冠冠-- 发表于 2020-12-26 15:37

现代风格 Modern style | 律动

设计:一隅营造表现:U形社表现团队 wx:15167372116软件:3dmax,pscc,cr设计说明:一种“拥有更少”的生活方式,是如今许多家庭生活的价值趋向。当今的极简设计使这一生活方式得到更多的认同。主人希望注入极简诗意的生活,又希望营造一个可以随意奔跑的场所,一种自由自在的状态,让陪伴与守护更加亲切。秉持着“大宅至简”的理念,将多余的东西剔除,设计师希望为空间赋予更多的精神内涵。结合了主人的爱好及生活需求,以极简自然打造出诗意的栖居。餐厅客厅/Restaurant▼ 透明玻璃屏风,与软装中的同色点缀相配合,空间具有了更多张力与层次The transparent glass screen, matched with the same color embellishment in the soft decoration, gives the space more tension and layers.▼ 部分储物空间、酒柜以透明体的形式被展示在公共空间中,不仅使得储物藏露得当,展示与收纳各居其位,也使得公共区域在视觉上显得更宽敞透气。Part of the storage space and wine cabinet are displayed in the public space in the form of a transparent body, which not only makes the storage properly exposed, but also makes the public area more spacious and breathable visually▼ 大曲线落地灯、聚拢型沙发、壁炉的卷边曲线、灰色天鹅绒坐凳及其凳面下的曲线,给原本端正的空间中增添一些柔软的部分。The large curved chandelier, the gathering sofa, the curling curve of the fireplace, the gray velvet stool and the curve under the stool surface, add some soft parts to the originally upright space.▼ 通高的屏风、灯具轨道、电视机背景墙饰面板、大曲线落地灯等大尺寸线性元素,使空间在各个方向上有所延展。Large-scale linear elements such as high-altitude screens, lighting tracks, TV background wall decorative panels, and large curved chandeliers extend the space in all directions.▼ 整个公共区域没有隔断阻隔视线,只借助吊顶、屏风、家具、柜体进行空间限定,凸显了开敞户型的优势。In the entire public area, there is no partition to obstruct the view, and only the space is limited by the ceiling, screen, furniture, cabinet, etc., which highlights the advantages of the open apartment.▼ 墙、顶面对暖灰色肌理漆的通体使用,使得居家空间更具包裹感,营造出宁静而又自由的氛围。The use of warm gray texture paint on the walls and top surface makes the home space more wrapped and creates a peaceful and free atmosphere.▼ 壁炉,为静谧的空间增添一抹律动与暖意The fireplace adds a touch of rhythm and warmth to the quiet space.▼ 电视机背景墙、柜体饰面板、吊顶、餐台等不同材质上,都运用了多重线均匀排列的形式,在材质上维持了丰富性,在形式上进行了统一。The TV background wall, cabinet decoration panel, ceiling, dining table and other different materials all use the form of multiple lines evenly arranged, maintaining the richness in materials and the uniformity in form.▼ 极具构成感的空间切片Spatial slice with a sense of composition.储藏室/Storeroom▼ 储物间以透明体的形式,像一个艺术品般被展示。The storage room is displayed in a transparent form like an artwork.餐厨区/restaurant and kitchen▼ 深色线性吊顶限定了餐厨区域,而与餐台几乎同长的线性灯又使此区域具有张力。The dark linear ceiling defines the kitchen area, and the linear lights almost the same length as the dining table give this area tension.▼ 酒柜和餐桌在空间、形式、材质上的共谋The complicity of wine cabinet and dining table in space, form and material.
▼ 材质、肌理、形式元素的律动。The rhythm of material, texture and form elements.卧室/Bedroom▼ 卧室背景墙的曲线灯带从天花蔓延下来,模糊了两个面的界限,卧室成为了一个柔软的内部The curving ribbon of the bedroom background wall spreads down from the ceiling, blurring the boundary between the two sides, and the bedroom becomes a soft interior.▼ 材质在不同形式的光下被展示、溢出The material is displayed and overflowed under different forms of light.

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的扑克牌 发表于 2021-1-9 10:11

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