EY办公室,布达佩斯 / LAB5 architects
由于现在使用的空间具有优越的地理位置和功能实用的布局,EY决定继续租用布达佩斯总部正在使用的办公室。自EY搬入这里到现在已有很长一段时间了,公司对于工作场所的期待与需求也已经发生了变化,因此很有必要对办公空间内部进行彻底更新改造。新设计在与开发商(建筑业主)、EY公司、项目管理部门的紧密合作下进行。Thanks to the great location and useful layout of the existing rented area, EY decided to keep it’s original tenement for its HQ at Budapest. Long time passed since the first move in, and many of the expectation to the working places changed, so a complete update of the interior became necessary. The new design was developed in tight cooperation with the developer – building owner, and EY, and the project management.▼办公空间首层入口区域,entrance at the ground floor
建筑师重新布局和改动了原有的功能空间。首层空间如今被一间大型会议中心所占据,顶层是几间董事室,中间的楼层则都是办公区域。Functions were rearranged and moved. The ground floor is now occupied by a conference centre, the top floor is by board rooms, and the levels between are the general office floors.▼被一间大型会议中心所占据的首层空间,the ground floor is now occupied by a conference centre
自行车停放架与更衣室设置在停车场所在的楼层。庭院内花园由大楼原来的建筑及景观设计师进行了更新改造。内部所有电力机械系统也根据新的环保及人体工程学标准进行了更新升级。The bicycle racks are supplied with changing rooms in the garage level. The garden of the courtyard has been refreshed too, that design was done by the original architectural and landscape designers of the building. All electrical and mechanical systems in the interior were refurbished, upon the new environmental friendly and ergonomic directives.▼改造后的小花园成为一个绿色休憩区域,refreshed garden becomes a green leisure space
▼俯瞰建筑内部小花园,aerial view of the small garden
▼花园及标志细节,detail of the garden and the logo
其它楼层分布着以各项活动为基础的自由办公区域。工作站排列在窗边,内部配备着高台桌子和座位的协同工作区穿插其中,可用来举行简短会议。在空间布局的内部是用作会议室和电话间的玻璃盒子,复印室和档案室则隐藏在白色盒子空间中。▼工作站与协同工作区,workstations and collaboration area
▼配备着高台桌子、座位和沙发的区域用于简短会议与协同工作,areas with higher counters, seats and sofa are for shorter meetings and cooperative working
General floors are occupied by the activity based free sitting office areas. Workstations are lined up close to the windows and are interrupted by collaboration areas, furnished with higher counters and seats for shorter meetings. In the inner part of the layout, the meeting rooms and phone booths are placed in glass boxes, the copy rooms and archives are hidden in white boxes.▼公共而自由的办公区域入口,entrance of the general and free working space
▼公共办公区域内部,opening work area
▼走廊一侧连接着办公区域,一侧连接着电话间和小型会议室的玻璃盒子,corridor with working area on one side, glass boxes as phone booth and small meeting rooms on the other
▼玻璃盒子空间连接着半围合的会面洽谈区,glass boxes connect with half-enclosed meeting area
▼滑动门形成内部变化灵活的会议空间,the sliding door forms a flexible meeting area
HUB是每一层空间的核心区域,这个宽敞空间既是小厨房,也是为同事们提供互动机会的社交生活中心和进行会议及小型工作的替代场所。以前的迷你小厨房因为过于狭小和昏暗,已无法适用于现在的工作方式,因此各个楼层都不再使用这种空间。The core of any of the floor is the HUB, which is a generous space originally meant to be the kitchenette, but also serves as a hub of social life with chance of interactions between colleagues, or alternative working space for meetings, or small works. Mini-kitchenettes are no longer serving any floors since they proved to be too tight and dark for the now days working methods.▼HUB既是小厨房,也是为同事们提供互动机会的社交生活中心和进行会议及小型工作的替代场所,HUB is a kitchenette, but also serves as a hub of social life with chance of interactions between colleagues, or alternative working space for meetings, or small works
室内的设计和氛围反映了公司的理念:专业、高效、透明,以及舒适、友好、自然。设计师强调新工作空间的统一性、内部绿化和舒适性。细节设计解决隔音和室内音质的声学需求,统一的标识和颜色设计有助于辨别内部空间方向。The interior design and atmosphere reflects the company philosophy: professional, effective, transparent from one side – and cosy, friendly, natural on the other hand. We emphasised the uniformity, the inner greens and the comfort of the new work stations. Details are solved taking into aspect the acoustical needs of both soundproofing and room acoustics. Unified signage and colouring are a useful help of orientation.▼内部绿化细节,inner greens
感谢楼主的分享 内部绿化确实很好 感谢楼主的分享 空间不错 都有亮点 好作品。。666666666666666666 感谢楼主的分享666666 好作品。。需要好评! 内部绿化非常好 感谢楼主的分享