Pahomova 发表于 2021-8-16 00:15

日本极简主义的创新 | I IN新作

来自日本东京的设计机构IIN Inc,由两位年轻设计师照井洋平和汤山皓创立,创始人均为80后,致力于探索独特而永恒的空间。丰富的国际经验,不拘泥于构筑视野广阔的解决方案。IIN Inc会让客户最大程度的参与项目立意,找到那个角色研磨,象征性的东西和升华。然后完成了设计,容易传达给人们内心,触动灵魂。From design agency, Tokyo, Japan IIN Inc, by two young architects as well founded the peaceful tangshan hao, after founding of 80 per capita, is committed to explore the unique and space of the eternal. Rich experience in international, not constrained by solution of constructing of vision. IIN the Inc will let the customer participate in the project to a great extent conception, found the role grinding, symbolic and sublimation. Then completed the design, easy to convey to the people inside, touches the soul.

I IN与地产品牌“SMARG”旗下设计品牌“The Life”再度合作,项目位于东京涩谷区的项目展示了一个全包的室内设计概念,通过日本精致主义工艺,融合西方开放式布局,创造了一个静谧而时尚的室内。
I and The real estate brand "SMARG" IN its design brand "The Life" again, The project is located IN Tokyo shibuya area project shows a full package of interior design concept, through The exquisite craft, Japan open layout, shirt-sleeve west creates a quiet and fashionable indoor..

在日本,开放式布局并不受欢迎,而对于致力于创新的I IN来说,他们需要在日本推动优秀设计理念并融合日本传统设计与工艺精髓,因此,他们别无选择,只能将墙体推倒,大胆尝试。Was not popular IN Japan, the open layout, for the innovation of the I IN, they need to promote the change of the concept of good design IN Japan and the essence of the integration of traditional Japanese design and technology, as a result, they have no choice, only the wall down, go for it.

进入室内,抽象的自然光线扑面而来,给你一种静谧的氛围。每个空间的体验都很舒适,如入口、走廊和入口大厅,导致私人领域慢慢揭示空间的层次。在入口大厅,悬挂着一块花与一个强大的存在,木门和长椅上,由实木制成的提取从一个单一的樱桃树,站在温暖的光。材料的表达,你可以感觉坚固和深度,和细节,创建一个软光印象,实现一个复杂的相互影响和奢华的空间。Renovation design「THELIFE」. The residence apartment is 40 years old located in Shibuya, Tokyo. Opening the door, the volume of abstract natural light welcomes you, giving you a sense of the atmosphere of the room behind. The experience of each space, such as the entrance, the corridor and the entrance hall, leads to a private area by slowly revealing the layers of the space. In the entrance hall, a flower piece is draped on the wooden door with a strong presence, and a bench, made out of solid wood extracted from a single cherry tree, stands in the warm light. The material expression, that you can feel the solidity and depth, and the details that create a soft and light impression, influence each other to realize a sophisticated and luxurious space.

在整个室内,特别是卧室区域,更多的细节设计软化了极简与硬朗的元素,使之更舒适,安全。Throughout the interior, especially the bedroom area, more detailed design to soften the minimalist and hale element, make it more comfortable, safe.

间接照明环绕着整个房间,厨房柜台上方的天花板光束,发出房间的形状本身,消除照明源的存在,并创建一个空间,只有纯洁之光的存在。By openly connecting the rooms, the whole space illuminates by spreading the lighting throughout its’ entire surface. The bright nuance of the flooring and the delicate texture of the oak on the wall capture the rich light that flows throughout the space.

低调小伙22 发表于 2021-8-16 15:40

Pahomova 发表于 2021-8-16 15:45

低调小伙22 发表于 2021-8-16 15:40


qingtian24 发表于 2021-8-16 16:42


qingtian24 发表于 2021-8-16 16:42


琚宾 发表于 2021-8-16 19:52


渲淡 发表于 2021-8-16 19:59


Pahomova 发表于 2021-8-16 21:29

渲淡 发表于 2021-8-16 19:59


蔡韵锋 发表于 2021-8-17 09:35


Discover66 发表于 2021-8-17 10:07

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