武汉品承设计 发表于 2022-6-6 15:08


本帖最后由 武汉品承设计 于 2022-6-6 15:13 编辑

项目名称 | 城 投 瀚 城 · 璞 岸
Project name | City investment city · Puan

项目面积| 约230m2
Area|   about 230m2
项目风格|现 代 简 约
Project style |modern simple
Gallerys |   Wuhan pincheng space design co. LTD

设计主材 |岩板、木作定制、墙板、进口家具


                                 ——Ksenia Bortsova

◾️Layout chart | 平面布置图

◾️Living&Dining Room | 客餐厅

从生活出发,让文化滋养成为生活里的一部分,以空间作为载体,呈现出居住艺术与人文感性的融合相遇,进入客厅便能感受到整体设计中温婉的氛围,颜值与触感融合,从日常中激发出生活的温度,在浅米色的暖调之下悠然散发出闲逸品格。Starting from the life, let the culture nourishes a part of life, with space as the carrier, present a live meet,inspired from the daily life of the temperature, under the warm tone of shallow cream-colored leisureliness sends out a character of leisure.

大面积的落地窗使用,完美的将窗外的美景照射进屋内。Poliform圣日耳曼经典沙发,打造了一个奢华的写意空间。客厅背景墙面结合柔光的岩板与金属的细节处理,构成的体块关系体现出空间的精致感,暖黄的灯光从中透出来,温润而又有质感,全景落地窗配置,阅瞰世界风景,灯具的设定是这个案子里软件搭配的一个重点,不仅提供单纯的照明,更是空间主题的呈现。A large area of French Windows perfectly illuminate the beautiful scenery outside the Poliform St. Germain classic sofa, creating a luxurious freehand space Sitting room background wall combination of soft rock and metal processing, this is a case in software provides not only a simple lighting, but also the present of space theme.

好的设计应当是有温度的,诗意应该无处不在。流畅的线条,柔和的灯光,简致的搭配,让屋主人沉浸在纯粹的学习与工作之中,宁静舒适。细腻而丰富的空间表达,仿佛在讲述一个故事,美好而耐人寻味。原本的出风口,被设计师巧妙地结合进空间吊顶和线性灯具的一体化设计中,建立了功能和美学之间的平衡之道。Good design should be warm, poetry should be everywhereAnd fluent line, downy lamplight, Jane to collocation, by designers cleverly combined with the linear ceiling into space and the integrated design of lamps and lanterns, establish the balance between the functional and aesthetic.

整个世界都值得温柔以待,来到开放式书房,个性的不锈钢金属架有很多女主人珍藏的时尚玩偶,所有明亮的、朝气的部分都跃然眼前,成就一方因爱而生的天地。Whole world is worth to be waited for gentleness, come to open mode study, the stainless steel metal of individual character wears the fashionable doll that has a lot of goodwife treasure, the part of all bright spark is leaped at the moment, achievement one party is unripe because of love world.

公共区域的设计语汇中,不乏简洁的线条、单纯的量体,其精研的尺度感,让日常生活尽显优雅,大平层的生活方式跃然眼前。由于过道是一条直线直通到底,为了避免单调,在边角做弧形处理,通过墙面的材质变化来使过道更加富有立体感。在充满人间烟火的暖意中,赋予生活更多情绪平衡与审美感受。In the public areas of the design language,daily life level layer lifestyle presented itself Because the corridor is a straight line through to the end, through metope material change to corridor more rich stereo feeling In the warmth of human fireworks, endows life with more emotional balance and aesthetic feeling.

设计则从每一个细节的打磨入手,构建当代都市生活的精神高地。“我们希望能打造不一样的空间体验效果”The design starts from the polishing of every detail to build the spiritual highland of contemporary urban life. We hope to create a different spatial experience effect.

“休闲阳台+客厅+西厨+餐厅+观景吧台”超大LDK联动整个动线,该空间使全家人的视野和活动范围得到开阔,可在公共区域共度家庭时光,回归家庭,共享天伦之乐。厨房西餐台打开了空间尺度感,划分出每个空间场域与氛围,将当地人文生活方式与家庭生活相结合,打造繁华都市中宁静优雅的品位之所。Leisure balcony + living room + western kitchen + restaurant + view bar large LDK linkage the whole moving line, share the happiness of the family Kitchen western table opened the sense of space scale,the local cultural lifestyle and family life in combination, to create a bustling city in the quiet and elegant grade.

真正的简洁,往往体现在功能与美学的完美契合上,餐厅的线性照明设置让设备带隐而不露,搭配曲线的光源呈现,“如同火光一样,给予用餐空间以温暖的感受”。The real simplicity is often reflected in the perfect combination of function and aesthetics. The linear lighting setting of the restaurant makes the equipment hidden, and the curving light source is presented, just like the fire, giving the dining space a warm feeling.
◾️Master bedroom | 主卧

步入主卧,映入眼帘的是B&B ltalia Beds的经典大床,利落的现代感铺面而来,设计对空间中的灯光进行了线条化引导,结合空间光影层次顶部线性灯光及床头靠背带来空间的延伸感,制造不同的光效变化打造空间层次感。主卧寝居,是安放劳顿心灵的安静之所。When stepping into the master bedroom, you will see B&B Ltalia Beds' classic large Beds . The design guides the linear lighting in the space,creating different light effects to create a sense of space layer The master bedroom is a quiet place for the weary mind.

主卧的整个空间造型简单,却又不失个格调。再细细品味下却有很多设计师别出心裁的生活小细节。柔软的寝具,随性的艺术照明,营造舒适慵懒的空间氛围,让卧室尽情展现亲和放松的一面。设计则从每一个细节的打磨入手,构建当代都市生活的精神高地。“我们希望能打造不一样的空间体验效果”Advocate lie the whole space modelling is simple, but do not break a style To savor the again but there are a lot of stylist elaborate the small details of life Soft bedding, along with the gender of the art lighting, to build the spirit of contemporary urban life We hope to create a different space experience.
◾️Kid Room |小孩房

儿童房采用baxtre的经典大床,柔软顺滑的触感,甜美活跃的色彩以及充满童趣的陈设,这是对孩子天性的尊重与回应。房间里淡雅素净的色泽,抱抱熊玩偶;简约温润的氛围,浪漫、精致;低饱和度的色调显得自然、真实,呈现出一种简约、慵懒的温馨感。Baxtre's classic children's bed, with its soft and smooth touch, sweet and lively colors and childlike furnishings, respects and responds to children's nature. Romantic and delicate; The tonal of low saturation appears natural true, present a kind of contracted languid lazy sweet feeling.

艺术品一样的儿童床,大方高级的暖色配色与温柔细腻的质感所构建出的时尚调性,带来不一样的俏皮气息,象征孩童纯洁无瑕的生命力,将艺术渗透进生活。软装透露着低调的品质感,静谧自然的氛围如一股清泉般缓缓地流淌其中。Art as children bed, generous senior warm color and the texture of tender constructed out of vogue tonal,the art into life Soft outfit disclosing the quality sense of low-key, quiet natural atmosphere, like a fresh spring flows slowly like them.


武汉品承空间设计有限公司是一家专业从事住宅平层、洋房别墅、高级会所、房产样板间的室内设计、装饰施工以及整体配饰陈设为一体的设计公司。将“品质是我们的承诺”作为设计理念,以专业的设计水平,独特的个人品味,诚恳的工作态度服务于追求高品质生活空间的客户群体。团队提供室内硬装设计、软装家具饰品整体设计等服务。选择品承,将艺术融入到生活 ,体验不一样的私宅定制。

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