Zkstudio 发表于 2022-10-21 12:00

温润的极简主义美学 | Zeworkroom

Zeworkroom studio
Zeworkroom是来自莫斯科的一家经验丰富的建筑工作室,由三位创始人Sima、Lesha 和Sasha共同创办。工作室秉承设计即艺术的理念,不断追求细节的完美和居住的舒适感。ZE|Workroom希望每个项目都是个性的、令人难忘的。

Zeworkroom is an experienced architecture studio from Moscow, from the three founders Sima, Lesha and Sasha founded. Studio, adhering to the design concept of art, namely the pursuit to perfect details and live in comfort. ZE | Workroom hope the personality of each project is unforgettable.

| Renome |

温润的极简主义美学 | 莫斯科

Renome是Zeworkroom studio最新项目,位于莫斯科的一处高层公寓,面积仅有115平米的两居室,设计师赋予空间双重属性:都市感与度假感,通过极简主义手法,融合质朴的休闲度假元素,在都市中,打造隐逸自然的居所。
Renome is Zeworkroom studio latest project, located in a high-rise apartment in Moscow, only the two bedrooms of 115 square meters area, stylist gives dual attribute space: urban sense and holidays, through minimalist style, fusion of plain leisure elements, in the city, make it natural dwelling place.

Rounded lines, elegant modelling is a highlight this case, from hard outfit to originality unique custom furniture, all in the continuation of the design features, make the space has affinity with extremely comfortable.

Since project determine Zeworkroom studio is solely responsible for all the work of the contents, including the organization and supervision of the construction progress, coordinate all things related to the project, and carefully selected in accordance with customer requirements and is suitable for the display of their own aesthetic owner and hard outfit merchants cooperation, which makes their design is harmonious, giving customers the best living experience, in this project, also get cash withdrawals.

项目名称 │ Renome
坐落地点 │ 俄罗斯 莫斯科
项目面积 │ 115㎡
完成时间 │ 2022.7
设计机构 │ Zeworkroom studio

rrrrbbbb 发表于 2023-2-15 11:01

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