精神的角落 | Oskar Kohnen Studio
Oskar Kohnen设计工作室由Oskar Kohnen于2011年创立,总部位于伦敦。他们主张以设计实践为核心目标,突破建筑和室内设计的传统界限,并寻求更多维的概念表达,使其探索出新的方向。
Founded by Oskar Kohnen in 2011 and based in London, Oskar Kohnen Studio is an interior architecture studio driven by design experimentation, seeking to push the traditional boundaries of architecture and interior design in new directions.
Through a multidisciplinary approach, including architecture, interior design and furniture design, the studio combines craft and theory to give a qualitative lift to everyday life. Their design attempts to conceptualize space in a way that rearranges every element of life and is reborn through aesthetic design concepts.
Oskar Kohnen工作室以创造有意义的设计为出发点,凭借严谨的思考和探究,使客户的愿望得以实现并与具体的环境、场地、空间相协调。尤其是在当下体验经济的时代,如何通过设计的方式打动业主成为工作室的主要思考之一。
Oskar Kohnen Studio takes the creation of meaningful design as the starting point, rigorous thinking and spatial exploration, so that the client's aspirations and spatial problems are in harmony. Especially in today's era of experience economy, how to design to touch the hearts of consumers has become a part of the studio's thinking.
The studio has long sought inspiration in its design practice, and for them, the best representation of the space is all embodied in the interior. Interior decoration lays the foundation for People's Daily life, and provides the equipment needed for life. On the basis of basic utility, through the concept, practice and delicate application, interior is so critical in every corner of daily life. They allow people to escape from outside life and have a corner to relax.
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