问和答空间设计 发表于 2022-10-13 10:44

Adiacent中国总部办公空间,上海 | 问和答空间设计

设计公司Quarta & Armando受城市规划原则启发, 借鉴 Adiacent的意大利传统,按着文艺复兴时期的理想城市,以和谐的视角和城市居民的自我组织为定义原则进行空间设计。
Q&A devised a spatial strategy inspired by principles of urban planning. Drawing from Adiacent’s Italian and specifically Florentine heritage, the resulting concept is that of a Renaissance ideal town, with harmonious perspective and the self-organization of city-dwellers as defining principles.
▼项目概览,Overview of the project ©Peter Dixie

Adiacent China长期以来专注于为国际知名时尚品牌落地中国提供战略、电商、市场到技术的全面支持。Adiacent China拥有一支跨文化的组织团队,团队成员具备深厚的中欧职业背景与从业经历。随着中国的数字空间正在蓬勃发展,像 Adiacent这样的公司在市场上的需求越来越大,自 2021年成立以来,其中国分公司在员工规模和业务复杂性方面经历了巨大的增长,需要新的方法来促进部门之间的协作、理顺流程,促进员工健康和积极的工作文化。
Adiacent is a company headquartered in Italy that helps navigate the complexities of digital business globally. For the design of their new China office,Q&A envisioned a space to support existing operational needs while proposing new strategies for the ever-evolving landscape of workplaces, and integrating sustainability and flexibility into an employee-centric approach. The Chinese digital space is burgeoning, and companies like Adiacent are increasingly in demand on the market. Since its establishment in 2021, its China branch experienced tremendous growth in employee size and business complexity, calling for new ways to facilitate collaboration between departments, rationalize processes and promote a healthy and positive workplace culture among its employees.
▼项目入口,Entrance ©Peter Dixie

以“道路”,组织空间 A geometric grid of“roads” to connect different functional areas
前面我们提到Q&A受城市规划原则启发对Adiacent china进行空间设计,道路系统对城市起着“骨架”的作用,一旦形成,往往不轻易改变。整个空间以道路的几何网格进行布局,由不同色调的抛光混凝土地板定义,连接不同部门会议、存储和娱乐等。
The main element organizing the space is a geometric grid of“roads”,defined underfoot by the different shades of the polished concrete flooring, connecting different departments or “quarters”with each other and key functional areas for meeting, storage and recreation.
▼共享办公区域的纵横步道,Crosswalk inco-working space ©Peter Dixie

▼灵活的办公空间可满足员工协作的需求,Flexible shared working space can meet the needs of employees to collaborate ©Peter Dixie

以“服务塔”,覆盖需求A metal-clad service tower to provide all you need
The resulting quarters are equipped with custom-sized desks that employees are encouraged to occupy flexibly according to the different collaboration needs required by each project. Each intersection between two roads is marked by a metal-clad service tower which reflects the natural lighting coming from the surrounding strip windows and is equipped with a coffee and tea station as well as storage for waste recycling.
▼交叉路口的金属服务塔, The metal-clad service tower at each intersection ©Peter Dixie

▼独立使用的工作区域,Partition for private working use ©Peter Dixie

以 “开放广场”,链接工作区A large open “piazza” to connect the working areas
Connected with the working area, a large open “piazza” is the place where formal and informal meetings take place. To facilitate encounters is a long wooden countertop and theater staircase custom-made from wood wool fiber and mounted on wheels that can be easily moved around for different purposes, from smaller internal presentations to larger events.
▼茶水空间设置的木质台面与吧台椅,Wooden countertop and bar chairs in pantry room ©Peter Dixie

▼从工作区域望向茶水空间,View from the working space to the pantry room ©Peter Dixie

▼可活动的剧院楼梯,Movable theatre staircase ©Peter Dixie

▼家具单元轴测图,Axonometric diagram of the furniture unit ©Quarta & Armando

▼平面图,Plan ©Quarta & Armando

Design: Quarta & ArmandoDesign team: Gianmaria Quarta, Michele Armando, Carlin Sun,Zhao ZhuoranClient: Adiacent ChinaLocation: Xiangyang Road 97. Shanghai (China)Built area: 450 sqmCompletion: July 2022Photographer: Peter Dixie / LOTAN (lo-tan.com)Lights designed by: Q&AChairs: SunonDesks & tables: Sunon


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查看完整版本: Adiacent中国总部办公空间,上海 | 问和答空间设计
