神看这样是好的。有晚上,有早晨;这是第三日。 ———-《创世纪》,1,11-13。
Then God said,let the land produce vegetation:seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it,according their various kinds.And God saw that it was good.And there was morning,and there was evening—the third day – ——–<Genesis>,1,11-13▼餐厅空间概览,interior view of the restaurant
关于空间的设计叙事由此展开。项目空间内部结构因受到建筑暖通等结构限制,使用空间相对较为分散。考虑到入口展示面的完整呈现,在功能性布局中采用双吧台造型,一方面突破空间局限通透性增加,一方面以吧台为核心顺势设置侧向吧台和侧向卡座两种不同布局形态,丰富就餐体验。The narrative of space design unfolds accordingly.Because the internal structure of the project space is limited by the structure of building heating and ventilation, the use space is relatively dispersed. Considering the complete presentation of the entrance display, the dual-bar model is adopted in the functional layout. On the one hand, it breaks through the limitation of space and increases the permeability. On the other hand, it takes the bar as the core to set up two different layout patterns of the side bar and the side card seat to enrich the dining experience.▼入口大理石吧台,marble bar table▼前厅双吧台,front room bars▼侧向卡座,side card seat
神决意创造我们当今的世界,于是神在混沌中带来秩序。天棚往上延伸的黑色方洞表现“无形”、“空虚”的存在,不规则的装饰灯具穿插其中,一起形成“无秩序”的状态。大小不一的灯珠如同智慧的果实,是神带给人间的礼物,在混沌中指向光明。God is determined to create our world today, so God brings order in chaos. The black square hole extending upward from ceiling shows the existence of “invisible” and “emptiness”, among which the irregular decorative lamps and lanterns intersect to form a “disorderly” state. Light beads of different sizes are like fruits of wisdom. They are gifts from God to the world and point to light in chaos.▼大厅,dining hall
▼马赛克地面大面积序列铺展,geometric mosaic large-scale sequence spread
随着视觉从仰视转为直视,整个空间形态就此转变。井然有序的造型护墙围绕吧台展开,几何画面马赛克大面积序列铺展,和软装陈设一起形成“有形”、“充实”、“秩序”的空间状态,与天花形成反差,“无秩序”和“秩序”形成新的呼应关系,让空间层次更为丰富。With the change of vision from looking up to looking straight, the whole spatial form has changed. Orderly shape wall around the bar, geometric mosaic large-scale sequence spread, and soft furnishings together to form a “tangible”, “enriched”, “order” space state, and smallpox contrast, “disorder” and “order” to form a new echo relationship, so that the spatial level is richer.▼细部,details
▼墙面造型,wall finishes
▼平面图,floor plan
项目面积:150 平方米
非常好看,66666 很复古的感觉,也很喜欢这样的配色 222222222222222222