有浪: 扬州慢×新华书店|古城里的宝藏盒子
本帖最后由 丁克一族 于 2019-7-26 11:37 编辑扬州慢:古城里的宝藏盒子
Slow Yangzhou: A Chinese Box in the old city
Wutopia Lab 受扬州万科邀请在扬州古城区里把一间新华书店及其辅房改成了一个藏着书店、民宿、展览、会议、茶室的宝藏盒子。它向扬州人民展现了继承历史展现未来的可能性。Wutopia Lab is invited by Vanke Yangzhou to renovate a Xinhua Bookstore and its annex room in the historic district of Yangzhou. The bookstore is redesigned as a multi-functional box for bookstore, hostel, exhibition, conference and tea house, which presents a possibility of connection of the past and the future of the city of Yangzhou.▼书店外观,exterior view具有2500多年的建城历史的扬州曾经一度是中国最繁华的城市。成立于1949年1月28日的国庆路新华书店是扬州的第一家新华书店,它的前身是原民国时期“建国书店”,解放后被接管。经历70年发展,承载了几代人回忆的国庆路新华书店随着时代的发展逐渐破败,经营面积越来越小,部分门面租赁给服装店,曾经是扬州人的精神家园的书店开始被人遗忘。扬州市政府和万科希望联手复兴新华书店并带动古城区的城市更新。Yangzhou, with a history of 2500 years, used to be the most prosperous city in China. This Xinhua Bookstore in Guoqing Road opened on January 28th, 1949 was the first of its branch in the city. The former of the bookstore was the Jianguo Bookstore during the period of Republic of China and was took over after the liberation. The bookstore is gradually downsized and dilapidated 70 years after its opening so the government of Yangzhou and Vanke are looking for a revival of the bookstore and hope it can bring a positive effect to the city renovation of historic district.▼城市肌理,context
▼屋顶鸟瞰,aerial view
Slow Yangzhou – A Box of Surprises
Wutopia Lab拿到的新华书店是由一栋街面楼房以及6栋嵌在老城区肌理里的建筑组成的小群落,房子之间是堆满杂物的院子。Wutopia Lab把它们整合成有联系的一个组团,命名为“扬州慢”。The site has a main building facing the street and a group of 6 old buildings with an inner courtyard among them. What Wutopia Lab is going to do is an integration of each building and re-brand it as Slow Yangzhou.▼设计分析图(场地原状),diagram (original view)
First Box: Xinhua Bookstore
▼书店轴测,bookstore axon
1.1 幈宫书屋是最轻盈的白盒子
The Weightless Box – A bookstore of screens
国庆路主基调是灰色,沉重,我想既然不能改变立面,那就创造一个白色轻盈的书店吧。我以“幈宫”为设计灵感,用白色亚克力书架作为屏风,在书店围合分割成书店的迷宫。半透明亚克力创造了雾一般的体会,所有的书仿佛在空中,悬浮在白色的地坪上,这就是个轻盈的书店。书店虽然小,但在镜面映射下,仿佛无穷无尽,时间都不重要了。Based on the heavy grey color theme in Guoqing Road, Wutopia Lab would like to create an opposite space by using bright white color theme for the bookstore. By borrowing the idea of “Palace of Screens”, bookshelves made of white acrylic are installed as screens, splitting the space like a maze. The translucent acrylic material of the bookshelves creates a visual effect of fog, which provides a sense of floating, weightless experience inside of the bookstore.▼幈宫书屋外观,exterior view of the “bookstore of screens”
▼白色亚克力书架围合分割成书店的迷宫,bookshelves made of white acrylic are installed as screens, splitting the space like a maze
▼书架细部,detailed view
1.2 童书馆是白盒子里的首饰盒子
The Jewelry Box – Children’s Area
