室内空间的功能划分通过简单的空间有序排列形成多种可能性,各个⽅向⽆障碍的视觉体验让室内外产⽣⼀种平稳的过渡,⼀切都是那么的艺术、⾃然、和谐。为了划分出清晰的功能空间,设计师通过在空间中放置⼩型的橡⽊装置⽐拟凉亭,别出⼼裁,错落有致的排列让空间多了⼏分⽣⽓。鱼骨设计想要的是创造一个有意义的空间,使之与自然产生互动,人亦能于大自然中诗意栖居,美好的记忆与情感也得以传承下去。The single volume was divided into various functional sections through the simple and orderly arrangement. The barrier-free sight experience in all directions brings a balanced transition between inside and outside, apparently natural and harmonious. For the reason to partition distinct functional areas, the architect created several small-scale oak installations parallel to a pavilion and managed to utilize them in the planned layout. Indeed, it breaks a new ground of itself, and well-proportioned arrangement adds great vitality to the entire space.What the FISHBONE design wants is to create a meaningful space so that it can interact with nature, people can live poetically in nature, and beautiful memories and emotions can be passed on.