ED Design l 用细胞结构探索空间生命力
思勤办公空间设计生命源于细胞,细胞是我们生命的最小单位,也是最简单的生命存在形式。设计构筑了我们的空间,一个倾注了情感的设计,可以赋予空间鲜活的生命。当细胞与设计相遇,会碰撞出怎样的火花?Life originates from a cell. A cell is the smallest unit of life and the simplest form of life existence. As an approach to the construction of a space, design with passion can endow the space with vitality and life. What kind of surprise will it spark when a cell meets design?
以细胞为引子A Cell as the Inspiration
考虑到这是生命科学领域的一家高科技企业,本案设计师以自然界“细胞”的有机形态为灵感设计,以白色和蓝色布局,干净简约,从家具和灯饰的选择,再到墙面设计和地面铺陈,灵动的各种细胞元素蔓延整个空间,展现出曲线和不规则形态的独特美感,营造了一个丰富、有趣、时尚的办公环境。Being a high-tech enterprise in the field of life science, the interior design concept is inspired by cells. This project generates a sense of clarity and simplicity through the spacious layout by using a white and blue color scheme, and through the selection and arrangement of furniture, decorative lighting, wall design, and flooring. It emphasizes the uniqueness and beauty of curved lines and irregular forms of cells, achieving a rich and interesting office environment.
活化细胞,创意无限 Activating Cells, Infinite Creativity
入口处的圆弧形前台设置和不规则的六角型细胞墙面相得益彰,“细胞的故事”就从这里展开。丰富的几何形状设计加强了韵律感,踏入空间,未来科技感的氛围呼之欲出。The entrance features a rounded front desk to contrast with the irregular hexagonal feature wall. The abundance of geometrical elements strengthens a sense of rhythm and an atmosphere of science and technology.
办公区域由多个通透明亮的小空间分散在楼层各处,天花板没有按照传统套路设计,一部分以黑色镂空镶嵌大小不一的各式细胞元素吊灯,宛若宇宙太空;另一部分则以白色吊顶搭配流线型灯带和星星点点的射灯,仿佛徜徉在星空下,细胞们在此相遇,尽情交流。Found throughout the floors are working spaces with ceilings that depart from traditional means. Some areas depict a universe, with the black hollow ceiling inlaid with various sized cell elements. Other areas illustrate a starry sky using streamlined lighting belts and spotlights in the white drop-ceiling.
有着良好视野的超大露台融入了DNA双螺旋结构设计,草坪和绿植的盎然绿意与水泥地面的现代工业感毫无违和,设计师还增加了喷泉设计,涌出的潺潺细水经过碎石小径引流到草坪,不仅能灌溉绿化,同时也使整个露台鲜活起来。The extensive balcony is designed with inspiration from the DNA double helix structure, and harmony is maintained even between the lush greenery and the modern cement. Furthermore, the running water creates a quiet song when it travels from the fountain to the lawn, livening the balcony while also satisfying irrigation.
通透空间,视觉无限Transparent Space, Unlimited Vision
除了会议室不规则的圆形玻璃窗外,整个办公区域均采用大面积的玻璃墙,这也是本案的一大亮点。开放通透的办公环境并不妨碍各个区域的功能划分,反而形成紧密有序、功能分明的空间结构。This increases the vastness of the view and conveys the spirit of the enterprise: being open and equal. Using transparent walls and doors, employees won't feel pressured or constricted. By working and cooperating in an active and friendly office atmosphere, work efficiency can increase to achieve the best results. 这样的设计,让视野更加通透与开阔的同时,也传达了一种透明与平等的企业精神。一个没有墙和门阻隔的办公环境让员工之间没有束缚感,同事相处融洽,工作效率自然提高,办公氛围也更活跃。The large application of glass walls around the office is one of the design highlights. This creates an open and transparent office space that maintains flexibility for functional division, helping to form orderly and well-defined structural areas, without feeling isolated.
绿色低碳,生机无限Eco Greening, Everlasting Vitality绿色和生态也是本案设计中关注的重点,选材严格遵循了“低碳环保”的理念,没有奢华的瓷砖和地毯,取而代之的是原始感的水泥地,或蓝色、或白色、或黑色填充区域,现代工业风中透着艺术气息。一个充满创意的工作环境,承载着激发无限科学创新的愿想。This project emphasizes the importance of ecology and greening, interpreted through selecting materials with the concept of "low carbon and environmental protection”, and using only raw cement flooring. It introduces colors such as white, blue, and black to adorn the space, with art pieces scattered around the industrial background. This generates a creative working environment to inspire infinite scientific innovations.
炫酷又形象的各式细胞元素顶灯,其实是用三合板打造而成,灯罩用塑料布制成,环保低耗的同时,颇具极简主义精神。后期软装打造的绿萝墙和多肉盆栽的添加柔化了硬质的办公空间,净化空气、提升景观、美化环境三不误。The ceiling presents a distinctive, vivid image through ceiling lights based on various cell elements. They follow the concept of eco-greening as they are made from plywood and plastic cloth, which is energy-saving and minimalistic. To brighten the rigid office, green-planted walls are introduced, which purifies the air, improves virescence, and decorates the environment.设计的衷旨是要赋予空间生命力,这个浑然天成的蓝色海洋世界仿佛讲述着一个单细胞生物神奇进化的故事,丰富的细胞元素为空间带来活力,灵动的流线造型创造了空间的张力,在这样一个充满生命力和艺术感的办公空间里,可尽情探索生命最基本结构的奥秘。The design aims to endow the space with life and vitality. It represents the magical evolution of a single-celled creature, bringing energy to the space, and inducing spatial tension through the dynamic, streamlined modeling. In such an office full of inspiration, the mysteries of the most basic structure of life can be thoroughly explored.
客户需求: 要简约, 但不是简单, 设计上希望能看到与细胞有关东西。少量工业原始元素, 同时要带出高端感觉。轻微绿化。花园希望有水的元素。Customer requirement: The design needs minimalism but not simple, it should be able to show senses of the cell. Apart from this, it should have the element of primal industry supplemented by elegance and sense of high class. The design should be implemented with low to medium greening, coupled with a garden of water element.
项目地址: 深圳市盐田区深盐路2028号大百汇生命健康产业园设计面积:595 平方米竣工时间: 半年左右设计公司: 活概念設計(深圳)有限公司 ; ED DESIGN LIMITED(HK)主要选材: 地面水泥自流平, 地面弧形用胶地板, 木间隔墙身面贴防火胶板拍摄团队:IVY.蔓视觉影像Project Address: DBH Life Sciences & Health Industrial Park, No.2028 Shenyan Road, Yantian District, Shenzhen CityDesign Area: 595 ㎡Project Completed:Around 6 months laterDesign Company: ED DESIGN LIMITEDMain Material: Self-leveling cement for the ground, PVC for the arc-shaped ground, wooden partition wall with fireproof plywood finish. Photo By: IVY Photography & Production
:victory::victory::victory: 666666666666 6666666666666 666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666 6666666666666 6666666666666 https://ballvi.cn/zz.swf
好好的露台哦! 6666666666666666666