zartisan 发表于 2019-8-13 20:28


本帖最后由 zartisan 于 2019-8-13 20:31 编辑

设计时间:2019.3 Design time: March 2019项目地点:杭州远洋乐提港Project location: Grand Canal Place, Hangzhou委托单位:SOSEKI Entrusting party: SOSEKI作品类别:新零售 Category of works: New retail设计机构:匠研组设计事务所 Design institution: Z’ARTISAN DesignStudio设计团队: 汪志鹏 / 周扬涛Design Team:Thomas Wang / Oscar Zhou摄       影:Zhang-X Photo by: Zhang-X
趣味和幻想Interest and Fantasy如果会有一条直的路If there's a straight road如果可以一直带着少年时酷If you can always be as cool as youare used to be when you were young如果失去不会让你脸上少了笑If loss won't make you have less smileon your face如果丢了自己还能找得到If you lose yourself but you canstill find it如果有些妥协变成枷锁If some compromises becomeshackles如果必须要跟新的世界搭伙If you have to be partner withthe new world
空间体验上,我们不再满足于形式化的弧线和拱形,通过尺度的调整,形式的变化,从二维视觉延展到三维空间。In terms of spatial experience,we are no longer satisfied with the formal arc and arch. Through the adjustmentof scale and form changes, we extend from two-dimensional vision tothree-dimensional space.
不规则的几何体打破原有平面化的边界,设计师用不循规蹈矩,不保守,不盲从的态度,通过大胆的视觉呈现,用不同以往的方式进行一次有意思且有意识的传达。在与世界为敌和妥协之间寻找一个新的平衡点。Irregulargeometry breaks the original plane boundary. The designer does not follow therules or follow blindly, and is not conservative. Through bold visualpresentation, a different way is used to make an interesting and consciouscommunication. A new balance between fighting against and compromise with theworld is found.
几何体块的整面堆叠从空间尺度上拓展出一个全新的橱窗形式,虚实相合的视觉体系。The whole stack of geometricblocks expands a new form of window from the spatial scale, which is a visualsystem combining vitality and reality.
阶梯场景的置入,丰富了空间的展示形式和构架形态,黑色BOX贯穿阶梯装置底部的拱形通道, 将空间的维度拓展。Theplacement of stepped scenario enriches the display form and frame form ofspace. Black BOX runs through the arch channel at the bottom of the step deviceand expands the dimension of space.​
洁白的滚珠,White balls使整个空间如蜻蜓点水般泛起阵阵涟漪,make the whole space ripple likea dragonfly.场景化装置,The scenario device创造出一个全新的空间网络和更加奇妙的视觉体验,creates a new space network and amore wonderful visual experience,给纯净的空间增添出更多趣味和幻想。and adds more fun and fantasy tothe pure space.

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