zartisan 发表于 2019-8-12 21:34

构建温润透镜的律动空间——EYE OF SOSEKI (眼镜)实景

设计时间:2019.1Design time: January 2019项目地点:杭州黄龙万科Project location: Huanglong Vanke K-Lab, Hangzhou委托单位:SOSEKIEntrusting party: SOSEKI作品类别:新零售 Category of works: New retail设计机构:匠研组设计事务所Design institution: Z’ARTISAN DesignStudio设计团队:汪志鹏 / 周扬涛Design Team:Thomas Wang / Oscar Zhou摄       影:Zhang-XPhoto by: Zhang-X

--------------New retail has reached a newheightConsumer group in the new eraCommerce-culture-artTraditional cognitive boundariesmay be blurred 漱石,作为定位高端个性化品牌,早已从传统同质化零售中脱颖而出。转变为由艺术家,设计师和商业品牌寻因并行的独特体验,文化融合,装置艺术等新元素的体验式消费。本案不仅是一个常规的零售店,更蕴含着一个品牌自身的文化和魅力,而作为设计方,我们更期望通过本案,与品牌文化进行一次对话。并将这种交流融入设计之中,为品牌作出一次关于未知旅程的探索,使整个品牌文化更具创新力量。
As a high-end personalized brand,SOSEKI has already stood out from the traditional homogeneous retail. It hastransformed into the unique experience of artists, designers and commercialbrands, and experiential consumption of new elements such as culturalintegration and installation art. This case is not only a regular retail store,but also contains a brand's own culture and charm. As a designer, we hope tohave a dialogue with the brand culture through this case, integrate thisexchange into the design, and make an exploration of the unknown journey for thebrand, so that the whole brand culture has more innovative power.漱石线下体验店,在兼具展示、体验和销售功能的同时,它也将成为一张品牌对外宣传的名片。这样一个综合性质的空间,其本身便极具戏剧意味。因此在设计过程中,这一内在情态被作为设计线索加以思考。

SOSEKI Offline Experience Storewill also become a business card for brand publicity while it has the functionsof display, experience and sales. Such a comprehensive space is dramatic itself.Therefore, in the design process, this internal modality is considered as adesign clue.正如眼镜,或柔,或刚,整个空间做完合理的动线,私密和敞开分区之后,设计师希望将透镜律动交叠的视觉效果带入到空间中,形成一种独特的视觉体验。空间对外衔接部分采用一整面落地白玻璃,使整个店铺化身一个超大橱窗展厅,优雅而不失神秘。
Just like soft or rigid glasses, reasonablemoving lines and private and open partition are created for the whole space. Afterthat, the designer hopes to bring the visual effect of overlapping and rhythmiclens into space, and form a unique visual experience. The external connectionpart of the space uses a whole floor-to-ceiling white glass, making the whole storean elegant and mysterious super-large window exhibition hall.
Layers of concave and convextexture and color change of the wall are like layers of halo of the lens underthe light, creating the visual sense of modern sense and future. The arc andstreamline make the space move forward layer by layer, making it smooth,flexible and tensive. Simple modelling lights on ceiling not only have lightingeffect in space, but also complement each other with exhibition cabinets. Inspace, pure white and burlywood are used to highlight the layered sense. Thissimplified color processing method makes the product the most colorfulprotagonist in the whole space. The open space structure design enables peopleto have more exchange and interaction with products, narrows the distancebetween people and products, breaks the restraints of traditional exhibitioncabinets, and makes the whole space more relaxed and free.
The arc shape at the topcontinues the elements of the whole space. The designer hopes that the wholespace will not be as heavy, rigid and boring as it used to be. The purpose ofdisplay is to arouse people's fixed thinking about spatial order andarrangement. Is there more possibility between tradition and change?

梅gr 发表于 2019-8-20 11:44

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