LEICHT德国劳斯橱柜深圳展厅 | 鹏和朋友们设计事务所
“厨房在当下住宅建筑中有什么样的地位?” What's the role of kitchen in contemporary residential buildings? 业主会认为厨房不仅是功能刚需,更应代表自己的鲜明个性,要颜值也要气质;建筑师认为厨房是表达建筑的重要语言,是空间动线的重要环节,是超越功能的最佳形式,如何用建筑思维去思考厨房设计,便是“建筑与厨房”的乐趣所在,这恰好也是LEICHT厨房设计的逻辑所在,近期开放的德国LEICHT劳斯橱柜位于深圳湾一号的旗舰展厅,既个性又严谨,可能是述说“建筑与厨房”完美的案列。
Homeowners would think that kitchen is an indispensable & functional area and it should combine aesthetics and distinctive character, while architects see kitchen as an important architectural language, a key part of spatial circulation, and a perfect form that go beyond functionality. Conceiving kitchen design from architectural perfective is the fun part of the "Architecture + Kitchen" concept, and has always been the design logic of LEICHT kitchen. Recently, LEICHT unveiled a flagship showroom in Shenzhen, situated at One Shenzhen Bay, China.This distinctive yet rigorous showroom is a perfect example for illustrating the relationship between architecture and kitchen.
——密斯·凡德罗(Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, 1886~1969)
"The eternal laws of architecture: Order, Space, Proportion."
— Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe, 1886~1969 LEICHT厨房在设计上极为严格的讲究逻辑和秩序,所有的设计都遵循LEICHT体系下强大的模数系统和组合规律,再通过德式精工和人体工学将设计产品化、功能化,而这也正是建筑设计的理念基石。
As conceiving the interiors of this showroom, Wang Peng, the chief designer, tried to trace the source of the logic and order of forms.
Back to 5th century B.C., Greekmathematician and philosopherPythagoras considered number as the essence of all things. The rules of the universe lie in mathematics, which is also the foundation of the essence of construction.
Renaissance (started from the 14th century) in Italy inherited architectural achievements of ancient Greece, consolidated the mathematical laws and geometric principles as the foundation of architecture, and gradually established aesthetic laws and paradigms of classical architecture.
This is a glorious history that spans 2,000 years or so.
Pantheon is a great architectural masterpiece of ancient Rome, with proportion as its key element. The dome has a diameter of 3.43m and a height of 43.43m, forming a perfect round shape.
Why endowing kitchen space with "inappropriate" scale and form “
Louis kahn gave a powerful answer to this question. He once visited the Baths of Caracalla in Rome – now just a ruin, but in Roman times swelling high above the visitors, and praised it a marvelous realization on the part of the Romans to build such a space, which goes beyond function. According to his view, we all know that we can bathe just as well under an eight-foot ceiling as we can under a hundred-foot ceiling, but there’s something about a hundred-foot ceiling that makes a man a different kind of man.
Super height is combined with arced ceiling that draws on ancient vaults, endowing kitchen activities with a solemn sense of ritual and making it look like a palace that is available to ordinary people.
Anti-arbitrary modules and axes provide the basis for measurement of the space. Classical aesthetics is embodied not only by form, but also by rules and proportions.
In the work of Carlo Scarpa 'Beauty' the first sense Art the first word then Wonder Then the inner realization of 'Form' The sense of the wholeness of inseparable elements Design consults Nature to give presence to the elements A work of art makes manifest the wholeness of the ‘Form’ a symphony of the selected shapes of the elements. In the elements the joint inspires ornament, its celebration The detail is the adoration of Nature. —— Louis Kahn
"PlATO Eye" is derived from abstract summary of nature. Arc, square and round are ideal forms that perfectly embody classical aesthetics.
以尺度、数学建立秩序。 Order is formed by scale and mathematics.
Quantity, scale and balance are stripped from the doctrine of aesthetics.
4. “美将来自美的形式和整体与局部的呼应、局部与局部之间的呼应以及局部再次与整体的呼应;这样,建筑就可以变成一个完美且完整的体,其中的每一个组成都与其他组成相协调,所有组成都是构成整体建筑的一部分。” ——文艺复兴时期伟大建筑师 帕拉第奥/ Palladio (1508-1580)
BEAUTY will result from the form and correspondence of the whole, with respect to the several parts, of the parts with regard to each other, and of these again to the whole; that the structure may appear an entire and compleat body, wherein each member agrees with the other, and all necessary to compose what you intend to form.—Andrea Palladio(1508-1580), great architect in Renaissance period
建筑大师勒·柯布西耶Le Corbusier,其唯一版权色系(LES COULEURS),应用在空间之中,与深暗木色构成低调而高级的建筑感。
Original Le Corbusier colours are utilized in the space, forming a low-profile yet upscale architectural sense together with the dark wood hue.
The white marble "sculpture" in the pile of waste stones is cut by a perfect arc, which endows it with classic spirit, just like the space. Parthenon was also formed by white marbles. “ARCHITECTURE + KITCHEN|
建筑与厨房 ”概念藉由LEICHT在德国及全球范围已持续十余年,意在分享全球顶尖的合作建筑师精彩案例,并每三年合集臻选案例集册,传递不断创新的设计思维。迄今,LEICHT ChinaOfficialTeam(官方微信:LEICHT-CHINA)正在筹备中国版“建筑与厨房”,寄希望越来越多国内的优秀建筑师与LEICHT的合作案例能够得到更好的分享。
LEICHT has been implementing the“ARCHITECTURE + KITCHEN”concept in Germany and worldwide for more than a decade, aiming to work with exceptional architects around the world and share their outstanding works. Every three years a portfolio of excellent cases is compiled to convey innovative design ideas. LEICHT China Official Team (WeChat Official Account: LEICHT-CHINA) is currently preparing for the Chinese version of "ARCHITECTURE + KITCHEN", hoping to collaborate with distinguished local designers to work out and share more outstanding projects.
项目名称 LEICHT德国劳斯橱柜(深圳)展厅
项目地点 中国深圳深圳湾一号南二区103
项目面积 150m2
完工时间 2020年 05月
总设计师 王鹏
设计单位 Peng & Partners/鹏和朋友们设计公司
Project name LEICHT Showroom (Shenzhen)
Location Room 103, South Zone, One Shenzhen Bay, Shenzhen, China
Project area 150m2
Completion time May 2020
Chief designer Wang Peng Design firm Peng & Partners
建筑之美、块体之美、结构之美、质感之美……以上合而为一就生出一种观感 —— 高级、精致、超脱之美。 666666666666666 1111111 6666666666666666