二楼的童书馆是幈宫书屋升级版。布局延续了幈宫书屋,但书架改成木质,书架的形式也是木屋的轮廓线,地坪是明亮的黄色,其上有动物(书架)游栖。层层叠叠的木屋在镜面墙壁的反射下为孩子们打造了一个温暖的纳尼亚般的小世界。The second floor of the bookstore is the children’s area, which follows the same arrangement of first floor, but the material for bookshelves is changed to wood while the form comes from the contour of wood cabin. The floor uses bright yellow color and with the wooden bookshelves and mirrored walls it creates a warm and wild space.▼童书馆, children’s area
▼书架的形式也是木屋的轮廓线,the form of the bookshelves comes from the contour of wood cabin
1.3 移动书房是白盒子里的机关
The Mechanic Space – Mobile Reading Room
我坚持把运送图书的升降平台设计成一个移动的小客厅,轿厢墙壁可以用作展览。它隐藏在镜面墙面后头。偶尔打开瞬间,可以让读者窥见正在展出的新华书店的历史变迁小记。The lifting platform used to be logistics elevator is turned into a mobile living space, which is hidden behind the mirrored wall. The wall of the platform can also be used for exhibition.▼移动书房,Mobile Reading Room
1.4 观文书屋是白盒子上的黑盒子
Black box above the white box
书店三楼是一个小型的珍藏书籍区。以可移动的不锈钢书柜组合固定书架,结合镜面吊顶和黑色地面构成了一个让人失去场所感的 “机关密室”,它就是扬州的观文书屋。The third floor is a little collection space for limited books. The space is equipped with portable stainless-steel bookshelves and fixed bookshelves. Together with the mirror ceiling and black floor, the space becomes a boundary-less chamber.▼观文书屋,collection space for limited books
1.5 云上花园是个藏着自然的盒子
The Nature Box – Garden Above the Cloud
观文书屋出来就是屋顶花园。我以个园的竹子和个园的清漪亭为灵感,以耐候钢板形成涟漪的花纹作为花池的形状,并在里面种满竹子。这是老城屋顶上对个园的回响,这是一个改写的微型自然。Coming out from the collection area is the roof garden. A garden of bamboo is created with a form of ripple using weather steel panels, responding to its famous reference the Geyuan Garden in Yangzhou. We made it a micro natural space on the roof.▼屋顶花园鸟瞰,aerial view to the roof garden
▼耐候钢板构成的花池中种满竹子,a garden of bamboo is created with a form of ripple using weather steel panels▼花园细部,detailed view
Knowledge and history are the treasures of the bookstore box.
Second Box: 24hr Box
▼民宿和共享大厅轴测示意,axon of hostel and shared lobby space
2.1 住在诗歌里
Living in poems
新华书店的后场两栋小楼被改建成民宿和共享大厅。其中两层楼的小楼设计了12间客房。这就是民宿盒子。我牺牲了一部分客房面积,把客房独立成附着在大盒子里的小盒子。我把它们看成巧克力,你打开这个大盒子,拿到的可能是李白,或者是欧阳修,一开始你无法确定会是谁,毕竟有12个诗人在等着你挑选。The two buildings behind the Xinhua Bookstore is turned into a hostel and shared lobby space. The one with two floors is the hostel with 12 bedrooms, which are small boxes within the large hostel space. The hostel is like a box of chocolate and you’ll never which bedroom you’re going to get.▼民宿盒子外观, hostel exterior view
▼客房内部,guest room▼天窗,skylight
2.2 沐浴在灵感的彩虹下
Under the rainbow of ideas
毗邻民宿的小楼是供会议培训活动之用的共享大厅。它的外立面因为和民居很接近,被要求不做立面上的处理。我把目光转移到屋顶,要有光,彩色的天窗把天光滤成五颜六色而让室内变成生动活泼。即便在羁绊中,想象力依然可以驰骋。这彩色的光就是庸常生活中忽现的灵感。The building next to the hostel is the shared lobby space for group events. We are asked to not to change the façade, so the roof becomes our focusing point. In order to create a vibrant interior atmosphere, we chose to install colored transparent panels for the skylights.▼共享大厅未做立面上的处理,the facade of the shared lobby space has been remained
▼共享大厅内部,interior view
A poetic life is the treasure of the hostel box.
