芊泽 发表于 2019-3-20 09:48


Axel Madrid酒店位于马德里“Barrio de Las Letras”社区一座改造后的18世纪宫殿中,设计师在这里发现了两个隐藏在建筑地下的拱顶空间。Bala Perdida (遗失子弹) 夜店就位于这个充满刺激性而又隐秘的地方。Hidden in the underground of the Madrilenian neighborhood “Barrio de Las Letras” (today a neuralgic point of the city), under a refurbished palace of the eighteenth century where Hotel Axel Madrid is located, we find two vaulted spaces built in brick. It is in this provocative and secret location, where the Bala Perdida (Lost Bullet) Club is located.▼夜店内部空间概览,interior view of the club

项目设计有两个重要的前提。一是利用现有空间的独特性,两个昏暗的地下砖拱空间如同古老的洞穴或地窖。二是夜店所在场地需要满足多功能的使用要求。白天这里是小吃和鸡尾酒吧,到了夜晚空间能够迅速转换角色,从一个温暖宜人的空间转变为一个充满活力的舞池。这种转换需求和隐秘的空间氛围让设计师联想到一种充满魔幻和视线错觉的神秘景象。空间设计采用两个重要元素。一是设置在拱顶空间两端的镜子,让空间产生了一种“无限镜像”的视线错觉。面对面布置的镜子互相反射自身映射的景象,让拱顶呈现出无尽的隧道感。▼空间能够满足多功能的需求-白天夜店作为小吃和鸡尾酒吧,the changing lighting meets the multifunctional requirements-the night club can work as a snack and cocktail bar during daytime

▼夜晚灯光变化,场地迅速转化为夜店空间,the lighting shift at night and the place can quickly switch into a night club

▼拱顶空间两端放置的镜子让空间和拱顶产生一种无穷无尽的感觉,the mirrors which were placed on both ends of each vault, produce an endless effect of the space and the vault

空间设计的另一个特点是其内部不断变化的光线。光与色彩是空间的主题。沿着两个拱顶空间的轴线,设计师将灯具嵌在悬挂的吸音板之间,形成两条纵向的动态led灯光带,灯光可以根据不同的场景改变颜色和闪烁的频率。酒水吧台本身也是一个闪烁着火焰一样温暖光芒的独特灯具,与拱顶表面动态光线互为呼应。Another highlight is the changing lighting. Therefore, being light and color a protagonists to the project. At the axis of the two vaults we proposed two longitudinal dynamic led lamps casted among the suspended acoustic panels that change speed and color depending on the different scenes at the venue. Also, the drink-bar works as a lamp itself, providing a warm fire toned light that serves as a basis for the playful lights in the surfaces of the vaults.▼纵向的动态led灯具嵌在悬挂的吸音板之间,能够变换颜色和闪烁的频率, longitudinal dynamic led lamps are casted among the suspended acoustic panels that can change speed and color

▼酒水吧台本身也是一个闪烁着火焰一样温暖光芒的独特灯具,与拱顶表面动态光线互为呼应,the drink-bar works as a lamp itself providing a warm fire toned light that serves as a basis for the playful lights in the surfaces of the vaults



Pahomova 发表于 2021-7-31 22:46

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