米洛映象 发表于 2021-7-24 16:44



春风吹碧春云映绿The spring breeze blows the green clouds 晓梦清灵跌入芳裀The light dream gentle falls into the grass 宜章公园里销售中心位于湖南省郴州市宜章县,依山就势,遵循土地、自然与建筑相融相生的理念。本案以万物生长为设计灵感来源,取材于天地,以高级灰为主色调,撞色清新的绿,对时尚与品味重新进行了诠释。同时,消弭都市喧嚣感,打造返璞归真、如临自然的静谧空间。

原有古树,悉皆绿尔。接待区的木石气息,倾刻间激活起室内鲜活灵性的生命力。白色大理石的铺陈,原木色墙板的修饰,中央区域挺阔入穹顶的密密层层的绿叶汇聚成一颗枝繁叶茂的古树。访客初入,访的不是广厦楼宇,而是亘古深林。 The original ancient trees are known to be green. White marble paving, wood color wall panels decoration, the central area is quite wide into the dome of the dense layers of green leaves converged into a luxuriant old tree. When visitors first enter, they visit an ancient forest.

青苔色泽翠绿,茎细如丝,自墙面俏生生地呈现于眼前。绿荫成影,溪边鹿饮,如入无人之境,幽静而深远。 The moss is green, the stem is thin, from the wall appears . The green shade into the shadow, the stream deer drink. 02 星吟鹿鸣 · 万籁俱静 STAR SING DEER VOICE·ALL IS CALM
抬眼望去,亮如星辰的圆形装饰物悬空,自绿叶上方垂下,如零星坠落树冠,浮游于空中。璀璨的光影错落了时空感,仿佛夜深时分进入寂寂空谷,星明如昼,瑟瑟空灵。 Looked up, round ornaments hung overhead, hanging from the green leaves and floating. Bright light and shadow streamed space-time feeling, as if night hour enters lonely lonely empty valley, star is bright like day, rustling empty.
光影错落,纹路斑驳,独角的青鹿头上开出白色的花苞,倒映在墙上,勾勒出一幅自然的画卷。 Light and shadow strewn, the white bud of the one-horn green deer head, reflected on the wall, sketching a picture.

会客区以清丽的白色为底色,糅合深浅不一的绿色和原木色,缔造典雅温润的会客空间。吊顶取材重重山峦的形态,以层叠跌宕的起伏设计,传递灵动自由的空间语言。 The reception area takes white as the background, mixes the green and the log color of different shades, creates the elegant warm reception space. Condole ceiling draws materials from the form of heavy mountains.

水吧的设计在沿袭自然本真气息的主风格的同时,注入现代艺术风格的元素。草木繁盛的背景墙生机盎然,莹白色的艺术装置品形态各异,东方清韵与现代艺术达成了和谐统一。 The design of water bar is infused with modern art style while inheriting natural and authentic atmosphere. The wall with flourishing vegetation,white art installations, achieving harmony between Oriental charm and modern art.

流光溢彩的泡泡装饰物,为莹白与翠绿交织的空间装点了一抹亮色。纵是深山幽谷,有阳光处,就有彩虹,诠释着自然的惊才绝艳。 The bubbly adornment of streamer overflow color, the space deck that interweaves for jade-like white and emerald green was decorated with a bright color. 04 小儿垂钓 · 怡情悦性PEDIATRIC FISHING·RELAXED AND HAPPY

窗外楼宇林立,帘内岁月静好。卡其色沙发搭配蓝绿色的荷叶状坐椅,沉静而优雅,深深浅浅,错落有致,缔造疏朗闲适的视觉体验。 Buildings stand outside the window, the curtain years quiet. Khaki sofa with blue-green lotus leaf chair, quiet and elegant, create a relaxed visual experience.
桌上两书为席,小人垂钓,如山居生活,怡然自乐。一旁的玻璃烟缸形似山峦,精巧而别致。 Two books on the table, small people fishing, happily.The glass ashtray shaped like mountains, exquisite and chic.

木质长椅和木质茶几保留了自然本真的色彩,茶几如竹编篮筐,长椅如连绵山峦,打造高低起伏的空间特色形态语言。置身其中,如同回访自然深处,空谷传响,悄怆幽邃。 Wooden benches and tea tables retain natural colors. Tea tables and benches create undulating space characteristic form language. To be in it is like returning to the depths of nature, deep and empty. 05 深绿泛乌 · 明雅活泼 JASPER WITH BLACK·BRIGHT AND LIVELY
私人贵宾区以墨绿色为底色,彰显出空间的格调和生命力。白色的布艺沙发搭配造型自由的黑色艺术装置品,高雅而明朗。茶几腿部设计独特,线条美观,符合美学设计原理,增添整体空间的时尚元素。 The private VIP area is dark green as the background, highlighting the style and vitality. The black artistic device and white art sofa, decorous and anacreontic. Tea table leg design unique, add the overall space of fashion elements. 桌上摆件以枯木、苔衣和蚂蚁为主元素,潮湿雨后,蚁出巢穴,湿润而富有生机,仿佛空气中都弥漫着泥土与草木的气息。 The main elements on the table are dead wood, tundra clothes and ants. After a rain, the ants come out of nest, as if the air is filled with the smell of earth and vegetation. 06 嬉戏乐园 · 天真烂漫 PARADISE HAVING FUN·NAIVETY
儿童区仍以墨绿为主色调,同时以橘色的装饰物、白色的云朵灯提亮空间色彩,营造绚丽活泼的童趣空间。恐龙、长颈鹿、云朵与树木,苍翠大地,万物有灵,孩子的乐园,莫过于此。 Children area is given priority to with blackish green, with orange adornment, white cloud lamp brights spatial colour, build flowery and lively space. Dinosaurs, giraffes, clouds and trees, children's paradise, nothing is better than this. - END -

【平面设计图】 PROJECT INTRODUCTION- 项目名称|普瑞·公园里The project name | Yizhang Gongyuanli Sales Department项目类型|售楼中心Project Type | The Sales Department软装设计|米洛映象Soft Decoration Design| Millo Casa项目地点|湖南郴州Project Site | Chenzhou City, Hunan Province项目面积|500㎡Project Area | 500 m2完工时间|2021.03Completion Time | 2021.03

wuzhang00001 发表于 2021-7-27 11:29

S·Five Design工作室承接施工图绘制 施工图深化 低价对接设计工作室 外包 私人 效率高 速度快 qq:1270683915 VX:18533706780

hdmcity 发表于 2021-9-10 17:21


okljj 发表于 2021-9-23 14:37

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