杭州观堂设计 发表于 2022-6-6 17:40

十二糖法式甜品 | 杭州观堂设计

本帖最后由 杭州观堂设计 于 2022-6-6 17:50 编辑

继2017年的小白屋、2018年的玻璃盒子后,十二糖迎来了3.0版本 — 江南岸新店。相对于小白屋时期的摸索尝试、玻璃盒子的硬朗线条,新店更显柔美温暖。主理人小五说,十二糖这一路走来经历诸多,一步一步沉淀,自己的内心也开始慢慢变得柔软,新店里融入了这些年的感悟,希望一并带给十二糖的客人们。
After the small White House in 2017 and the glass box in 2018, Brix 12 Patisserie Studio (below refer as B12) ushered in version 3.0 – the new store in JNA ART Park. Compared with the groping and trying of the small White House period and the hard edge of the glass box, the new store is more soft and warm. The brand owner Ms. Xiao Wu said that B12 has experienced a lot along the way, step by step precipitation, her heart also began to slowly become soft, all these perception will be integrated into the new store, and bring to the guests.
▼外观,exterior view © 黑水

被挖掉一口的奶酪A bite of cheese
The space height of B12 is very ideal. We imagine the whole store as a piece of cheese, and excavate and carve it from the inside of the building with hollow out technique. The design is inspired by “a mouthful of cheese that has been dug out”.
▼室内空间概览,overview of interior space © 黑水

A sculptural staircase is designed at the core of the store, winding around and running up and down. The nearly 11-meter span makes the staircase more like an art installation and becomes the first visual focus when entering the store.
▼入口区域,the entrance © 黑水

弧线之美The beauty of the arc
十二糖的logo “B/12″源自西点甜度衡量指标 — 白利糖度 Brix。B/12代表最适宜的甜度12° Brix。从字母“B”中提取出半圆,结合“奶酪”的圆润弧线,与小五内心想表达的“柔软”不谋而合。于是,弧线成为新店的主旋律,从入口的隔墙、楼梯的平台,到用餐的桌椅、导角的吊顶,都如奶酪般游走在空间店铺里。
The LOGO “B/12” is derived from Brix, a measure of the sweetness of western pastry. B/12 represents the optimal sweetness of 12° Brix. The semicircle is extracted from the letter “B”, combined with the rounded arc of “cheese”, which coincides with the “softness” that Ms. Xiao Wu wants to express.Therefore, the arc becomes the main theme of the new store, from the partition wall of the entrance, the platform of the stairs, to the table and chair for dining, the ceiling of the guide corner, all walk in the space store like cheese.
▼从吧台区看向入口方向,view of the entrance from the bar area © 黑水

▼看向吧台区,view of the bar © 黑水

▼吧台区,bar area © 黑水

▼吧台局部,details of bar area © 黑水

低饱和度的白与红Low saturation of white and red
Corresponding, cheese color becomes the mass-tone attune of B12 space. Light and soft, we choose low saturation chanti cream and Aragon red to match, not only to harmonize the monochrome white body, but also to avoid the dazzling red, the two complement each other perfectly.
▼楼梯边的用餐区,dining area by the stairs © 黑水

▼楼梯通向二层,stairs leading to the second floor © 黑水

以材质对比显现空间质感Display space texture by material contrast
The texture of space is an indispensable part of the design, and we choose materials from nature to enhance the texture and memory. The natural weathered stone skin is used as the decorative surface of the display platform, forming a collision and contrast with the delicate inorganic terrazzo floor, latex paint wall and stainless steel.
▼楼梯上的视角,view on the stairs ©黑水

▼楼梯细部,details of stairs © 黑水

隐藏于二层的多变空间A variable space hidden in 2nd floor
Up to the second floor, the style changes slightly, it transforms into a simple and clear straight line. There is a hidden and changeable space that can be used for new product development, as well as a broadcast room, or perhaps a new dining venue. The line style is thus changed, more robust atmosphere, a symbol of keen insight and high acceptance of new things, but also let the overall rhythm of the space ups and downs.
▼二层视角,view on the second floor © 黑水

▼二层简洁明了的直线条,a simple and clear straight line © 黑水

▼从二层望向吧台,view of the bar from the second floor © 黑水

“漫游”双管荧光灯“Roaming” – the dual-tube fluorescent lamp
在11米超高挑空中,需要一款别致而夸张的灯具来搭配,我们选取了年轮公园(Zoring Park)出品的“漫游”双管荧光灯。这款灯具设计通过连接基础单元,可以实现自由组合与无限延展,进而体现空间的深邃。灯体形态受电影《2001太空漫游》发现者号飞行器启发,因而取名为“漫游”,意图激发受众对其排列组合及场景搭配的无穷探索。
In need of a chic and exaggerated light fixture, we chose the “Roaming” dual-tube fluorescent lamp from Zoring Park for the 11-metre high skylift. This lamp design can realize free combination and infinite extension by connecting basic units, thus reflecting the depth of space. The shape of the lamp was inspired by the film “2001: A Space Odyssey” discovery aircraft, so it was named “Roaming”, intended to stimulate the audience’s endless exploration of its arrangement and combination and scene collocation.
▼灯具细部,details © 黑水

光影会说话Light and Shadow will talk
Four seasons a year, 24 hours a day, the stars change, every moment of light and shadow is different. The breeze blows the gauze, watching the time move inch by inch, feeling the time walk a little bit, slowly calm down in the cheese like flowing space, dream and cure.
▼光影效果,details © 十二糖

▼墙体细部,details ©黑水

项目名称:十二糖法式甜品 · 江南岸店
装饰灯具:年轮公园 / Zoring Park
窗帘供应:宁波致品居 · 柔然软装
如您需要对接本项目设计师请联系室内设计联盟官方电话:15011229364 (同微信) 也可以在这里提交:我要设计

ysn 发表于 2022-6-8 16:09


lixuebing 发表于 2022-6-8 17:39


︶ㄣ_明_达、 发表于 2022-6-12 13:33


渲淡 发表于 2022-6-12 20:37

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