BDD布道设计 发表于 2021-8-1 22:44

【布道作品】天阶 | ISEYA 浮云高空酒店【朝天门旗舰店】


在ISEYA 浮云高空酒店 朝天门旗舰店 的浴缸里!


ISEYA 浮云高空酒店 朝天门旗舰店位于光大控股-朝天门中心30楼,百米高空之上,尽揽两江四岸美景。浮云留雾 相随朝霞落日 为伴

项目耗时1年半,ISEYA 浮云高空酒店携手光大控股集团联袂出品。绝佳的地段和景观资源赋予了酒店极高的体验价值!作为一家被旅客期待的酒店,ISEYA 浮云高空酒店坚持给旅客提供独特且印象深刻的入住体验,秉持这样的品牌理念,尽可能提供高于预期的设计创意,回应旅客的期待。

Iseya Hotel Chaotianmen flagship store is located on the 30th floor of China Everbright-Chaotianmen Center, 100 meters above the sky, and is adjacent to Raffles City. This project took one and a half years to finish, produced by China Everbright Holding Group. The excellent location and landscape views give this hotel great competitiveness.As an expected hotel, Iseya provides travelers with a unique and impressive experience, creative design ideas to respond to expectations.

位于30楼的接待大厅,层高近10米,以城市天际线为背景的接待台低调简练,除去漂浮在大厅的几朵“云”(主题艺术座椅)以外,空间几乎全部留给客户,拍照、踱步、远眺、呆坐...The reception hall on the 30th floor is nearly 10 meters high. The reception desk with the city skyline as the background is concise. The reception space is reserved for customers to restore, such as take pictures, have a leisure walk, and look out of the window, with "clouds" (Art pieces of seats) floating in the lobby.

The brand mascot "Floating Baby" was released for the first time, sitting wittily above the reception desk. When the elevator opens, it communicates with passengers, and the original dynamic halo gives a sense of ritual for the first sight.

阳光穿过落地窗,洒进大堂,映照在墙面,城市和江水倒映在天花上;悬挑的飞梯,穿墙而出的健身长廊,定格高空浮云的观景台,都隐喻着山城的DNA,一座魔幻奇趣的立体城市。The sun comes through the windows into the lobby, reflecting on the wall. Moreover, the city building and river reflected on the ceiling; the cantilevered flying ladder, the fitness corridor that emerges through the wall, and the observation deck decorated as flouting clouds, all metaphors of this mountain city’s DNA: A magical and interesting three-dimensional city.

High Stair [ 天阶 ]

The lobby is connected with the fitness corridor by a flying ladder, circling up and down. It provides interactive perspectives to guests.

健身长廊公区与客房借助健身长廊得以转换,斜切的廊道,为健身的旅客提供了更开阔的视野,同时自身也是一道独特的风景线,你在看风景,看风景的人在看你!The fitness corridor is the transition space between public area and guest rooms. The obliquely cutting corridor provides a wider view for travelers. This view is also a unique scenery for others. People in the fitness corridor are watching the scenery, others are watching you as well!

电梯厅以ISEYA 浮云高空酒店一贯的“代码”元素传达神秘感!
The elevator hall conveys a sense of mystery. It is consistent with Brand Iseya's "code" element.

客房平均面积接近50平米,鼓励交流的中岛式梳妆台整合了mini吧功能,原创的水晶汤池丰富了云中沐浴的可能性,悬浮感的床榻及沙发等。都希望客人能感受到被尊重,被宠溺!The average room area is about 50 square meters. The Nakajima-style dressing table that encourages communication integrates the function of the mini bar. The creative crystal bath, the floating bed and sofa create the feeling of bathing in the clouds. We hope guests feel respected and spoiled staying in this hotel.

充满折纸意味的原创水晶汤池具有轻盈的漂浮感,是旗舰店客房最具诚意的配套,高空沐浴,云端观景。The crystal soup pool with a theme of origami delivers a floating atmosphere. It is the most sincere service for the flagship store's guest rooms. In the soup pool, guests appreciate the view as well as themselves.

客房—LOFT party 全景套房
唯一一间LOFT party 全景套房是二期云墅项目的测试样板间,全景落地窗,首层绝佳的景观视野和超大开间,专为组团出游、庆生、纪念日、求婚、闺蜜趴等定制的私聚空间。The only “LOFT Party” panoramic suite is the test room for the Yunshu project. It has panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, excellent landscape views on the first floor, and a large open room. It is specially customized for group travels, birthday parties, anniversaries, marriage proposals, friends’ parties, etc.

身居朝天门百米高空,每间客房都备足了惊喜:渝中半岛、两江交汇、隔空相望的来福士水晶横廊以及隔江相望的绵延南山,浮云流雾、朝阳落日,都是你的!100 meters above Chaotianmen, hotel rooms are full of surprises: Yuzhong Peninsula, the intersection of two rivers, the Raffles Crystal Corridor across the air, and the Nan Mountain across the river, floating clouds, mist, and sunrise. These all belong to Iseya hotel guests!

旅程的意义在于发现 或发现世界 或发现生活 或发现惊喜 或发现自己 不为发现,何必旅行?

The meaning of a journey is to discover. Discover the world, a life, a surprise, or a brand-new self. To travel, to discover.


五年,从ISEYA 浮云高空酒店品牌初创到沉淀,每年一店的节奏,面对诱惑和挑战,保持步伐不乱。作为一个连锁品牌,核心基因不变的前提下,坚守一店一面的原则,持续输出不一样的体验,代价当然不小,收获也很大。适度放慢的脚步,留给我们时间,有机会去思考品牌调性,战略定位、产品研发,越来越清晰,也越来越系统。
五年来,从最初的设计主导,到共同研发,工作界面的交互和沟通层级的深入,让项目品质得以提升,团队得以成长。设计团队越来越理解经营和敬畏市场的同时,ISEYA 浮云高空酒店管理团队也越来越了解设计方法和工程建设门道,甚至能熟练使用设计师软件。
向本次项目的两位甲方——ISEYA 浮云高空酒店集团&光大控股集团致谢:感谢对BDD布道设计的认可和信任!感谢给予我们的一切支持和帮助!

邓显俞 发表于 2021-8-2 09:16


琚宾 发表于 2021-8-2 11:07


沉醉于那片蓝 发表于 2021-8-2 11:37


远方兽 发表于 2021-8-2 11:56


liuzhaoyang 发表于 2021-8-2 14:01


八万里路云和月 发表于 2021-8-2 16:53


孙文语 发表于 2021-8-4 09:20


孙来 发表于 2021-11-12 09:44


lap331 发表于 2021-12-17 09:46

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