流渊 发表于 2018-8-11 16:22

和润翡翠 | 今古凤凰空间

和润翡翠HE RUN JADE SHOP 该项目是一项玉器店,在色彩之上,设计师选择翡翠绿作为店面设计的唯一跳色去点亮空间,与玉器店的商品相互辉映,相映成趣。翠绿的水墨画作,天然的亚马逊绿石板,图案和肌理显出巨大的张力使得视线得以凝聚。The project is a jade shop. On the top of the color, the designer chooses the emerald green as the only color of the store design to light up the space, and the jade shop products reflect each other and match each other. The green ink paintings, the natural Amazon green slate, the patterns and textures show a huge tension that allows the line of sight to condense. ▲店面 空间的每一寸都饱含张力,但又相互牵制,以达到视觉效果的完美平衡,看似简单的灰色基调,在不张扬中,静静的释放着翡翠与设计的优雅结合。Every inch of space is full of tension, but they are mutually restrained to achieve the perfect balance of visual effects. The seemingly simple gray tone, quietly releasing the elegant combination of jade and design. ▲平面 项目信息:Project Information:1. 项目名称:和润翡翠Project Name: He Run Jade Shop2. 设计范围:室内设计Design Scope: Interior Design3. 项目地点:汕头市龙湖区尚海阳光    Project Location: Shang Hai Yang Guang, Longhu District, Shantou City4. 项目面积:120m2Project area: 120m25. 设计机构:今古凤凰空间策划机构    Design Company: JG PHOENIX Design Company主案设计师介绍:   Introduction of the main case designer:    叶晖,高级环境艺术设计师,毕业于广州美术学院设计系(环境艺术设计专业)。现任汕头市今古凤凰空间策划机构创办人兼首席设计总监,汕头市装饰行业协会副会长,以及汕头市艺术生活创客联盟副理事长。他从业18年以来,一直凭着一颗“感悟生活,保持充满设计激情”的心,在设计上不断的思考与艺术上的追求,创作了许多颇具特色的设计项目。 Ye Hui, senior environmental art designer, graduated from the Design Department of

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