卡茨基尔可持续度假屋,纽约州 | Vipp
纽约州的卡茨基尔山区,拥有占地15540平方公里的山脉、河流、森林和草原,这里冒险与宁静并存,精致佳肴与家常美食、令人屏息的远景与横架在潺潺流水之上的雅致棚桥,无不令人感叹这片边境地区的壮美。城市居民被卡茨基尔所吸引,这里有更多自由空间,逃离城市的忙碌生活,在旷野中寻得一瞬宁静。The Catskill Mountains in upstate New York, just a few hours’ drive from New York City offers clear water in the summer, fall foliage in October and great skiing opportunities in the winter, so it is no surprise that New Yorkers have escaped to nature in the Catskills for decades.
▼项目概览,Overview ©Eric Petschek
Mount Tobias
曼哈顿夫妇 Maria和Todd与他们的两个女儿Inez和Luz住在下东区。他们在自己的公司IDS/R Architecture担任建筑师,该公司成立于2000年。10年来,一家四口一直在山上徒步旅行,荒野的宁静和与曼哈顿日常的喧嚣形成了对比。于是,他们决定在大自然中找到恢复精神能量的理想场所——在纽约卡茨基尔的托比亚斯山建造了梦想中的乡村家园。
The architect couple who run their own New York City firm, IdS/R Architecture, decided to build their own country retreat in New York’s Catskill Mountains after 10 years of travelling to the mountainous region to hike in the fresh air and unplug with their two teenage daughters, Inez and Luz. After 10 years of frequently hiking in the Catskill mountains, a Manhattan-based family of four found the perfect spot to refresh their spirits to the sound of nature.
▼项目所在地——卡茨基尔地区 ©Eric Petschek
The upstate New York’s popular vacation destination — the Catskills
Solar Energy
Modelled after a traditional longhouse layout, the ground floor has two bedrooms and two bathrooms at either end of the house, and a living room, dining area and open-plan kitchen.
▼外部覆盖落叶松板,Exterior covered with pine panel ©Eric Petschek
Since the house overlooks woodland, Ibañez de Sendadiano and Rouhe chose interior and exterior colours that blend with the outdoors, while they chose a grey rock-like quarry tile for the entire main floor.
▼客厅区域,Living room ©Eric Petschek
▼沙发区域,The sofa ©Eric Petschek
Great Kitchen
The couple wanted the kitchen to adapt to the spacious room, making sure to keep window views unobstructed and their search for such a kitchen led them to the freestanding Vipp V1 kitchen. The couple have designed and built their kitchen table of birch plywood and an anodized aluminum base themselves. The table stands next to a built-in pantry with drawers of unfinished birch ply and white doors.
▼用餐区,Dining area ©Eric Petschek
▼从客厅望向餐厨空间,View from living room to the kitchen area ©Eric Petschek
▼中岛区域,Kitchen island ©Eric Petschek
卧室采用落叶松木镶板,营造出现代主义小屋的感觉,VIPP工业壁灯保留金属最原始的形态,无任何流行性元素,成为小屋中久经不衰的经典之缀。通过楼梯进入,房子南端的阁楼配有Maria和Todd为该空间设计的橱柜级别桦木层沙发床。它们可以在来客人时随时拼接,以成为更大的床。对于Todd和 Maria来说,这座两层楼的长屋,就像一座童话般的小屋,坐落在树林中间。在初秋,依然能感受到大自然的木质和乡土间传递给我们的温暖。
Here, they built their very own two-story longhouse.And that is exactly what Maria Ibañez de Sendadiano and Todd Rouhe decided to do in 2018.
▼卧室区域,Bedroom ©Eric Petschek
▼阁楼空间,Attic ©Eric Petschek
▼项目夜景,Night view ©Eric Petschek
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan ©Vipp
▼阁楼层平面图, Floor plan of the attic ©Vipp
Project completed: 2018
Typology: Country retreat (passive house)
Size: 185 m2 / 2,000 sq. feet (two-story)
Location: Mount Tobias, Ulster County, New York
Photo credit: Eric Petschek
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