为了联盟 发表于 2022-3-30 12:11

乌克兰禁欲主义 | Maria Belousova

来自乌克兰的Maria Belousova是一位年轻的美女设计师,她善于以柔软纯粹的设计感赋予空间生活之美。本次两个案例,设计师用艺术的手法创造出两个高级而温暖的室内环境,将设计注入艺术的灵魂,空间气质得到高度升华。Maria Belousovafrom Ukraineis a young beauty designer, she is good at to gift the design feeling of the soft, pure space of the beauty of life. The two cases, the designer create two senior in art style and warm indoor environment, will inject the soul of art design, space temperament was highly sublimation.


这是Maria Belousova在基辅的最新项目,该项目的主要饰面材料:装饰石膏、木材、大理石、毛圈和丝绒面料——营造出一种舒适和温馨的温馨氛围。设计的目标是创造一个干净的空间,整个内饰是柔软的,带有舒适的装饰。客厅融合了古典主义元素,甚至是禁欲主义的,它被圆形的形状和自然的装饰所主导。This is Maria Belousova in Kiev's latest project, the project is mainly facing material: decorative plaster, wood, marble, terry and velvet fabrics, create a comfortable and warm atmosphere. Design goal is to create a clean space, the interior is soft, with a comfortable decorate. The sitting room is a blend of classical elements, even the asceticism, it is rounded shape and the adornment of the nature.

123123123wyl 发表于 2022-3-30 17:39


生当为人杰 发表于 2022-3-30 20:59


乳罩香飘飘 发表于 2022-3-31 08:58


雨屋景無人 发表于 2022-3-31 10:17


打豆豆988 发表于 2022-3-31 14:46


渲淡 发表于 2022-4-6 20:41

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hdmcity 发表于 2022-4-17 14:08


水巨留 发表于 2023-6-30 11:50

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