审思而知觉 | Hiroshi Nakamura
日本建筑师Hiroshi Nakamura(中村拓志),1974年出生于东京,于2002年他创立了Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP建筑事务所。他执着于新素材的探寻,并认为设计师的创新精神也许能塑造出新的造型,但却无法改变物质的原本属性。所以他不断探索建筑与人文的关系,去研究那些可以改变人类感情与思考方式的建筑形式。
Japanese architect Hiroshi Nakamura was born in 1974 in Tokyo. He founded Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Architects in 2002. He is obsessed with the exploration of new materials, and believes that the innovative spirit of designers may be able to create new shapes, but it cannot change the original properties of material. Therefore, he constantly explores the relationship between architecture and humanity, and studies the architectural forms that can change human feelings and ways of thinking.
Ueno Toshogu Shrine Juyosho
这是一个通往上野东照宫的走廊式的内部通道,也是一个以有着600多年历史的神树为中心的祈祷花园。Hiroshi Nakamura重新考虑将花园改造成一处圣地,用石料铺设,并以独特的路径设计通往神灵寺庙。在沿途的两座棚顶建筑中,一座是礼拜堂式的 "圣物福所",另一座是 "净心所",希望人们能过在参拜神树时使自己心灵平静。
It is a design of a corridor-type inner approach leading to the Ueno Toshogu shrine building and a prayer garden centered on a sacred tree that is over 600 years old. In planning, the architects reconsidered that improved the garden as a sanctuary with stone paving and a corridor-type approach to the shrine. Of the two shingled roof structures that are hung along the way, One is a chapel-style "sacred blessing house" and the other is a "heart purification house" where one can worship the sacred tree to purify one's peaceful mind.
The structural material of the roof is a large ginkgo tree, which has long protected the temple building as a fire protection tree in this place. The ginkgo arched roof forms an echo space surrounded by the leaves of the sacred tree and the chirping of birds. The straight edged eaves frame a landscape that has not changed since the Edo period. When one looks back, one can see that the stump of a large ginkgo tree has begun to sprout through a crack in the wall.
Care House
Care House是一个医疗类的综合性酒店项目,旨在为患有疑难杂症的儿童和旅行中受伤的游客提供相应的医疗服务,帮助他们恢复到正常状态。虽然建筑的二楼拥有绝佳的海景视野,但是客户希望像冲绳的典型建筑环境一样被树木所围绕,在这里,住客和工作人员可以避免外界的过多干扰,同时意识到彼此的存在。
Care House is a comprehensive medical hotel project, which aims to provide corresponding medical services for children suffering from incurable diseases and tourists injured during travel, and help them recover to normal state. Although the second floor of the building has excellent views of the sea, the client wanted to be surrounded by trees like the typical Okinawan built environment, where the residents and staff could avoid too much interference from the outside world while being aware of each other.
楼梯通常被认为是一种障碍,但Hiroshi Nakamura认为是一种积极的物质存在,可以引发人们的同情和过去、当下或者未来的回忆。他说:“无障碍设计保护他们的自由和尊严,但我们不能消除所有的障碍。”
Stairs are often considered an obstacle, but Hiroshi Nakamura sees them as a positive physical presence that can trigger empathy and memories of the past, present or future. "Accessible design protects their freedom and dignity, but we can't remove all barriers," he said.
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