“在不可体验的地⽅我们创造了可体验的场所,这就是设计的最⼤价值,是设计给商业的价值”。此次设计采用现代⼿法演绎海边的托斯卡纳,而⾼品质商旅⼈⼠将“审美”列⼊选择酒店的原因中并以此作为⾃身品位的标签。⾃此,酒店与艺术、美学更密不可分了。"In places that cannot be experienced, we have created places that can be experienced. This is the most valuable value of design, which is the value of design to business". This design adopts modern methods to interpret Tuscany by the sea, while quality business travel lists "Aesthetics" among the reasons for choosing hotels and takes it as a label of personal taste. Therefore, hotels are more inseparable from art and aesthetics.