三橙立禾设计 发表于 2022-12-26 17:04

THE FRӒME品牌集合空间 | 三橙立禾空间设计

本帖最后由 三橙立禾设计 于 2022-12-26 17:05 编辑

THE FRӒME,坐落在杭州滨江区的长河古镇,由一座被遗弃的城中村自建房改造而来。纵跨三层的独栋建筑附带横向开敞的前后院,以英文名Frame意指的“框架”概念进行场景重构,既是三橙立禾设计团队的自用办公空间,也是家居品牌JESSY HEBER和咖啡品牌THE FRAME COFFEE的社交衍生载体。

THE FRӒME, located in Changhe Ancient Town in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, is transformed from a discarded self-built house in an urban village. Consisting of a three-floor building and two yards at the front and back, the project reimagines the scenarios on the site based on the concept of “Frame”. THE FRӒME is a multifunctional venue, accommodating a boutique furniture store of JESSY HEBER, a coffee bar named The Frame Coffee, and the office of design studio TRI-ORANGE DESIGN.

▼项目概览,overview of the project ©云眠摄影工作室


“We integrated our design experience in new retail, commercial exhibition, workspace and brand empowerment, hoping to create a venue that combines multiple operations and a home-like environment to convey a vision of trust,” chief designer Huang Chen explained.

▼外观概览,overview of the exterior ©云眠摄影工作室

Modern interpretation of traditional courtyards


▼基址原貌,the original site ©云眠摄影工作室

Changhe Ancient Town, where the project sits, is located on the south bank of Qiantang River and has a history of more than a thousand years that dates back to the Wu-Yue Period (907-978 AD). Urban villages in the ancient town, which emerged at the early years of rapid urbanization, are undergoing renovation in the context of urban regeneration. The ancient town is currently being renewed at all levels, which provides new opportunities for breeding new urban lifestyles that integrate daily life with humanistic ideals.

▼鸟瞰项目及其周边环境,bird eye view of the project and the surroundings©云眠摄影工作室


▼建筑结构分析图,structural analysis of the project ©三橙立禾空间设计

The building adjoins a community parking lot and a large public lawn on two sides, and forms a contrast of “rapid accessibility” and “slow life” with the expressway passing behind the site. The three-floor main building body connects with a one-story volume that unfolds towards the outdoors, forming two yards at the front and back. The flexible combination of openness and closedness extends the spatial realm, and the new architectural form shows a return to the spirit of traditional courtyards.

▼庭院概览,Overview of the garden ©云眠摄影工作室

▼庭院内的景观装置,landscape features in the garden ©云眠摄影工作室

“Frames” that blur the boundary


The design responds to the architectural and cultural context of the ancient town, and meanwhile defines the spirit of the place based on a narrative relevant to daily life. The Neo-Chinese-style screen at the entrance gate combines liuli (colored-glaze) components of traditional architecture with the form of classical hollowed-out windows, echoing the stainless-steel canopy above. The architectural volumes are defined by the geometric aesthetic of frames, and are enriched by artistic coating, marine-grade plywood and metallic textures.

▼建筑外观,the building exterior ©云眠摄影工作室


A former indoor area on the first floor is set back to turn into a veranda, which acts as a transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. The frame structures, with their edges being highlighted and reinforced, offer diverse framed views. The matrix of downlights on the ceiling, along with the prohibitive signs-inspired lighting fixtures on the walls, creates a welcoming vibe that evokes a sense of belonging.

▼建筑外观近景,close shot of the building exterior ©云眠摄影工作室

▼建筑入口近景,close shot of the building entrance ©云眠摄影工作室

An experiment on hybrid functions

根据一层至三层各不相同的功能属性与私密度要求,空间业态依次定位于咖啡社交场所THE FRAME COFFEE,兼顾家具买手店与商拍陈设的JESSY HEBER GALLERY,以及设计工作室TRI-ORANGE DESIGN,逐层递进紫、绿、橙的不同品牌色进行差异化主题的场景营造。

According to the functional attributes and privacy requirements, the first, second and third floors respectively accommodate THE FRAME COFFEE, which provides a social place over a cup of coffee, the JESSY HERBER GALLERY that functions as a boutique furniture store and a venue for commercial photography, and the studio of TRI-ORANGE DESIGN. Different brand colors including purple, green and orange are utilized to create varied scenes on distinct themes.

▼咖啡厅概览,overview of the cafe ©云眠摄影工作室


The design team delivered holistic solutions for the customized furniture, yard adornments and visual identity of the coffee bar. The “Ӓ” in the brand’s name represents AA-grade coffee beans. Nature and art together produce a random stage of “see and be seen”, where people become a part of the scene. Through pleasant, interactive experience, the coffee space offers young people in the city a welcoming destination to enjoy life and rest the mind.

▼可以开合的咖啡厅橱窗,the cafe window ©云眠摄影工作室

▼由橱窗看向室内,a view from the window to the cafe interior ©云眠摄影工作室

▼咖啡吧台近景,close shot of the cafe bar ©云眠摄影工作室

▼咖啡厅用餐空间,dining space of the cafe ©云眠摄影工作室

▼咖啡厅桌椅近景,close shot of the table and seatings in the cafe ©云眠摄影工作室


A staircase leads from the public first floor upwards to the JESSY HERBER GALLERY, which sells genuine furniture pieces from international brands and provides an elaborately designed setting for commercial photography (reservation required). Large areas of wood set the warm tone of the space, which is complemented by a fluorescent shade of green. The negotiation area features a round window opening and a movable white screen, which allows for playful integration between people and nature.

▼商拍空间,the JESSY HERBER GALLERY ©云眠摄影工作室

▼商拍空间玄关,the porch of JESSY HERBER GALLERY ©云眠摄影工作室

▼商拍空间等待区,recreational space at the JESSY HERBER GALLERY ©云眠摄影工作室

▼商拍空间近景,close shot of the JESSY HERBER GALLERY ©云眠摄影工作室


THE FRӒME是三橙立禾将咖啡、家具、设计相结合的一场先锋实验,意欲搭建激发多维度跨领域生活方式的一个平台载体,让具有自发传播的社交内容通过设计的介入连通为共生赋能的商业逻辑,也以一种影响力集结的协同效应建立激发创意的理想聚落。

For TRI-ORANGE DESIGN, THE FRӒME is an avant-garde experiment on the integration of coffee, furniture and design to create a lifestyle destination that combines multiple operations. Through design interventions, the project realizes a synergy between socializing and commercial operations, and creates a hub that inspires creativity.

▼建筑夜景,night view of the building ©云眠摄影工作室

▼庭院夜景,night view of the garden ©云眠摄影工作室

▼总平图,plan ©三橙立禾空间设计

▼入口立面图,elevation drawing of the entrance ©三橙立禾空间设计

▼建筑整体立面图,elevation drawing of the building ©三橙立禾空间设计

设计单位丨三橙立禾空间设计TRI-ORANGE DESIGN
施工单位丨INNERFIX 奕赋筑造

Project name: THE FRӒME
Location: Hangzhou, China
Area: 850 sqm
Chief designer: Huang Chen
Business planning: He Libin
Design team: Wang Haiyang, Qin Shuai
Design scope: architecture, interior
Completion time: Nov. 2022
Furnishings team: TRI-ORANGE DESIGN
VI design: Hangzhou Junhe Brand Management Co., Ltd.
Construction firm: INNERFIX
Lighting design: Hangzhou Licheng Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd.

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