素色的纯粹 | Kut Victor新作
本帖最后由 tangyin1983 于 2021-8-8 11:52 编辑Kut Victor是一家位于乌克兰乌日霍罗德的杰出室内设计工作室。擅长素材系设计,常用米色和木本色作为设计基调,创造一种和谐美,他们的设计风格自然有亲和力,得到许多客户的青睐。Kut Victor is a located in Ukraine, Harold outstanding interior design studio. Good at department of material design, as a motif of commonly used cream-colored and wood instinctive quality, create a harmonious beauty, the design style of their natural affinity, get the favour of many customers.
轻松 舒适 简雅
位于基辅的一处小型公寓,设计师以简单的色彩进行装饰,意在为居住着创造出一个舒适、放松的环境,设计师将定制家具与陈设的艺术感与精致工艺结合,达到功能与美学的平衡。Located in a small apartment in Kiev, designers with simple color adornment, intended to create a comfortable, relaxed for live environment, designers will customize furniture and display art and craftsmanship, achieve the balance of function and aesthetics.
02.VN-BG明快 开阔 时尚
Kut Victor年初完成的项目,位于比利时,客户希望通过设计传达具有自身特质的空间品位,Kut Victor将比利时设计文化与设计美学融合,带给客户大气而开放的居所。运用胡桃木与浅米色碰撞,营造一种独特的奢华与优雅。Kut Victor at the start of the completed project, located in Belgium, clients want to convey by design has its own characteristics of space grade, Kut Victor fused Belgian design culture and design aesthetics, gives customers and open atmosphere of home. Use of walnut collisions with shallow cream-colored, create a unique luxury and elegant.
03.BGE优雅 唯美 简约
本案客户为90后夫妇,Kut Victo将简约的设计元素与可爱舒适的家具进行组合,丰富而有艺术气质的软装陈设,将家的时尚感与艺术感充分展露。This case customer after 90 couples, Kut Victo contracted design element combination with lovely comfortable furniture, rich and artistic display soft outfit, will sense of fashion and art show.
666666666 完美最近的案例真的参考性很强啊
完美最近的案例真的参考性很强啊 https://ballvi.cn/zz.swf
https://snsj.app1.magcloud.net/public/emotion/face_068.png 666666 :lol挺好的
完美最近的案例真的参考性很强啊 优秀