小雪花花 发表于 2019-8-22 10:33


一些房屋的修建几乎不曾考虑周遭环境,它们就像在空地之中兀自拔起的物体。位于瑞士弗里堡郊区的住宅C就是一个这样的例子。对这间房屋的扩建,需要进行非常精准的测量,因为整栋房屋将被重新规划,大门也将朝花园处重新打开。屋子周围的空间被逐一展开,不加掩饰地向外界展示屋内的情况。延伸出的部分紧贴着屋子,玻璃门的弧度与场地边缘形成了和谐的关系。Some houses are built without specific considerations of their surroundings, built like object in the middle of a plot. This was the case with “House C”, a suburban villa in the countryside of Fribourg, Switzerland. Therefore, its extension is a very precise device, which totally re-orientate the house, turn it and open it to its great garden. The space is organized in sequences, totally open to the surrounding, proudly assuming its situation. The extension huddles to the house, faithful to its limits but with a sensual twist.▼扩建后的住宅被绿植环绕,the expanded villa is surrounded by greenery
▼屋子的大门朝花园一侧重新打开, the door has been reopened it to its great garden

整个建筑结构简单却不失精致,组成元素也被大致分为三个部分:混凝土基底,连续的玻璃外墙和由几根细长的镀锌柱支撑的轻盈屋顶。每个环节都有其合理的逻辑:首先与环境相融,然后与现有房屋相适应。结构的表达也被简化,避免有任何冗杂。因此,扩建后的别墅看似平凡但却不失雅致。The construction is simple, yet sophisticated. The consisting elements are visible and could be simplified to three main parts; a concrete base, a continuous glass layer and a light roof supported by slender galvanized columns. Each of those has its proper logic, at first modeling the surrounding, then adapting to the existing house. The expression of the construction is reduced to its basic, avoiding any superfluous expressive elements. It is therefore very simple in appearance, without loosing its radicality and delicacy.▼建筑结构的表达简洁而有力,the expression of structure is concise and powerful
▼混凝土基座、玻璃外墙和屋顶,a concrete base, a continuous glass layer and a light roof

由此产生的室内空间变成了一个多功能的起居室,在房屋和花园之间相连过渡,且拥有令人惊叹的开放性景观。The resulting inner space is a multipurpose living room in continuity between the house and the garden, largely benefitting of the surprising and open landscape.▼宽敞明亮的新空间被当作起居室,the spacious and bright new space is used as a living room
.▼建筑细部,more architectural details
▼环境细部,more environmental details
▼夜幕下的住宅显得格外精致静谧,it looks exquisite and quiet under the night
▼立面图,side elevation


IMAGES: Dylan Perrenoud
PROJECT: Extension and refurbishment of a private house
PROJECT: 2016 – 2018
CONSTRUCTION: 2017 – 2018
CLIENT: Private
SURFACE: Extension – 45 sqm
ARCHITECT: Studio 17 Architectes

niou999 发表于 2019-8-27 14:20


RS.七月 发表于 2019-8-28 08:07

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