半夏. 发表于 2020-12-22 17:41

1986设计 | 一堵悬挑隔断墙,解放了餐厅局促感!

生活 / 美学 / 品质 / 设计ChangSha,2020,1986 DESIGN要对每一个明天,怀有恰到好处的期待!For every tomorrow,With just the right amount of anticipation!

设计公司/1986设计Design director / 1986 Design施工单位/筑品营造Construction / ZhuPing Build项目地址/长沙 · 光明E城Project address / Guang Ming E Cheng建筑面积 /120 ㎡
Gross leasable area / 120㎡
项目摄影/梁工Project photography / Liang Gong

鞋柜穿鞋凳的置入,给屋主的使用带来更多的便捷。The Shoe Ark Wears the shoe stool to put in, the use that brings more convenient to householder.客厅/Living Room 客厅悬挑的电视柜设计给空间的尺寸得到了释放,简约的几何造型更有层次。The living room overhangs the television cabinet design to the space size obtained the release, the contracted geometry modelling has the level. 角落的艺术摆件给客厅以更加轻松的氛围。The Art Pieces in the corner give the living room a more relaxed atmosphere.餐厅/Restaurantu通过悬挑的隔墙原本厚重的墙体反而不那么笨重,廊道部分的空间也完全没有压迫感。书房的隔断玻璃材质在视觉上也让餐厅空间的面积得以扩大。
Instead of being heavy and heavy, the original wall through the cantilevered partition is not so heavy, and the space in the corridor section is completely free from pressure. The partition of study glass material is qualitative also let the area of dining room space can enlarge on the vision. 客餐厅在设计上尽可能不吊顶,所以在照明上运用明装射灯,增加灯光氛围。Dining room in the design of the ceiling as far as possible, so in the use of lighting on the installation of spotlights, increased lighting atmosphere.厨房/Kitchen操作台的高低设计更加符合屋主的使用。The height of the operation table is designed to meet the needs of the owner.阳台/Balcony一把摇椅,一本书,享受这午后的漫漫时光.A rocking chair, a book, enjoy the long afternoon time.主卧/Mastrt Bedroom 主卧整体色调统一,更为繁琐的装饰,对于屋主而言,我们希望每一个空间的呈现效果都能舒缓屋主上班归来的疲惫感。Master bedroom overall tone unity, more cumbersome decoration, for the owners, we hope that the display of each space can relieve the owners of the feeling of exhaustion from work.客卧/Guest Bedroom榻榻米房/Tatami Room廊道/Gallery悬挑的隔墙储物柜也提高了廊道的采光度。
Cantilevered partition wall lockers also enhance the corridor lighting.书房/Study                                                                                    清晨微风拂起轻纱,冬日的阳光洒进温暖。或在这儿办一会儿工作,或在这儿看一会儿书,享受阳光带来的温暖。The early morning breeze whisks the light gauze, the winter sunlight sprinkles into the warm. Or Work here for a while, or read here for a while, to enjoy the warmth of the sun.


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