本帖最后由 沙漠之星 于 2019-7-17 15:26 编辑本项目为考古学家的家庭住宅。建筑坐落在一个矩形的基座之上,简洁的方形体量中嵌入了数个尺寸较小的、由石材包覆的方形体块。
The building is a single-family residence designed specifically for an archaeologist. The volume is a simple parallelepiped with a rectangular base in which other blocks of cubic form, completely covered with stone, have been inserted and fixed.
▼建筑外观,exterior view of the building
▼简洁的体量中嵌入了数个尺寸较小的、由石材包覆的方形体块,other blocks of cubic form covered with stone have been inserted in the volume
材料 | Material建筑的质感引人联想起老旧砖墙的纹理,或是过梁及结构转换处使用的整块石材。本项目的设计团队并没有将常见的砖和石头用作材料,而是选择了槽纹混凝土块、大理石以及洞石。建筑所用材料均为来自废弃的采石场和建材堆填区的回收建材。同时,石材的应用为建筑赋予了较好的隔热性,从而将建筑的能耗降至最低。
The building is reminiscent of the brick textures from old walls and the large cut stones that often interrupted the frame as lintels or cornerstones. In this house, we replaced the bricks with reused fluted concrete block and the stone with marble slabs and travertine blocks. The materials used are all recovered materials from decommissioned quarries or landfills of construction materials; the building has also been better insulated to reduce energy consumption to a minimum.
▼建筑立面及外部景观,the facade and surrounding landscape
▼回收的槽纹混凝土块、大理石以及洞石,reused fluted concrete block, marble slabs, and travertine blocks
建筑学角度 | An architectural point of view
The building is on two levels above ground level: on the ground floor there is a large and bright living room with a kitchen, a dining room and a small bathroom; on the first floor there are the bedrooms, two master bathrooms and the client’s private office. All windows interact with the surrounding landscape characterized by vineyards and cultivated fields.
▼地面层客厅▼室内空间,interior view
,living room on the ground floor
▼室内空间,interior view
We wanted to design a contemporary building by reinterpreting the old; we wanted a simple, primitive mineral building capable of vibrating in the light differently in the morning, noon and evening; we wanted to recover materials that are no longer used to give them a new life and reduce the nuisance to the environment; we wanted a house full of light in its domestic interior. More simply, we wanted to donate to our client a house that had in it its soul and its passions for history and archeology.▼总图,master plan
▼一层平面,ground floor plan
▼二层平面,first floor plan
膜拜大佬,好喜欢这种 细踢脚有种很特殊得美感 门套的颜色和宽度