ArtPartner 发表于 2022-11-30 11:02

ArtPartner Architects | 极简的延续

本帖最后由 ArtPartner 于 2022-11-30 11:07 编辑


| 关于 | Art Partner Architects
ArtPartner Architects于2006年在基辅创立,他们是一个非常棒的团队,目前已有十几年的项目经验。相对于单一的北欧、工业或现代风,他们更喜欢将这些风格混合,使空间呈现出令人惊艳的混搭魅力。ArtPartner Architects希望通过设计让世界变得更美好,他们在每个项目中都深深烙下独有的风格与气质。 ArtPartner Architects in Kiev was founded in 2006, they are a great team, there are more than ten years of experience in project. Compared with the single Nordic, industrial or modernism, they prefer to mix these style, make the space presents amazing mix charm. ArtPartner Architects hope to make the world a better place by design, they are deeply seared in each project unique style and temperament

| House in Ronda |
山间的宁静与闲趣 | 乌克兰 · 基辅

无论是建筑外观,还是室内空间而言,House in Ronda住宅都体现出与自然的和谐性,山地住宅有着得天独厚的自然环境,大面积落地窗让建筑无限与外界对话,设计师将绿植作为住宅的自然背景,并将其引入到室内,从而模糊室内室外边界。

Both building exterior and interior space, the House in Ronda about residence is out of harmony with nature, mountain residence has the advantageous natural environment, the large French window that infinite dialogue with the outside world, building designers will green plant as the natural background of the House, and into the inside, so fuzzy indoor and outdoor border.

| Corseaux |
构筑轻柔与自然 | 乌克兰 · 基辅

ArtPartner Architects最新完成的另一处山间住宅项目,Corseaux以轻柔舒适为基调,浅色系原木与乳白色布艺沙发搭配,亲切质朴,整个家让人觉得放松,有着与自然共呼吸的感受。

ArtPartner Architects newly completed another mountain residential projects, Corseaux is fundamental key with soft comfortable, light color fastens log with ivory cloth art sofa collocation, cordial and plain, the whole house lets a person feel relaxed and has a feeling with natural breath.

透明白 发表于 2022-12-2 00:16


朱母 发表于 2022-12-4 19:43

富有文化感染力 超赞,期待你的更多大作! 值得学习

古耐 发表于 2022-12-9 10:15


渲淡 发表于 2022-12-9 19:01

富有文化感染力 超赞,期待你的更多大作

llzz888 发表于 2022-12-11 11:05


再见杨柳 发表于 2023-1-30 09:11


方案小白 发表于 2023-2-21 10:09


武威南 发表于 2023-3-9 10:15


zhg101057 发表于 2023-11-25 11:43

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