本帖最后由 gaoyangxiayu 于 2019-4-2 12:21 编辑森艺德:鼎鼎香餐饮空间设计设计:森艺德室内设计事务所 | 项目地点:西安 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2019-4-2
In the same fashion, SKP Xian represents the monumental culture of ancient Xian and will last, just as a book of stone, as well as activating the fashion vibe of Xian. While working with Dingdingxiang, I have enjoyed 20 years of history in Beijing, including traditional food and a trendy environment philosophy. The food itself is vintage and to make a similar contrast, I have decided todesign the space in contemporary way.
For ten years, I have been working with Dingdingxiang as design consultant.As we speak, we have the opportunity to work again together. This collaboration creates a very positive feeling regarding the whole design process. It feels like meeting an old friend while working on a project involving renovation that stimulates us.We had significantly grown during a decade and each embarked in mind-opening journeys simultaneously.
Before the kickoff process, our client required us to update the“GLASS BALL” used to be in the former Restaurant.The concept is to create a conflict between the contemporary and vintage , which is a thread connecting. The past, the present days and the future. Based on the requirement ,we had put the Glassball on the Entrance Bar area. It is thought to bring luck and fortune while customers come and see the Glassball.
半敞开的厨房是”五感”(视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉)的综合体验,就餐已经上升至“美感”的体验。它不仅仅是食品制作的过程展示,而是一种缔造美味的”SHOW”,所以在名厨区域我们也是做了很多空间的细节处理,收银台、名厨操作区域在不影响外观空间的视觉美感同时还要保证卫生规范的要求。设计是必须综合考虑各方面的因素,绝不仅仅是美观和情感的表达。The semi open kitchen is a composite experience of five senses (sight, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. This combination brings customers up to a feeling of aesthetic,The kitchen is not only a food making process. It is also a “show” for the creation of delicious food. In addition, there are various details over the chef demonstration.We incorporated many elements and followed up the government specification during the process of design, rather than only considering the aesthetic and expression of feelings.
空间位于SKP六层,玻璃幕墙的室外是溜冰场,为保留户外平台外独有的“景色”,在做空间划分时候,将包间区域放在整个空间相对中心位置,而大厅空间则用集装饰、分隔、备餐功能于一体的金属架来分隔。把大厅空间划分为相对私密(卡座)、敞开空间,自然形成了合理的空间动线,保证餐厅上座率的同时,让各个空间即相互独立又相互联系。The restaurant is on the 6th Floor of SKP. There is an ice rink separated by a glass curtain wall. In order to save the unique scenery, we included the compartment session in the center of the hall. Besides the Box session, we benefited of the metal shelf to separate the hall. The hall is divided into a relaxed area and an open space. Therefore, a reasonable and pleasant flow was created spontaneously .
路德维希·密斯·凡德罗提出的:"Less is more。我一直很欣赏这句话,室内空间很多时候很容易被“装饰”了,而不是被“设计”,设计是需要取舍,不能为了博眼球而一味去做很多无功能的“装饰细节’,所以在选材时候,我们全空间只用了三种材质:水磨石、艺术玻璃、玫瑰金。这种”少“与简洁"不是简单得像白纸一张,让你觉得空洞无物,根本就没有设计。而是让每个来就餐的客户很舒服自在,不会为过度的环境装饰而分心,坐在餐桌前静静聆听火锅煮食物时的”咕嘟’声,闻着食物的香味......,等待食物出锅时的幸福感......,将食物送入口中味蕾的那种满足感,这一切的体验都是结合环境的空间、灯光、材质,合奏出来的无言“音乐”所起的作用。I have always admired Mies Van der Rohe's : "LESS IS MORE ". The indoor space is easily to be over decorated rather than design the space. The design itself is organized. It is ridiculous to draw your eyes to make too much decorations.We have selected only 3 materials: Grindstone, art glass and Rose gold.The combination of these simple materials are not shallow.The purpose of the design is to ease the customers while they are sitting in the restaurant, listening to the boiling sound of hotpot, smelling the fragrance of the food. The satisfying oftastebuds comes while you put food into your mouth .The integrated experience is made up of the space, the lights and the materials which all together operate a beautiful music.
有网评说在这里就餐就犹如在”Valentino“里吃饭,不管如何这特有的高贵优雅的气质是需要”人气“去升华。Some customers commented on the Dazhongdianping that they have a feeling of staying at the VALENTINO Boutique at the restaurant. However, the graceful space also offers customers elegant vibes, which are fused and influenced by these two elements –people and environment.
项目名称 : 鼎鼎香
设计师(公司) : 森艺德室内设计事务所
设计团队 : 张卫娟、于爽、杨锡鹏
客 户 : 鼎鼎香
项目位置 : 西安SKP长安北路261号6F项目面积 : 520平方米
完成时间 : 2018年05月
摄 影 : 鲁鲁西邮箱:19001894@qq.com