FLOW瑜伽工作室 | NAN Arquitectos
本次项目创造了一个可以实现这一点的地方:舒适灵活的运动空间,同时也是一个温暖平静的冥想环境。It is said that yoga is the union of body and mind. Our job was to find a place where this was possible, creating a comfortable and flexible space to practice sports as well as a warm and calm environment for meditation.
▼项目入口,Entrance ©Iván Casal Nieto
The initial space was a blank canvas, a long and narrow floor that we decided to divide into three sections according to the agreed needs. The organizing element is a module located in the middle of the premises made up of exposed brick partitions that draw a broken path in the floor and give greater fluidity to the circulation space. This is where the services are located: toilets, changing rooms and the warehouse storage area.
▼从前厅望向街景,View from the front of the premise to the street ©Iván Casal Nieto
▼前厅内景,Arrangement of the front of the premises©Iván Casal Nieto
In turn, this element delimits the two main spaces, one used as a teahouse and reception at the front of the premises, and the other for the practice of yoga and located in the background. This way, it is possible to get a continuity since each area connects to the previous one and to the next in a natural way.
▼从环形座位区望向服务设施模块,View from the circular seating area to the module where the service facilities located ©Iván Casal Nieto
▼座位区,Seating area ©Iván Casal Nieto
With the aim of creating the desired environment, we use a series of materials and construction techniques that give warmth and simplicity to the space. That is why we decided to use the materials in their most natural state: wood, concrete with its imperfections, and brick combined with exposed installations and industrial-style taps. Thus, the essence of this place is focused on the nature itself and the peace that it transmits.
▼瑜伽教室内景,Arrangement of the yoga room ©Iván Casal Nieto
Through design we wanted to reflect the philosophy of yoga and the furniture plays a fundamental role here. For example, the continuous bar of the tearoom creates an environment of trust, and the shelves to store the material in the classroom contributes to create order and cleanliness. The connection with the sun is essential in the practice of yoga so we decided to use this symbolism in the shape and lighting of the mirrors located in the most important areas of the place.
▼从瑜伽教室内部望向器材存储区域,View from inside of the yoga room to the storage shelves ©Iván Casal Nieto
▼具有象征意义的镜子,The symbolism mirror ©Iván Casal Nieto
Lighting also plays a fundamental role in the project. In this sense, the objective was to enhance the entry of natural light with large windows, complementing it with artificial lighting, adapted to the different environments.
▼大窗户与人工照明相互协作以适应不同的环境 ©Iván Casal Nieto
The large windows complementing with artificial lighting to adapted the different environments
▼镜子近景,Detailed view of the mirror ©Iván Casal Nieto
In short, the project symbolizes a journey where, upon entering, the user leaves behind the fast pace of life and gradually connects with the space through body and mind.
▼室内材料近景,Detailed view of the interior materials ©Iván Casal Nieto
▼洗手间,Bathroom ©Iván Casal Nieto
Design: NAN Arquitectos (www.nanarquitectos.com)
Team: Alberto F. Reiriz, Vicente Pillado, Sofía Agulló
Area: 146 square metres
Photography: Iván Casal Nieto ( www.ivancasalnieto.com )
Project size:146 m2
Project Budget:EUR 150,000.00
Completion date:2021
Building levels:1
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