设计时间:2019.1 Design time: January 2019项目地点:杭州黄龙万科Project location: Huanglong Vanke, Hangzhou委托单位:SOSEKIEntrusting party: SOSEKI作品类别:新零售Category of works: New retail设计机构:匠研组设计事务所 Design institution: Z’ARTISAN Design Studio设计团队: 汪志鹏 / 周扬涛Design Team:Thomas Wang / Oscar Zhou摄 影:Zhang-XPhoto by: Zhang-X无所谓形式风格Form and style do not matter.空间他从来不止一面Space has more than one side.是这样It is like this也是那样and like that.摒弃繁琐的装饰符号Complex decorative symbols are abandoned.用空间尺度的几何体块关系The geometric block relation with spatial scale is used.开阔 / 包容 / 接纳 / 渗透Openness/Inclusion/Acceptance/Infiltration虚虚实实Virtual and real通过视觉的自动补齐Through automatic completion by vision层层叠进layers are stacked. 空间布局的限定手法有很多,但在本次设计中,把香氛作为无形的推手,让本该界线分明的空间化为整体,比起视觉效果,更希望能带来一场纯粹的嗅觉盛宴。There are many ways to limit the spatial layout, but in this design as an invisible promoter the fragrance makes the space with clear boundaries into a whole. Compared to the visual effect, the designer hopes to bring a pure feast of smell. 流线型的设计让整个空间看起来更为开阔,包容。透明的玻璃隔开了空间,而在空间中弥漫的香氛又将其紧密相连。The streamlined design makes the whole space look more open and inclusive. Transparent glass separates the space, and the fragrance in the space connects it closely. 无所谓形式风格,所有的空间呈现出来的气质应该是专属于使用者本身的。摈弃繁琐的装饰符号,用空间尺度和点线面的体块关系塑造空间,在细微之处斤斤计较。这是一次大胆的尝试,通过材料的延伸、交叠,使得整个空间不论从何处寻觅,无形之中都能窥探到整体的身影,回溯于你,却只有一种只缘身在此山中的迷恋。Regardless of form and style, the temperament of all spaces should be exclusive to the users themselves. The complex decorative symbols are abandoned. The space is shaped by the spatial scale and the block relationship among points, lines and surfaces, and the details are focused. This is a bold attempt. Through the extension and overlap of materials, the whole space can be seen anywhere. Looking back upon you, it is just like you are in the mountain.