一陌居别墅 | 以天地之心为心
“形式不服从功能,形式指引方向,形式没有形状和尺寸,它不是你所看到的,而是你所看到的开始。” ——路易斯康Form has no shape or size. It is not what you see, it is what you see at the beginning. - Louis kahn
芸芸众生、晨间流水、暮色夕阳,都是心象的化相,不论何种形式,万象只归一心。因此,当形式不单单表现形式本身,而是注入人的情感才能产生具有一定内涵的形式美。People, morning water, twilight sunset, are the incarnation of the mind, no matter what form, everything is only one. Therefore, when the form is not only the expression of the form itself, but the emotional injection of people can produce a certain connotation of formal beauty.
我们想通过这个空间,向人们传递这样一种生活理念:源于生活,追求本质,以天地之心为心,方可“默契造化,与道同机”。Through this space, we want to convey to people such a life concept: from life, the pursuit of essence, with the heart of heaven and earth as the heart, can "tacit understanding of nature, with the dao".
道学代表人物庄子一生崇尚自由理念,他认为只有以其通达的精神来超越现实世界,回归绝对的自然世界,才能获得无限的自由和心灵的真正的平安。Zhuangzi, the representative of Daoism, advocated the idea of freedom all his life. He believed that only by transcending the real world and returning to the absolute natural world with his enlightened spirit could he obtain unlimited freedom and true peace of mind.
所谓的“禅”,也是“道”的一种,“道”其实是我们的文化。The so-called "Zen" is also a kind of "Tao", which is actually our culture.
讲究存乎自然,随机生巧。Pay attention to nature, random make perfect.
我们对于艺术则是追求“虽由人作、宛如天开”的境界,是一种“本自天然”的姿态。As for art, we pursue the realm of "being made by people, just like the sky opens", which is a posture of "being from nature".
木质结构贯穿建筑空间,其源于自然界且与自然界共生长的材料物质特征满足了人们返璞归真的审美视野,更融合了现代设计理念,用未经雕琢简洁的建筑语言,表达传统和自然的结合。The wooden structure runs through the architectural space. It originates from the nature and grows symbiotic with the nature, so as to meet people's aesthetic vision of returning to the original nature. Moreover, it integrates modern design concepts and expresses the combination of tradition and nature with unpolished and concise architectural language.
遵循以人为本,回归本质,在原有生态的基础上让建筑有机的融入到自然之中,然后同自然一起成长成为整体环境的一部分。Follow the people-oriented principle, return to the essence, let the building organically integrate into the nature on the basis of the original ecology, and then grow together with the nature to become a part of the overall environment.
其设计创作过程所带来的启发,也是基于人类与自然,精神上的共鸣。The inspiration brought by its design and creation process is also based on the spiritual resonance between human and nature.
我有一方院落,一方鱼塘,有块空地,闲时一杯香茶,往院子里一坐,看花猫踱步,听蛙鸣犬吠,晒太阳,睡懒觉,看鱼在水里游来游去,数着树底漏下来的一丝一丝日光,你,可愿在这里与我白头偕老……I have a yard, a fish pond, there is a piece of open space, nothing to make a cup of flower tea, to the yard, sit, watch the cat pace, listen to the frog cry dog bark, sun, sleep late, see the fish in the water to swim, count the tree bottom leak down a ray of sunlight, you, can wish to be here with me forever...
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