沙漠之星 发表于 2019-9-19 13:45

依文集团集合制造徐州苏宁店 / 吾觉空间

本案为中国依文集团旗下的集合智造项目线下短期店铺。集合智造为依文集团打造的M2C线上购物平台,为消费者去掉品牌溢价的同时扶植中国本土优秀的代工厂。许多我们日常熟悉的国际大牌例如Maxmara、Chanel、Dior 等都在中国有代工厂。这些工厂具备精良的工艺水平和优质的面料,但却受困于层出不穷的创意市场迭代,而只能面临严酷的筛选,生存状况堪忧。在50、60年代一辈人的记忆中,中国曾经有许多老牌纺织厂、代工厂辉宏一时。但随着经济迅速发展不能适应市场的巨大变化走向倒闭。在那个辉煌的年代,在这些工厂工作意味着一家人的铁饭碗和荣耀。而工厂的裁员和关张,也意味着一家人的下岗失业。随一个厂走完一生在那个年代很平常,更有一些工厂承载着一家三代人的记忆。▼店铺外观,exterior view▼线下短期店铺,the pop-up shop
This project is specifically for the pop-up shop of “JIHEZHIZAO” owned by the EVE GROUP. “JIHEZHIZAO” is the M2C online shopping platform exclusively created for the EVE GROUP, thus providing fair prices for consumers, while supporting the extraordinary Chinese clothing foundries meanwhile. Many of the well-known international brands, e.g. Max Mara, Chanel and Dior, have their foundries in China. Though these foundries have excellent craftsmanship and high quality, they face a lot of ordeals in the market with the endless creativities. Consequently, they can do nothing but to undergo the severe market competitions, and their businesses are struggling. For the generations in the 1950s and 1960s, many old textile mills and clothing factories were splendid at that time. Nevertheless, with the rapid economic development, those failed to adapt to huge changes, and consequently went bankrupt. In that glorious era, these factories signified the source of family income and the pride. The layoffs and shutdowns had a huge impact on families. It was prevailing that some people spent their entire lives in one factory. Even for some families with three generations, every member worked in the same factories as well.▼项目入口立面,entrance facade

▼一些工厂承载着一家三代人的记忆,some families with three generations worked in the same factories
收到甲方的委托时“大牌品质,工厂价格”,这是我们得到的唯一设计线索。而我们希望经过商业梳理,透过设计的手法,在更好吸引客流的同时还能够帮助这些本土工厂的记忆重回大众的视线,并提出MADE IN CHINA四部曲。第一部, “中国制造” 。在过去,MADE IN CHINA在世界的印象中仅仅意味着中国生产和一个小小的标签。而第二部则是 “中国质造” ,MADE IN CHINA已经完成了大国制造生产的品质体现。如何通过空间直观的让消费者感受到产品的品质,以及工厂的场景感,成为整体空间的设计概念出发点。“Top brands qualities and reasonable prices,” as the customer instruction, is the only clue of design we have. By clarifying the business model, we use the design methods to attract more consumers, and also arouse public attention to these local factories, furthermore proposing four stages of plan “MADE IN CHINA.” Stage one, “Made in China.” In the past, “Made in China” represent a tiny label indicating the product manufactured in China. Stage two, “Quality in China.” In this stage, “MADE IN CHINA” has improved qualities comparable to those in international developed countries. The design concept of the integral space is based on the endeavors to make consumers naturally feel the good quality products and the ambience of factories.▼内部空间概览,space overview

▼逛店如看展,shopping is like visiting an exhibition

▼工厂的场景感作为设计概念出发点,make consumers naturally feel the good quality products and the ambience of factories

“逛店如看展”- 我们提出综合观感购物空间体验的SLOGAN,将纺织工厂里常见的传送带、线轴、裁缝剪等融入空间中。并配合甲方挑选辅料,在入口处设置亚克力辅料盒,以及产品说明拆解墙。整体框架由搭建专用脚手架落成,利用阳光板、PVC卷帘等常见工业感材料作为立面应用。柔性霓虹发光字将虚拟厂牌悬挂于整个外立面部分,以当代的手法提示老厂牌的情怀。局部半高隔断使用常见的物流箱直接摞起,并使用集装箱波浪板作为库房的墙体。中岛类货架配有展示板,提示此处售卖产品。为了方便使用,我们将试衣间设计成带轮子的移动试衣间,为了减轻重量,取消了常规的板材墙面,而是选用帆布进行包裹。每个高柜类道具均配有相应产品说明牌。“Shopping is like visiting an exhibition,” the slogan we synthesize the shopping experiences integrating the common elements of the textile mills such as conveyor belts, spools and tailoring shears into the space. We decorated the entrance with the acrylic accessory box and the removable product wall. The integral space is essentially decorated with the scaffolds. The regular industrial-style materials such as the polycarbonate hollow sheets and the PVC roller blinds are adorned on the façade, on which the neon characters are reminiscent of the signboards of the old factories. The medium-sized partition walls are decorated with the regular logistic boxes, and the warehouse walls are decorated with the corrugated sheets. The display board decorated on the showcase indicates that products are sold here. To create a conveniently accessible space, we built two movable fitting rooms with wheels. In order to decrease weight of the fitting rooms, we built the walls with canvas. Also, each tall cabinet has the corresponding product information.▼利用阳光板、PVC卷帘等常见工业感材料作为立面应用,the polycarbonate hollow sheets and the PVC roller blinds are adorned on the façade

▼整体框架由搭建专用脚手架落成,the integral space is essentially decorated with the scaffolds
▼局部半高隔断使用常见的物流箱直接摞起,the medium-sized partition walls are decorated with the regular logistic boxes
▼试衣间设计成带轮子的移动试衣间,movable fitting rooms with wheels
空间外围局部设置了多种形式的裁缝剪展示墙,下面结合多功能展示座椅,可为顾客提供休息,拍照,充电等服务。整体空间均选用环保、低成本材料。便于在两晚以内迅速完成搭建、灯光调试、软装摆场、清理保洁、货品陈列,以及二次利用。中国质造,在精准对标甲方品牌相应消费群体的同时,试图用最原始低碳的质感,传达更有力量的MADE IN CHINA 态度,我们为中国制造感到自信、自强、自豪。The diverse tailoring shears are decorated on the display walls in the peripheral zone of the space. The consumers can rest, take photos, charge their electronic devices, etc. on the multifunctional chairs and showcase. The entire space is decorated with materials that are environmentally friendly and have lower costs. The design scheme ensures completing construction in only 2 nights, including the primary structure, lightings, decoration, cleanings, product displays, and also can be used for second time. “Quality in China” precisely positions the corresponding consumers to our client’s products, while trying to express the attitude of “QUALITY MADE IN CHINA” with the most primitive and low-carbon textures. We feel confident, self-sustaining and proud of “Made in China” today.▼ 空间外围局部设置了多种形式的裁缝剪展示墙,the diverse tailoring shears are decorated on the display walls in the peripheral zone of the space
▼裁缝剪展示墙,display wall details
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019

artseven 发表于 2019-9-19 14:45


林子18919091381 发表于 2022-2-22 16:56

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