找真实的边界。The designerdisplayed a masterpiece of a Turkish artist Seckin Pirin – . It shows the artist’s emotional wavesfrom inside to the outside. But the body of the waves remains unseen. All wecan observe are the trails it left, just like a game of reflection. Thisphilosophy fits perfectly into the idea of Rhythm of Rubes. Our designer wantsto express that we need to appreciate the light and vibes of life, value thecolorful living styles and find the fine line between reality and illusion.
艺术家希吉肯 · 皮伦(Seckin Pirim) 的灯光装置作品「心灵感应」与设计师构想的「律动之林」如出一撤,鼓励人们在虚幻变化之间寻找真实的边界设计师现场手绘线体;管阵安装过程外摆区的管阵帮助店铺的影响力得以延伸墙面通过平面设计元素来体现制茶机工作原理,用普通Led灯带外加双层蜂窝状PC耐力板,形成特殊效果的条形光斑通过在白色和透明长管顶上安装灯具,让其产生射灯和光环效果天花与地面的管阵,相互辉映墙体镜面的影射具有戏剧效果
文化延续- Cultural Extension -
黑白混体,是整个店铺设计的色调线索,也是品牌文化的延续。黑与白的强烈交织,正如 TMB 混茶的灵魂茶饮一样,黑色如口感浓厚的茶,白色如醇厚带甜的奶,合二为一,不同比例则碰撞出不同味蕾刺激。混茶就像一个自我探索的过程,没有标准配方,只有反复调试,才能找到属于自己的独特味道。Black and white are the base of the design, as well as the theme of the brand. The strong contrast of the two colors is just like the signature product of TMB, black as the condensed tea, white as the enriched milk. Mix of different portions can create various adventures to the taste buds. Tea mixing is a self-exploration process.There’s no standard recipe. You can only find your own unique style throughtrial and error.
店内的Steampunk 可以根据客人的不同需求,萃取不同风味的产品

面对当下竞争激烈、层出不穷的茶饮市场,DPD 在经营者与设计者的双重身份之间不断切换,作出不断的实践,将创新产品与具有独特体验的空间相结合,期望在快速变化的市场中找到心中向往的一方天地。Facing the fierce competitions of the teamarket, DPD managed to balance its roles between operator and designer. It willcontinuously doing experiments to mix brand-new products with unique spaceexperiences, and find the piece of peace in the ever-changing world.
室内设计 | DPD 香港递加设计Interior Design | DPD Hongkong设计范围|室内设计,零售陈设Design Range | Interior design, retail display项目地址 | 广州市天河区 K11 艺术中心 3 楼Project Address | 3rd Floor, K11, Tianghe District, Guangzhou室内面积 | 80㎡Indoor Area | 80㎡设计时间 | 2017年 12月Design Time | December, 2017竣工时间 | 2018年 5 月Completion Time | May, 2018设计总监|林镇Design Director | Michael Lin设计团队|GabyTeng、龚勇Group Members | Gaby Teng, Yong Gong主要材料 | 金属不锈钢、PC 耐力板、金刚岩、亚克力管、镜面、铝板Main Materials | Stainless steel, PC hollow sheet, diamond rock, acrylic tube, mirror, aluminumplate摄影 | 白羽、林镇Photographer | Yu Bai, Michael Lin
TMB 混茶 x 一尚门广州 K11 艺术中心店 设计图纸呈现
TMB 混茶 x 一尚门广州 K11 艺术中心店 设计公司介绍
设计师 / 林镇 香港递加设计(DPD)创始人兼设计总监,天使投资人。林镇先生于 12 年硕士毕业于香港理工大学并成立自己的工作室,在 14 年留学英国皇家艺术学院进修可持续设计,并在 15 年游学欧洲期间,结缘 LB21 建筑事务所的建筑师以及艺术家,成为巴塞罗那艺术大学驻广州大使,同年创立自己的商业茶饮品牌「TMB 混茶」,以及民宿品牌「倆生活研究所」,成为设计商业艺术三者结合模式的深度研究者。
Michael Lin, founder of DPDHong Kong, design director and angel investor, graduated from Hong KongPolytechnic University in 2012 and started his own studio since then. In 2014he went to The Royal College of Art to study sustainable design. In 2015 whenhe was studying in Europe he met the architects and artists from LB21architectural firm and became Barcelona Art University ambassador to Guangzhou,China. In the same year he founded his own tea brand – TMB Tea Mixture Bar, aswell as a homestay brand – Lia Life Style Lab. Thus he became a seniorresearcher of design, commerce and art.递加设计咨询(DPD CONSULTANT),2012 年成立于中国香港,在香港,广州,上海,深圳均设有办事处,核心团队成员留学与英国,加拿大,新加坡。多元化的国际视野和设计背景,令DPD在不同领域中表现出不同的可能性,设计事务所工作,涵盖小型建筑规划,餐饮空间,豪宅软装设计以及商业设计投资等,代表作:万科博物馆、「迺庐」办公室、保利张振高私宅、TMB混茶旗舰店及因味茶梅陇镇广场旗舰店等。DPD 致力于通过设计引导生活方式的改变,通过设计推动商业运作模式的转变。DPD CONSULTANT was founded in Hong Kong in 2012. It has offices in HongKong, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Key team members all studied in the UK,Canada and Singapore. Diversified international views and background enablesDPD to have all kinds of possibilities in different areas. Project range fromsmall buildings design, dining space renovation, luxurious interior design andcommercial design investigations etc. Main projects including Vanke museum, Nai Villa–DPDOffice, Poly Zhangzhengao House, TMB Flagship shop, inWe Flagship shop in Westgate Mall etc. DPD devoted itself to change life style throughdesign and push forward the commercial transformation.

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RE: TMB 混茶 x 一尚门广州 K11 艺术中心店 | DPD

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