篙峰设计 | 抱朴守真 向阳而生
世人行色匆忙,不过图碎银几两。繁华的街道上奔走着匆匆的脚步,林立的办公楼里写满了创业的奔忙。Everyone seems to be hurry,just for making a living.They walk fast on the street, and work hard in the office building.锁在城市里的人向往自由与开放,坐在屋子里的人更期待广阔的天空和明媚的阳光。People who live in the city look forward to freedom and open,and those who sit in the office all day are attracted towards sky and sunshine.
篙峰设计│名门装饰结合空间美学与多元思考,为浩源科技的员工打造了一个艺术与科技结合、自由和开放并存的办公环境,让都市里的灵魂可以在忙碌中自由徜徉。Gaofeng Design│Mingmen Decorate combines space aesthetics and multi-dimensional thinking,creat an artistic, technological,free and open working environment.So that people can feel free even though they are busy.
有石则雅,一楼的墙面选择大面积的白色大理石,去繁留简,优雅洁净,又充满张力。地面的黑色沉稳,低调,厚重,又散发着高级感。There's rocks,it will be elegant.On the first floor,the walls are made of white marble,concise and full of tension.The floor is black,looks steady and deluxe.
楼梯圆润流畅的造型,减轻了黑白撞色的攻击性,神秘的科技感与极简的跃动碰撞,消解了沉闷,散发了活力。充满未来感的流线设计,承载了对遇见未知的期许,增加了仪式感。整体线条盘旋上升,大胆锐意,却好似浑然天成,灵动且优雅。The mellow and smooth modelling of stairs, reduced black and white collision of aggression, mysterious sense of science and technology with very simple jump collision, dispelled dullness, send out vitality. Futuristic flow line design, carrying the hope of meeting the unknown, increased the sense of ceremony. The whole line spirals up, bold and bold, but as if it were natural, Nimble and elegant.
楼梯右侧的长虹玻璃,玫瑰金色的边框与圆几相呼应,错落搭配,提供空间上和色彩上的层次感,为整个设计增添一种深邃又丰富的意境。The Rainbow Glass on the right side of the stairs, with its rose-gold border matching the circle, provides a sense of hierarchy in space and color, and adds a deep and rich artistic conception to the whole design.
圆几上的不规则花瓶和造型原始的植物,自然而然地将生命力揉入人文气质中,现代得悄无声息,复古得不留痕迹,让办公楼多了几许生机与韵味。The irregular vases and primitive plants on the round table naturally knead the vitality into the humanistic temperament, so modern that it is silent, so retro that it leaves no trace, making the office building a little more vitality and charm.
阳光穿过玻璃顶,透过栅隔断,温柔地倾泻在楼梯和墙面上。光与影的斑驳交错,虚虚实实,营造了活泼、律动的视觉画面。Sunlight poured gently down the stairs and walls through the glass ceiling and the bars. Light and shadow mottled staggered, virtual reality, creating a lively, rhythmic visual screen.
灯光与自然光的完美组合,张力十足,增强了空间的体验性,提供了舒适又震撼的视觉享受。The perfect combination of light and natural light, full of tension, enhance the experience of space, provide a comfortable and shocking visual enjoyment.
多功能媒体培训室,优雅白与莫兰迪色系的融合,简洁、雅致,彰显着恢弘大气的商务格调。Multi-functional media training room, elegant white and Giorgio Morandi color integration, concise, elegant, highlighting the magnificent business style.
开放办公区体现多功能一体化的商务需求,将科技化与人性化完美融合,实现“高效率沟通、透明化办公”的愿景。The Open Office area embodies the multi-functional integration of business needs, combines science and technology with humanity, to achieve "efficient communication, transparent work" vision.
原木舒适放松,返璞归真的温暖中多了些柔软的自由感,与大理石的渗透拼接,刚柔并济,打破秩序却毫不冲突,有一种恰到好处的相对平衡感。Log makes people feel relaxed,free and warm of nature,combined with marble, disrupt order but not conflict and shows the sense of balence.
董事长办公室宽敞大气,商务棕灰的色调与置物架的零星点缀彰显品位,又充满人文关怀。Chat area is very roomy,brown and gray tones and the arts on the shelf show good taste.
金色的锦鲤自由自在地游弋在不规则石型摆件周围,不发一语,却摇曳生姿。Golden koi fish swimming around the stone freely,not speaking but graceful.