Pahomova 发表于 2021-8-22 22:28

梦,别居 桂林市平乐超现实主题民宿

本帖最后由 Pahomova 于 2021-8-22 22:29 编辑

The Other Place is a creative guesthouse bythe Li River in Pingle County, Guilin, and Studio 10 has just finished therenovation of its Dream-themed rooms.Inspired by the works of M.C. Escher, thearchitect meant to create a mysterious, infinite and impossible space with theseamless transformation amongst 2D and 3D as well as Optical Illusion elements.Pale pink and white color palette renderthe interior space serene and surreally fresh, far from the chaos of mundanedaily life. All components from the reality world such as lighting fixtures andelectronic appliances have been hidden behind a series of black-painted doors, maintaining the pristine, chimerical nature of the space.Anti-gravitational stairs lead to blackdoors, behind which there could be a trail leading to a secret forest - or someother unexpected findings that surprises you.梦创意民宿“别居”位于桂林平乐县漓江畔,Studio 10负责了其中“梦”主题房型的改造。设计灵感来源于莫里茨·科内利斯·埃舍尔的绘画作品,建筑师通过二维、三维元素的无缝转换及对于视幻现象的运用,打造了一个神秘、无尽的“不可能空间”。 淡粉色与白色营造出一种静谧又不失清新的内部氛围,与窗外略显杂乱的景色隔绝;所有来自于现实世界的元素(如灯具、电器)被巧妙地隐藏于一些列黑色的“门”后,使空间保持纯净,如梦如幻。 反重力的楼梯通往黑色的门扇,门后或许是一条通往另一处秘密森林小路- 你永远不知道下一扇门后有何惊喜。

项目地址:桂林市平乐县福兴镇阳光100漓江文化旅游度假区89栋(别居·漓想国)面积:70㎡/房业主:别居/拈花文创设计顾问:Studio 10设计合伙人:周实设计团队:郑鑫,吴香桐,黄子夏,汤鸣

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