沙漠之星 发表于 2019-8-5 16:00


本帖最后由 沙漠之星 于 2019-8-5 16:42 编辑

弗洛伊德认为:“体验是一种瞬间的幻想:是对过去的回忆——对过去曾经实现的东西的追忆;也是对现在的感受——先前储存下来的意象显现;是对未来的期待——瞻望未来、创造美景,通过瞬间幻想来唤回过去的乐境。”Freud thinks: "Experience is an instant fantasy: A recollection of the past - A recollection of what has been achieved in the past; A feeling of the present - the image that was previously stored; The expectation of the future —— Looking forward to the future, creating beautiful scenery and recalling the past mood through instant fantasy.”.

魂 / Soul世间万物,自诞生的一刻便有它独有的灵魂。新旧时代的更迭中,历史与创新血液的碰撞,即是一脉相承的表现也是火花四射的瞬间。Everything in the world has its own unique soul from the moment of birth. During the change of the old and new times, the collision between history and innovation blood can not only be traced to the same origin, but also a sparkling moment.
我们在脑海中臆想,将精益求精的创新精神化为时代的新风,记录着历史轨迹的年轮化为空间之魂,两者相互贯穿,相辅相成。We delve into our minds, turning the innovative spirit of constantly striving for excellence into the new trend of the times, turning the annual rings recording the historical trajectory into the soul of space and the two interpenetrate and complement each other.

技 / Skills当空间被划分为不同功能空间时,需要用一个支点将空间各区凝聚起来。将巨型的圆环模型伫立于空间之中,既夺人眼球也聚集了空间的视角。若干圆环内飘带自由奔流,既贯穿各展示区域引导视觉动线,也以概念化手法呈现项目的核心理念。When the space is divided into different functional spaces, it is necessary to use a fulcrum to condense the various regions of the space. The giant ring model stands in the space, capturing both the eyes of the audience and the perspectives of space. Within a few rings, the streamers are free to flow, guiding the visual movement through all the display areas and presenting the core concept of the project in a conceptual way.


TACDESIGN 中山沙朗格美办公家具展厅空间   |      14 JULY 2019          6007   |      文章来源:广州激塔室内设计顾问有限公司官方授权

弗洛伊德认为:“体验是一种瞬间的幻想:是对过去的回忆——对过去曾经实现的东西的追忆;也是对现在的感受——先前储存下来的意象显现;是对未来的期待——瞻望未来、创造美景,通过瞬间幻想来唤回过去的乐境。”Freud thinks: "Experience is an instant fantasy: A recollection of the past - A recollection of what has been achieved in the past; A feeling of the present - the image that was previously stored; The expectation of the future —— Looking forward to the future, creating beautiful scenery and recalling the past mood through instant fantasy.”http://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022173554551.jpg魂 / Soul世间万物,自诞生的一刻便有它独有的灵魂。新旧时代的更迭中,历史与创新血液的碰撞,即是一脉相承的表现也是火花四射的瞬间。Everything in the world has its own unique soul from the moment of birth. During the change of the old and new times, the collision between history and innovation blood can not only be traced to the same origin, but also a sparkling moment.