Third Box: Central Courtyard
▼中央庭院轴测示意,axon of central courtyard
在书店盒子和民宿盒子之间的杂院被清理干净,这才是整个扬州慢项目的中心。中央庭院是一个空盒子。我在在原本破败的庭院中植入一个亮晶晶的“空盒子”,它以空这个特征联系了书店、民宿和后院。The original courtyard is cleaned up and redesigned as the center of the project. We left this space empty on purpose so that the emptiness is used to connect the bookstore, hostel and the back of the house.▼中央庭院鸟瞰,Central Courtyard aerial view
▼从入口望向庭院,view to the courtyard from the entrance
你站在这个空旷,干净,灰色的盒子里,它是杂乱拥挤的古城的下句。它回应了片石山房,整个墙壁和地面都由灰色的石材铺就。这是一个独立的庭院,它的墙壁和四周建筑是脱开的。这是一种决心重新开始的姿态。通过庭院设置的景窗,花砖墙,月洞门,你可以窥见不同颜色和肌理的旧城面貌。他们试图拥挤进来,但又被阻挡在外。在这个平静的院子里,你会慢下来,许多思绪和记忆会涌上心头。这个空盒子就是整个项目的中心。唯一开放的是天空,呼应天空的就是中央的红枫,可惜我等不及它变红就发表作品了,慢有时也是很奢侈的。▼月洞门,the moon gate
▼整个墙壁和地面都由灰色的石材铺就,the ground and walls are covered with grey stone finishing
▼从庭院窥见不同颜色和肌理的旧城面貌,view to the old town from the central courtyard
The emptiness is also responding to the messiness of the street outside of the courtyard. The ground and walls are covered with grey stone finishing, which is used to distinguish the courtyard and its surrounding buildings. Window openings, gaps on the brick wall and a moon gate bring street views into the courtyard gently that you can standing in the courtyard and experience the peacefulness. A red maple is planted on the center, responding the vast opening of the sky above the courtyard.▼庭院细部,detailed view
Thinking is the treasure of the courtyard.
Fourth Box: Surprises
4.1 曲水流觞是发现秘密宝藏的线索
Winding Stream is the clue to real the secret
你在后院入口会发现地面上镶嵌的暗寓“曲水流觞”的曲线铜条,这是一个帮助发现精细的线索。Curvilineal copper strips are mounted on the ground at the entry of the courtyard, implying the ancient Chinese story of Winding Stream Party.▼地面上的曲线铜条,curvilineal copper strips
4.2 我们藏了3个秘密宝藏
The Three Secrets
沿着曲水,我们发现后院这个宝藏盒子里的三处秘境。它们利用原来杂院里的边角小房子,变成了精致的两个茶室,“琼花 芍药”和“绿杨春”。以及最后一间独立的民宿: “烟花三月”。这个狭长曲折的院子里成就一份独立于喧嚣之外的平静,属于发现宝藏的朋友的精细和自得。▼茶室和独立民宿轴测示意,tea house and individual hostel room
Following the Winding Stream are the three secret spaces we hide around the courtyard. The first two are little tea houses “Butterfly Flower” and “Peony”, which used to be storage rooms. The third secret is an individual hostel room “Misty March”. The three secret spaces together with the peacefulness in the winding courtyard fulfilled a sense of exquisiteness and delicacy here in the Slow Yangzhou.
▼一层平面图,plan level 1
▼二层平面图,plan level 2
▼三层平面图,plan level 3
方案设计(建筑、室内、景观):Wutopia Lab
摄影:CreatAR Images
建筑面积: 1800㎡
业主:扬州万科房地产有限公司 苏州万科城市酵母投资有限公司
建筑 扬州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 室内 上海傲石设计咨询有限公司
景观 上海彤构建筑工程设计有限公司 幕墙 江苏建设控股集团有限公司
Project: You Lang | Slow Yangzhou x Xinhua Bookstore
Design: Wutopia Lab
Principal Architect: Yu Ting
Project Architect: Huang He
Photography: CreatAR Images
Lighting Consulting: Zhang Chenlu
Location: Yangzhou
Area: 1800 m
Completion: January, 2019
Client: Yangzhou Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Construction Drawing:
Shanghai Aoshi Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Tonggou Architecture and Construction Design Co., Ltd.
Curtain System
Jiangsu Construction Holding Group Co., Ltd.