我们想要思考的是创造一个有意义的空间,使之与自然产生互动,人亦能于大自然中诗意栖居,美好的记忆与情感也得以传承下去。艳而清润,淡而弥永;规矩中见飘逸,⼯整中有潇洒;简约处不空泛,充实处⽆闭塞;有情有境,有韵有质,真⼒弥满,卓尔不群。妍丽中挟带着清奇,严谨中蕴含着灵⽓。What we want to think about is to create a meaningful space to interact with nature. People can also live poetically in nature, and beautiful memories and emotions can be inherited.The overall design will be gorgeous but refreshing, subtle but classic. Elegance exists in rules, freedom lies in order. There are rich meanings in the simplest while smooth expression roots in the contents. The space’s design gives contents, feelings and spirit. It seeks uniqueness to exert power of art.
您的效果图不能一天发两篇,之前给您提过建议哦,可容许一周发两篇, :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol 看着怪怪的 这是新手练习稿么 为了联盟 发表于 2022-6-7 18:11
好滴下次注意! aarsenal 发表于 2022-6-13 09:47
看着怪怪的 这是新手练习稿么
是落地项目:) 666666666 6666666666