现代风,简洁、纯粹、明快、舒适美无止境,让人无法抗拒客厅简单明了,作为待客区域同装饰较其它空间要更加明了光鲜,通常运用很多的石材和木饰面装饰,整个空间宽敞明亮,软装在对应装修风格上赋有现代气息,以大理石作为地面装饰材料,铺上同色系地毯,顿时整个空间以白色和素雅暖色进行装饰,整个空间大气舒适。The sitting room is simple and clear, as a hospitality area with more clear bright decoration than other space, usually using a lot of stone and wood veneer decoration, the whole space is capacious and bright, soft outfit in the corresponding endowed with modern decoration style, with marble as the ground adornment material, with color on the shop carpet, the whole space immediately warm color to decorate with white and simple but elegant, whole space atmosphere and comfortable.
餐厅作为用餐区域,除保证满足家人用餐,在选材上也十分注意,选用圆形造型百变吊灯,结合舒适,柔性,温馨的材质,可以有效地建立起一种温情暖意的家庭氛围,在餐桌餐椅上运用现代的搭配手法,使安静的餐厅带上一点文雅。Restaurants as a dining area, in addition to ensure family meals, also pays much attention on select material, with round shape changed droplight, combining with the comfortable, soft, warm material, can effectively establish a kind of tender feeling warm family atmosphere, on the dining table apply the collocation of modern technique, make take a little gentle quiet restaurant.
背景墙作为其中最“复杂”的部分,嵌入山水画,晶莹的灯带沿脉络发光,与另一侧绽放的闪耀一起,在充沛的阳光月色中,装饰着中国山河不尽相同的休憩空间,同色系的装饰画带有笃定的沉静,轻歌曼舞中,素雅本色尽显。厨房和餐厅之间利用大理石搭了一个工作台,餐桌摆在工作台的一侧,简洁时尚而大气的设计效果显得特别上档次。利用墙面定制了一组展示柜,并且嵌入了书桌,展示各种装饰性摆件,还能满足工作学习的使用要求,美观而实用的设计方式让空间的利用率更高。As the most "complex" part of the background wall, embedded in the landscape painting, glittering and translucent lamp belt along the vein of light, and the other side of the shining together, in the abundant sunshine and moonlight, decorated with Chinese mountains and rivers not the same rest space, with the same color of the decorative painting with a calm, singing and dancing, simple and elegant nature all show. Marble built a workbench between kitchen and dining-room, table is placed in the one side of workbench, concise and fashionable and atmospheric design effect appears especially on class. Used metope to make order to show ark of a group, and embedded desk, show all sorts of adornment sex place, still can satisfy the use requirement that the job studies, beautiful and practical design means lets dimensional utilization rate is higher.
书房是现代居室生活中一个必要的空间,布局是凸显主人办公需求风格主要特点的所在,整个布局主要以体现现代特色为主,因此在布局中加入多种现代元素,为了更多的体现简约简单元素;书房设计弱化了肌理,但是很多时候简约并不是意味着简单,反而是能够在很多时候缔造出不凡品质,越是简约设计反而能够凸显出纯粹的本真。Study is a necessary space in modern bedroom life, the layout is to highlight the main characteristics of the master office style, the whole layout is mainly to reflect modern characteristics, so in the layout to add a variety of modern elements, in order to reflect more simple and simple elements; Study design weakened flesh texture, but a lot of time contracted is not to mean simple, it is to be able to create in a lot of time instead extraordinary quality, the more contracted design can highlight a pure original truth instead.
卧室布置温馨,作为主人的私密的空间,主要以功能性和实用舒适为考虑重点,卧室采用无主灯,多用温馨柔软的成套布艺来装饰,同时在软装和用色上统一。无论是床头柜,还是依据空间定制的书柜、衣柜与陈列架,都极大地满足了收纳需求,强化功能并确保室内洁净有序。无主灯设计简化掉一切可能带来繁琐的元素,纱幔拂过飘窗,这里是情绪与视野的中转站,联结起四季窗景与宁谧静室。The bedroom decorates warmth, the illicit close space that serves as host, basically be considering key with functional sex and practical and comfortable, the bedroom uses to do not have advocate lamp, multi-purpose warm soft complete set cloth art will decorate, be in soft outfit and unify on color at the same time. Whether it is the bedside cabinet, or customized bookcases, wardrobes and display shelves according to the space, all greatly meet the storage needs, strengthen the function and ensure that the interior is clean and orderly. The design of no main light simplifies all the elements that may bring tedious, and the gauze curtain is swept over the bay window, which is the transfer station of mood and vision, connecting the four seasons window view and peaceful calm room.
宅门开启,得见开阔空间,清雅的配色温馨宜人,简化的线条让时尚加倍。粉色软装圆弧线条游走在沙发地毯中富了空间的呈现方式,暖色系地毯与衣柜遥相呼应,漾开一室的温柔涟漪。House door is opened, get to see open space, elegant match color is sweet and pleasant, simplified line lets vogue double. Line of circular arc of pink soft outfit walks in sofa carpet rich dimensional present means, warm color fastens carpet and wardrobe echo from a distance, overflow opens the gentle ripple of one room.
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