理想家园 | Manna Made
Manna Made是一家总部位于澳大利亚的室内设计工作室,成立于2016年。该工作室在行业内有着丰富的实践经验和专业知识,并对设计的工作充满了热情。他们专注于豪邸的改建、扩建和新建等业务,为客户提供多学科的设计服务,旨在为他们创造适宜的理想之家。
Manna Made is an Australia-based interior design studio founded in 2016. The studio has a wealth of practical experience and expertise in the industry, and is full of passion for the work of design. They specialize in the remodeling, expansion and construction of mansions and provide clients with multidisciplinary design services, aiming to create suitable ideal homes for them.
Blairgowrie住宅,是Manna Made设计事务所同事Dan Reilly夫妇为自己和家人共同设计建造的房子,他们计划将这里打造成为周末的度假胜地。于是,建筑既恰当地反映了沿海地区地理风貌的特色,同时又体现出这对夫妇无微不至的设计敏锐性。
The Blairgowrie House, designed and built by Manna Made colleagues Dan Reilly and his wife for themselves and their family, is intended to be a weekend getaway. The result is a building that reflects both the coastal geography and the couple's meticulous design acumen.
由于场地处于高风险的丛林火灾区,这为设计带来了一定的挑战。借助5米的斜坡和覆盖层来解决缺乏排水系统的问题,同时,由于下挖工作受到限制,因而突显出一系列关于布局和场地可使用面积的复杂性,这对设计师身份的Dani Reilly夫妇来说,是急需解决的问题。
As the site is located in a high-risk bushfire area, this presents certain challenges for the design. The lack of drainage was addressed with the help of a 5m ramp and overlay, while the limitations of the excavation work highlighted a series of complexities regarding the layout and the usable area of the site, which were urgently needed for the designers, Dani Reilly and his wife.
A series of cleverly arranged linear forms allow the ground floor to be hidden underground and open to the northwest, connecting with the surrounding landscape. In order to maximize the livability of the house, the studio began to explore interior Spaces that were different from the normal arrangement, attempting to create a house with multiple structures.
与此同时,Dan Reilly夫妇还选择了与房子周围树木相似的色调应用于室内,使其与周围了环境以及项目中的其它材料能够更好地匹配在一起,相互融合。
At the same time, the Reilly couple chose a palette that is similar to the trees around the house, allowing it to match and blend in with the surroundings and other materials used in the project.
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