绿色健康美食中心,北京 / 头条计画
整个概念围绕着提供健康食品的理念,通过采用软垫、长椅以及可容纳多人的可卧躺放松的空间,提供形式丰富的非正式的座位设置。每一个房间都具有不同的功能形式。咖啡厅、餐厅、酒吧以及外部庭院,均由中央厨房提供服务并沿着一个公共走廊组织串联,此外还具有一个开放式展示烘焙区。在更小的空间里我们容纳了一处卫生间,一间小办公室与两间储存室/机房。该项目的策略为在碎片化的场地基础上进行有效的组织,并且打造出可以适应多种新功能的空间场所。The whole concept rotates around the idea of serving healthy food, providing sophisticated yet informal seating settings with soft chairs, benches and places for gathering, laying down and relaxing with friends. Each room offers a different functional program. Café, restaurant, cocktail bar and an external patio are all served by a central kitchen and organized along a backbone corridor where an open display bakery is facing. In some much smaller rooms we managed to get a bathroom, a small office and two storage/technical rooms. The project develops a design strategy that aims to sew up the randomly fragmented spaces on first floor of a multifunctional building, while taking advantage of the articulated layout for organizing the new functions.▼咖啡厅室内在烘焙区内,水磨石的纹理从地板一直蔓延到所有墙面和天花板,从而限定出烘焙区的空间和内置的面包糕点展示柜。咖啡厅部分,7米长的铁框滑动围栏可以部分闭合,以划分不同的空间区域,同时形成了一系列可移动的隔板,从而增强了走廊在视觉上的纵深感。柜台、门和展示柜等技术和服务型设施则使用哑光铁板打造。此外,该项目还使用了一系列定制的照明灯具,这些灯具由镜面钢制成,不仅可以反射室内的空间,更为餐厅带来了活力。▼咖啡厅轴测图
▼咖啡厅局部和吧台,采用由镜面钢制成的照明灯具,partial view of the café and the bar, using the lighting fixtures made of mirror finished steel
▼咖啡厅吧台细节,details of the bar in the café
天花板上的白色弧形铁板被等距嵌入了一系列由丙烯酸和LED灯组成的光带,成为了整个空间最大的特点。它们为室内空间带来了一种韵律感和独一无二的空间特征,通过扩大和缩小其尺度来适应不同大小的房间,从而不仅创造出宽敞的公共空间,更定义出较小的私密空间。在浅灰色的混凝土墙面的衬托下,白色的铁板在视觉上脱颖而出,就像是在现有的混凝土盒子中嵌入一系列巨大的白色抽屉一般。▼餐厅轴测图,the axon of the restaurant
▼餐厅室内,interior view of the restauran
▼餐厅的窗边座椅区,采用水磨石地板,the seating area beside the window with the terrazzo floor in the restaurant
▼餐厅室内局部,天花板上的白色弧形铁板上嵌入光带,partial interior view of the restaurant, white curved iron strips on ceiling are separated by lighting lines
▼餐厅下沉餐桌座椅区,the seating area with the sunken tables in the restaurant
▼餐厅室内局部,座位设置采用软垫和可容纳多人的可卧躺放松的空间,partial interior view of the restaurant, providing seating settings with soft chairs and places for gathering, laying down and relaxing
▼餐厅墙面细节,灰色的混凝土墙面衬托出白色光带铁板,walls details of the restaurant, the white iron strips with light lines stand out from the light grey concrete surfaces on walls
建筑师通过使用定制的餐厅平台、不同类型的座椅和家具及织物的特定颜色,进一步强调了每个空间带个人们的不同感受。连续的水磨石地板在现场浇筑,并由经验丰富的工匠进行为期超过三周的抛光和打磨。地板的不同石材纹理和灰色色调配合着台阶和平台,限定出不同的功能区域。Feeling of each room has been further emphasized by custom-made use of platform setting, different seating types and specific colors for the furniture fabric. The continuous terrazzo floor has been poured-in-place and polished by skilled artisans for over three weeks. Its different stone grains and grey color tones contribute to mark the specific program on different areas with steps and platforms.▼美食广场座椅细节,不同区域采用不同类型的座椅,details of the café, different areas are defined by different seating types
▼座椅细节,座椅与不同高差的平台相结合,details of the seating areas with platforms in the different heights
▼美食中心轴测爆炸,the exploded axon of the food court
▼室内平台分析爆炸图,the exploded diagram of the interior platforms
▼平面布置图,layout plan
顶面设计的感觉好像一个时空隧道,仿佛置身其中品一段时光就到了另个平行时空一样~{:4_107:} 这个咖啡吧设计的挺新鲜,谢谢分享 弧形铁板天花的做工是怎么做啊?{:3_92:}