我们在脑海中臆想,将精益求精的创新精神化为时代的新风,记录着历史轨迹的年轮化为空间之魂,两者相互贯穿,相辅相成。We delve into our minds, turning the innovative spirit of constantly striving for excellence into the new trend of the times, turning the annual rings recording the historical trajectory into the soul of space and the two interpenetrate and complement each other.http://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022174386792.jpghttp://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022175793486.jpg技 / Skills当空间被划分为不同功能空间时,需要用一个支点将空间各区凝聚起来。将巨型的圆环模型伫立于空间之中,既夺人眼球也聚集了空间的视角。若干圆环内飘带自由奔流,既贯穿各展示区域引导视觉动线,也以概念化手法呈现项目的核心理念。When the space is divided into different functional spaces, it is necessary to use a fulcrum to condense the various regions of the space. The giant ring model stands in the space, capturing both the eyes of the audience and the perspectives of space. Within a few rings, the streamers are free to flow, guiding the visual movement through all the display areas and presenting the core concept of the project in a conceptual way.http://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022177526560.jpghttp://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022178185599.jpghttp://static.dinzd.com/upload/image/20190713/editor/1563022179359569.jpg在设计师看来,这种多曲线的形态建于空间当中,在考虑空间的位置关系的同时,空间的规划模型的设计,材料的运用以及工艺的选择同样值得深究。作为整个空间的中心,需要事先通过各方面尝试设计好形状,考量受力点,考量转折的地方会否和其他地方存在碰撞等问题,再通过电焊等工艺组合结构后,将板材根据形状做成弧形镶嵌在结构上。整体的造型在美学,力学与结构学的专业知识与技术的支持下得以完整的呈现。内嵌的灯光设置让模型更富有质感与立体感,强调设计与科技的融合。In the designer's view, the shape of this multi-curve is built into the space. While considering the positional relationship of the space, the design of the spatial planning model, the application of materials and the choice of technology are also worthy of further investigation. As the center of the whole space, it is necessary to try to design the shape in advance by various aspects, consider the point of stress, consider whether there is a collision with other places in the place where the turning is made, and then combine the structure by electric welding and other processes and then make the plate based on the shape. The arc is inlaid on the structure. The overall shape is fully presented with the support of aesthetics, mechanics and structural expertise and technology. The built-in lighting settings make the model more textured and three-dimensional, emphasizing the integration of design and technology.

为了使整体造型更具冲击力,贯穿于圆环造型内的飘带灵动自如,使其看起来更具活力,线条的流线感更加突出,在视觉上替代规划的行走动线,指引来宾。In order to make the overall shape more impactful, the streamers running through the ring shape are flexible, making it look more energetic, the streamlined lines are more prominent and visually replace the planned walking lines to guide the guests.

感 / Feeling当“体验“成了此空间的核心,那么其感知自然是多维度的。通过对不同空间的演绎,升华项目的灵魂,将新的元素贯通其中,进而创造一种有温度的场所。When “experience” becomes the core of this space, its perception ofnature is multi-dimensional. Through the interpretation of different spaces, the sublimation of the project soul, the insertion of the new elements, a place with temperature will be created.

展示区的产品分布在圆环的周边区域,区域中没有过多的配饰,用空间放大产品的感受力。在飘带的末端,为企业自用的办公室及休闲娱乐空间,开放式的办公设计,让来宾更能感受移动办公概念。The products in the display area are distributed in the surrounding area of the ring. There are not too many accessories in the area and the space is used to enlarge the sensibility of the product. At the end of the streamer, the office and leisure space for the company's own use, open style office design, the guests can feel the concept of mobile office.

除了企业的办公家具展及自身使用的办公空间之外,展厅还特别配置了医疗展示区,来宾可在此接触体验高端医疗家用产品。有别于公共区域的简约设计规划,用柔和的颜色及装置艺术规划空间,打破常规医院刻板及紧张的氛围,把生活及美好一切注入空间当中,企业产品的展现方式在此有了新的注解。In addition to the office furniture exhibition and the office space used by the company, the exhibition hall is also equipped with a medical display area where visitors can experience high-end medical household products. Apart from the simple design plan of the public area, using soft colors and installation art to plan space, breaking the rigid and stressful atmosphere of the regular hospital, injecting life and good things into the space, the way of displaying the enterprise products has a new annotation here.

跟随着场景的转动窥视整个空间,跟随着年轮的承转了解企业的历史文化,超时代创意设计元素的碰撞及融入,让人更直观的感受到空间扶摇直上的姿态,一切都化作空间语言向来宾细声诉说。Follow the turn of the scene to see the whole space, follow the rotation of the annual ring to understand the history and culture of the enterprise, the collision and integration of the creative design elements which go beyond the era, people can feel more directly that the space is rising and everything has become a space language to whisper to the guests.



创始人 / 设计总监 / 李俊




设计主笔:莫家铭TONY MOK

深化设计:林智磊 LIN



设计总监:李俊TACCO LEE



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