明路 发表于 2019-3-1 14:14

上海ASH来福士广场及恒隆广场店 | Francesc Rifé Studio

服装和鞋类品牌ASH委托Francesc Rifé为其在世界各地的店铺构思一个新的设计概念。Francesc Rifé提出的新建筑语言是探索现代城市建筑所激发的形式,最先以此概念亮相的两家新店铺位于上海,都以竹子脚手架这一亚洲传统施工技术为灵感。Fashion and footwear brand ASH commissioned Francesc Rifé to create the new design concept for its stores around the world. While the new language sought to recall forms suggested by the architecture of contemporary cities, that the first two stores to debut with this image were located in Shanghai has served to use as inspiration a traditional construction technique in Asia: the bamboo scaffolding.▼ASH来福士广场店内部概览,interior view of the ASH in Raffles City

▼ASH恒隆广场店内部概览,interior view of the ASH in Plaza 66

两家店铺分别位于上海中山商业区中心的长宁来福士广场和中国最重要的商业中心恒隆广场(Plaza 66),空间设计均以一种结构形式统领空间秩序和展示产品,通过这种形式,品牌开启了一条成衣的新途径。深色表面的黄铜金属管架子按照竹子脚手架的捆绑方式连接,节点非常干净独特,形成了富有活力的网状结构。Located in the mall centers Raffles City Changning, in the heart of the Zhongshan business district, and Plaza 66, one of the most important commercial spaces in China, the design of these two stores is marked by a structure that order the space, allow the products be displayed and through it the brand begins a new path to prêt-à-porter. These metal tubular frames, executed in sulfurized brass with a very dark finish, joined as if they were knotted together as bamboo scaffolding, resulting in a very clean and unique grip. Thus the end result was a mesh with great dynamism.▼黄铜金属管架子按照竹子脚手架捆绑方式连接,brass metal tubular frames joined as if they were knotted together as bamboo scaffolding

黄铜梁柱是定义空间的重要元素:金色的天花板象征着ASH的特点。天花板上有许多孔洞,根据空间需求从中投射出灯光;部分孔洞安装灯具和悬挂展示架,同时作为固定黄铜框架的区域。这一区域照明使用非常小的点光源,适度的照亮产品并形成一种星空效果。The hard lines of this brass spine is defined from one of the most important elements of the project: a golden partial ceiling, symbol of the personality of ASH. It is characterised for integrating multiple holes from which light is projected, following the needs of the space; while other orifices are prepared to add lamps and hanging shelves, at the same time that they allow to fix the main structures. The lighting of this area is defined by spots with a very small size, to illuminate the product properly, giving as a result a starry sky.▼金色天花板上有许多孔洞作为光源和黄铜框架的固定区域,the golden ceiling integrated multiple holes from which light is projected and at the same time that they allow to fix the main structures

空间中另一种重要的元素是混凝土,应用在垂直墙面、地板和天花板区域,以此延伸了空间布局中的每一个元素。参考城市施工场景的设计方式为项目提供了一个中立的背景,让天花板和内部结构成为空间焦点。Another of the main materials of the new image is undoubtedly concrete, projected in both vertical walls, floors and ceilings, spreads each and every one of the elements of the set. A reference to the constructive phenomenon of the city that in turn gives the project a neutral base, and helps to the ceiling and structure come quickly into focus.▼空间中另一种重要元素混凝土应用在墙面、地板和天花板中,another of the main materials of the new image is undoubtedly concrete, projected in both vertical walls, floors and ceilings,

店铺内部的家具如展示区、座位区和销售柜台也遵循同样的建筑语言,作为空间中的建筑元素。同时,等候区内部使用了JMM的Kong扶手椅,等候区侧面采用绿色大理石和天然木材装饰。装有镜子的试衣间区域完善了商店所使用的建筑语汇,为顾客增添了新的体验层次。两家商店延伸到外部空间的橱窗设计都与充满活力和挑战性的设施相协调,内部空间从黄铜和背部照亮的ASH标志开始。▼试衣间内部装有镜子,等候区侧面使用了大理石和天然木材,fitting room area designed in aged mirror and waiting area is complemented by side pieces in green marble and natural wood

▼悬挂展示架和星空效果的天花板,hanging shelves and ceiling looks like a starry sky

▼黄铜架子节点细部,joint detail of the brass frame

▼标识细部,detail of the logo


▼ASH来福士广场店平面图,plan of ASH in Raffles City

▼ASH恒隆广场店平面图,plan of ASH in Plaza 66

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