东莞洲际酒店室内设计,广东 / CCD香港郑中设计事务所
东莞洲际是东莞首家五星级奢华品牌酒店,坐落于市内地标综合体民盈·国贸中心。民盈·国贸中心,是东莞首个超级湾区综合体,坐拥城市核心地段,百万平米建筑群面积,423米超高建筑,突破东莞城市天际线。InterContinental Dongguan is the first five-star luxury hotel in Dongguan, situated at Minying·International Trade Center, which is the first super complex in the city and an iconic commercial destination in the Greater Bay Area. With a gross floor area of more than 1 million square meters and a maximum height of 423 meters, the complex dominates the skyline of the CBD area and the whole city.▼酒店外观室内设计灵感汲取可园、莞草、岭南画派及黄旗山为主要元素,通过当代语境,解读文化符号,呈现古雅精巧的岭南文化与现代精致生活交织共鸣的气韵。The interior design of the hotel mainly draws inspiration from local elements including Keyuan Garden, cyperusmalaccensis, Lingnan paintings and Huangqi Mountain. It interprets cultural symbols in a modern context, and showcases a picture where elegant Lingnan culture interweaves with modern exquisite lifestyle.▼酒店入口岭南新语,古韵今风Fusion of ancient charm and modern style东莞是有名的“岭南山水文化名城”,广府、客家、疍家文化在此共生共荣,莞香、石排醒狮、可园、莞城骑楼…..独特的岭南水乡文化,人文古韵令人沉醉。CCD站在城市的角度,重新书写酒店生活,完成一次对城市的解读和更新。“揽胜寻幽入可园,湖光倒影柳迭烟。”落客区入口低调质朴,有一岭南水池,池中石榴树绿意成影,风起兮,水生涟漪,影动云行而不止,苍蓝之下,生生不息。Dongguan is an important cradle of Lingnan landscape culture. It’s a place where Cantonese culture, Hakka culture and Tanka culture merge and coexist. Cyperusmalaccensis, lion dance, Keyuan Garden, Qilou building (arcade houses) and more shape the unique Lingnan water town culture, and endow Dongguan with unique humanistic and cultural charm. Based on the local cultural context, CCD tries to portray a new lifestyle in the hotel, and to interpret as well as renew the image of the city. With a pool, the drop-off area keeps a low profile. The water surface dynamically ripples with breeze, and reflects the pomegranate tree, the moving clouds and the sky.▼酒店入口水景▼酒店入口细节
大堂设计采用可园“高有阁,中有楼,低有房”的布局特色。中央嵌入墙内的玉兰花,白银质地,呼应东莞市花“白玉兰”,青白片片,白光耀眼。“千两黄金万担谷,夜夜笙歌镬耳屋。”镬耳屋是岭南广府民居的特色,大堂背景墙采用镬耳式,此起彼伏,形成蔚为壮观,为空间增添莞城文化的形式感。The lobby draws on the spatial pattern of Keyuan Garden, a famous local historical attraction which is composed of various constructions and spaces arranged at staggering heights. Mangnolia, the city flower of Dongguan, is translated into a distinctive glittering artwork and is inlaid into the central screen wall. The backdrop wall of the lobby adopts the undulating form of wok-ear house (also known as “Huo’er house”), a traditional dwelling in Lingnan region, to enrich the spatial form and blend local culture into the space.▼酒店入口大门▼大堂入口与白玉兰花艺术品
大堂的一侧是行政酒廊,奢华沉稳的设计与文化符号,呈现出岭南文化与现代精致生活交织共鸣的气韵,代表了CCD对于精致现代主义的提炼、进化。Beside the lobby is the executive lounge. The luxury yet sedate design languages and cultural symbols produce an atmosphere where Lingnan culture and modern exquisite lifestyle interweave, which showcases the refinement and evolution of exquisite modernism.▼大堂行政酒廊▼行政酒廊细节▼行政酒廊外景时尚灯具、艺术书籍、陶瓷艺术摆件,赋予空间跳跃性与想象感。旋转楼梯以黑白灰线条勾勒简练质感,潇洒利落的弧度,令感官的循环升华,为所在空间带来了动感与活力。The stylish lighting fixtures, art books and ceramic ornaments endow the space with vitality and imagination. The neat spiral staircase is outlined by black, gray and white curved lines, which create dynamic rhythm and pleasing visual experiences.▼旋转楼梯
Artistic interpretation and refined lifestyle全日餐厅的设计灵感则来自于可园中的“擘红小榭”,青石铺地、黛瓦青砖转化为纹理分明的大理石板地,从岭南建筑中提炼出窗花、格栅等元素,其镂空线条维持了空间通透,独特的型态与寓意运用在设计元素中,为享用美食的时光再添意趣。The all-day-dining restaurant takes design cues from the semi-pavilion surrounded by lychee trees in Keyuan Garden. The semi-pavilion’s gray stone paving, bricks and tiles are translated into marble flooring in this space. In addition, the design also extracts elements like window patterns and grilles from traditional Lingnan architecture. The hollowed-out patterns ensure the transparency of the space. Meanwhile, the unique forms and implications integrated into design elements help create a more playful, pleasing dining experience.▼全日餐厅▼全日餐厅包间
产自东莞本土的红砂岩,在岭南园林的青灰色调中增添了一抹亮色。中餐厅内红砂岩般靓丽的红色墙面,回应东坡笔下的“日啖荔枝三百颗”,在窗外“罗浮山下四时春”的青墨绿景衬托下,不但寓意讨喜,视觉也是充满生机。The red wall surface in the Chinese restaurant echoes the red sandstones highlighted in traditional Lingnan gardens. Complemented by the outdoor green landscape, the red wall appears vigorous and auspicious.▼中餐厅入口▼中餐厅▼中餐厅墙面细节宴会厅的设计灵感来自于“黄旗山顶挂灯笼”的美景典故,散发金色光晖的灯具有如精灵,光影流转着,荧光共舞,凤箫吹奏的乐曲飘动,一派宴乐之景。The source of inspiration for the ballroom design is the fabled lantern on the top of Huangqi Mountain. The lighting fixtures emit golden light, which is flexible yet graceful, creating a pleasing banquet atmosphere.▼走廊中散发金色光晖的灯具▼电梯厅
Reminiscence of past days
东莞,因“地处广州之东,境内盛产莞草”而得名,东莞的本土文化和制造业的发展起源,都离不开莞草。客房以岭南园林为设计动线,床头背景巧妙融入了莞草编织元素,莞草绵延,风吹草低,带人回到梦中故乡的地方。Dongguan is famous for cyperusmalaccensis, a kind of thin long sedge grass that has contributed to the development of the local culture and manufacturing industry. The guestroom is folded out by referring to the circulation of traditional Lingnan gardens. The backdrop wall of the headboard incorporates local grass weaving craftsmanship and elements, reminiscent of the past days of Dongguan.▼客房
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