Noe Valley Ⅱ住宅,旧金山 | Feldman Architecture
这个城市改造项目位于旧金山Noe Valley社区内,建筑师以客户需求为驱动,创作了一个将宽阔户外生活区和私密个性化内部生活区相结合的设计。This urban remodel in San Francisco’s Noe Valley neighborhood features a client-driven design that pairs expansive outdoor living areas with private and personalized interior moments.▼住宅外观,exterior of the house
建筑师维持住宅前方街道立面的原有特征,采用木瓦、木装饰构件和彩色玻璃,新增一扇黄色的门为住宅增添一抹跳跃的颜色。At the front of the house, the street façade was restored in the original character of the house with wood shingles, wood ornament, and stained glass, adding a yellow door as a pop of color.▼沿街立面保持原有特征并增添了一扇黄色的门,the street façade was restored in the original character of the house and a yellow door was added
虽然Noe Valley Ⅱ号这块狭长空间是街区内部最大的一块场地,但原有住宅设计并没有充分利用宽敞的庭院,与周边住宅相比显得矮小、局促和狭窄。一系列平台层层堆叠在庭院中,为住宅每一层都提供了户外空间和抵达下方天井、花园的通道。While Noe Valley 2’s elongated lot is the largest on its block, the original home failed to take advantage of the spacious yard and, dwarfed by the neighboring houses, felt cramped and confined.A series of decks cascading into the yard offers an outdoor living area at each level and easy access to the patio and garden below.▼一系列平台堆叠在庭院中,a series of decks are cascaded into the yard
▼平台为每一层空间提供了室外场地,decks offers an outdoor living area at each level
▼楼梯细节,stairs detail
改造设计重新开放了主要楼层的公共空间及利用上方自然光线的私密卧室。修建完工后的地下室内布置了舒适的起居空间,内部充满来自住宅后部的自然光线。室内包裹着Cyprus壁板的楼梯间连接所有楼层,让自然光线笼罩着住宅的核心空间。一个18英尺的天窗和12英尺的垂直窗户位于楼梯上方,白天这里有令人惊叹的瀑布般的光线效果,晚上这里则有一些玻璃垂坠灯饰,空间成为照亮整个住宅的采光井。▼修建完工后的地下室布置了舒适的起居室,a comfortable living area in the finished basement
▼充满自然光线的室内空间,interior space with abundant light
▼一部室内楼梯作为采光井,one main stairwell serves as a light well
▼楼梯尽端空间,space above the stairs
借助仔细挑选的材料,住宅实现了高效热能驱动的地板辐射系统,同时,内部还设置了考虑齐全的水管理措施,包括雨水收集器和一个灰水处理系统。Noe Valley Ⅱ住宅获得了LEED铂金级认证。Through the careful selection of building materials, the implementation of an efficient heat-driven, radiant floor system, and prudent water management strategies including rainwater collection and a grey water system, Noe Valley 2 achieves LEED Platinum certification.▼卧室空间,bedroom
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